Does Virginia Heffernan own:

A) An RBG mug or tote bag (that she bought when her New Yorker tote finally broke after a trip to the Park Slope Food Co-op);

B) A "Comey is my Homey" T-shirt or votive candle;

C) A "Fauci Ouchie" sticker or button;

D) All of the above.

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all of the above and a pride flag.

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Votive candle!

That one got me good. Bravo!

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I am still really enjoying the fact that this loser looks so much like Mad's Alfred E. Neuman. Mayor Pothole looks even more like a rocket surgeon than Alfred himself! Thanks for your research on such a thoroughly repellent person. Good article!

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I think they are just mocking us at this point.

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Fetterman in particular is a great example of that. They roll him out and basically say "we can do anything and you will like it."

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The worst type of "Secretary of Transportation" (or other minor cabinet appointment);

The one who's name you remember

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May 19, 2023Liked by Brad

Everyone knows Butt was Joe's pick because he was gay, like Kamala was Black, and the half Indian part didn't count. What is disturbing to me about Biden is that his party chose him to represent their "liberalism," a man who pushed wars that killed millions of Muslims, a man who said he was integrating schools, but no busing, and hung out with Robert Byrd, a KKK member, and called him a friend. Not that many years ago Joe said he was going to build the biggest wall ever, but now he's let millions in, many are even sleeping in fancy hotels in NY. He lied about his educational standing, and even stole other people's speeches. He said his wife was killed because her killer moved into her line of traffic, but no she moved into his. He did it to gain more sympathy not giving a shit about the man he wrongly accused of her death. He used his position to make himself lots of money on the side, and even used his son to do it. Who do you think he was going to hire to be secretary of transportation, other then someone who doesn't know where the hell he's suppose to go. It's surprising that he knows what job he holds. You expect too much.

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Biden "represents" them because he's an empty suit with no mind left of his own. He's the perfect puppet.

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Absolutely true, but I also know something of his political career before he lost so much intellectual capacity which was in short supply for him even when younger. He was always bankrupt morally. He doesn't care if the Butt does his job, or he doesn't. What about Pamela, and choosing her knowing if he died in office she would be the next president? Stealing long passages from the speeches of the Kennedy's like no one would notice? He is an empty puppet, and always has been and his puppet master is his total narcissism.

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May 19, 2023Liked by Brad

I hate to say it because I'm not Rand groupie but he so much reminds me of a character from Atlas Shrugged. Above it all, reveling in his own virtue while completely bungling everything he touches because he is far too superior to actually try to understand how things work. The assumption is that all this stuff just somehow works and the people who make it happen are technicians who are basically just making sure the machines are oiled. His job is to preside over this as a superior being and in doing so gives directives that cause chaos.

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Thank you for your sacrifice.

Transportation advocacy has gone complete off the rails, both literally and figuratively.


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Los Angeles would welcome Mayor Pete and his noble, innovative ideas with open arms


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Perhaps the best takedown of a man who needs a takedown I've ever read.

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He might want to give more than a sliver of that cathedral mind to his job, he's failing spectacularly.

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Butty is on a long train to nowhere, but they keep promoting the little shit anyway.

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Fantastic Work: I forwarded it to Twitter. Not only is the writing excellent, the inclusion of the perfect photos makes this a work of art.

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"...bloodshed” of Jan. 6th"

Bloodshed? What bloodshed? hat a bunch of malarkey!

PS--when you have to tell people how masculine you are..

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If Virginia keeps practicing "journalistic fellatio" like this, are we allowed to accuse her of appropriating Mayor Pete's victimhood status?

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May 23, 2023Liked by Brad

Kinda reminds me of a gay Michael Dukakis....would be interesting to see him posed on an Abrams tank with military helmet and all like Dukakis

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Mayor Pete was a McKinsey consultant, an exclusive brand of Mensa members, so I sent a nominal donation, assuming he was too smart to fall for the party-line bullshit. Nope.

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