Exactly. For a progressive, criticism of the system is their stock and trade. They cannot admit to progress because then, what would they do... how would they derive enough life-meaning?

If you think about our system of free speech to protest against the policies of government, the game was supposed to be one where you agitate for cause and then go back to your normal life making shoes for shoe-needing customers.

What we have now is an industry of activism. There is a great conflict of interest there in that the activists that work in that industry require the problems they agitate against to continue.

They will also just shift the goalposts. Hunger is materially solved in the US. Those going hungry are generally just incapable of accessing the copious benefits, both public and private, that are available to them. Now, instead of hunger, the activists have shifted to "food insecurity" and "food desserts" and "lack of healthy food choices".

They will never stop because they need to make a living.

I think we need to consider that 401 c 3 corporations require some compensation limits. Take Feeding America. It is a 501 c 3. Now it does pretty well giving away most of what it takes in. But it's CEO Claire BabineauxFontenot is being paid over $1 million per year in compensation. Do you think Mrs. Claire BabineauxFontenot welcomes a day when there is no need for her organization? Is she motivated to work toward solving the problem with client self-sufficiency, or is she motivated to expand her operation?

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If you believe that hunger is materially solved in the USA, please come & visit any of the Rural King stores located in Appalachia. You will see far too many thin & hungry people & families buying tins of whatever is cheap to share that night for supper. The churches around here are continually trying to feed all the hungry people here. While you will see many fat people in Appalachia, these are the people who have a job, or several. Go to a Good Will or Karm store & you will see people whose skin is tight on their bones & with bad teeth or few teeth because of living malnourished. This is not a food desert or food insecurity, this is hunger because food costs more money than they have. They don’t have access to to charities like Food America, because that’s too far away. Poor people away from cities often don’t have access to all sorts of charities & other social benefits simply because they are not available in the rural areas, except for the occasional photo op for media distribution. Occasional doesn’t feed always hungry. Good post otherwise - thank you.

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Couple weeks old post here, but it's new to me.

"They don’t have access to to charities like Food America, because that’s too far away. Poor people away from cities often don’t have access to all sorts of charities & other social benefits simply because they are not available in the rural areas, except for the occasional photo op for media distribution."

But as Frank Lee wrote:

"Those going hungry are generally just incapable of accessing the copious benefits, both public and private, that are available to them."

It seems to describe the issue in Appalachia you describe quite well.

It also goes without saying that when the progressives talk about the hungry, they mean inner city urban people pretty much exclusively.

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A lot of charities seem to be most charitable to their executives, not just with salaries but also fringe benefits like lavish travel etc..This often goes hand in hand with having an unpaid army of "volunteers", often with promises that they might get a seat on the gravy train. I make it a point not to donate to any organization where the CEO makes more money than I do.

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Progressives have as a foundation the Marxist view of perpetual revolution.

Therefore, for a Progressive, whatever is, is wrong.

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Along with "the magnificent interstellar void of their craniums" is a yawning lack of appreciation and gratitude for the hard won freedoms and abundance in the West, empathy and tolerance of diverse opinions and beliefs, and a mindful awareness that life is still a wondrous experience, in spite of human imperfection.

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This description of how dissent is being silenced through public shaming is so well put: "Because progress in this paradigm is framed as a consummate good, intolerance of opponents — anyone who’s not on board with “the movement” — is warranted. On all things trans-rights and whether or not it’s appropriate to teach minors about gender fluidity, for example, there’s only one acceptable position: Full approval, or else. If Becky Sue down the street doesn’t want her daughter sharing a locker room with a biological male, that’s because she’s a Literal Fascist™, an atavistic troglodyte who must either submit to the Good Side™ or run the risk of ostracization, loss of employment, and public pillorying at the hands of the digital mob."

Freedom of speech is under direct assault by the woke mob, and all the guns in the world won't stop totalitarianism if we lose it. That's why it's the *First* Ammendment! When you see conservatives like Moms for Liberty now labeled far right Nazi hate groups, alarm bells should be going off. That will be the justification not only for cancelation, but also censorship, fines and even imprisonment for dissent from the party line.

So true that progressivism feeds on new (or newly invented) outrages, but they are steadily keeping their eyes on the prize of wealth redistribution, softening up the naive by calling it other things like loan forgiveness, reparations and land back. The Supreme Court illegitimate because you don't agree? Saying women are adult human females is hate speech? The entitled managerial class has used this progressive mind warp to consolidate influence and power and is coming fast for the Constitution. Thanks for the eloquence and insights, Brad.

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Top notch Brad!

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Interesting post, especially the idea that negativity is built into the progressive worldview.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Brad

Some interesting and thought provoking psychology. I’ve definitely noticed old people who watch a lot of news usually seem very cynical. I better stop reading news so I don’t turn into one of them. But...it only happens to other people...not to meee!

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Dang good, M. Brad. Just sayin'.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Brad

Well done, dead on! I've noticed that so many issues and occurrences will ultimately lead back to discussion of the media. The Media Monster is sorta like this mythological Greek Argus/Medusa chimeric creature. Eyes everywhere at all times. If you look, you will be transformed.

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Jul 8, 2023Liked by Brad

The progressive worldview is a constant battle against reality (men can become women, we can change the climate, we can lockdown society with no repercussions, etc, etc). They are fighting a losing battle, and doubling down the effort with every inevitable defeat.

Of course they wallow in negativity and depression. It’s frustrating and exhausting to fight reality; reality will always win.

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Makes some sense. Have you ever met anyone as miserable as a Lefty? They also want you to be miserable; preferable MORE miserable than they are. Thanks for this article - it reminded me that pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. So I'm choosing the option to not suffer!! Friday pizza is another reason not to suffer!! Time to stop letting politics turn everything into a down-fest.

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This was picked second on today's RealClearPolitics,


but today's Euphoric Recall provides a deeper perspective.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Brad

To put it simply, progressivism is a grift. All of the politicians and NGOs working to "solve" homelessness are grifters, and have no real desire to help the homeless or end homelessness. Because if they solved it, there goes their status and most important, their lucrative jobs.

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I respectfully disagree. What you’re describing is common to all, although more prominent among progressives.

1. History began around the time I became aware of the world around me.

2. My worldview is universal.

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