This is fantastic Brad. Bravo. For my archives.

"organized manipulation on a large scale"

I like the term "Regime". I have been using "establishment" for shorthand, or the "Wall Street-backed, elite, moneyed, managerial and administrative class pushing their US-destructive globalist agenda."

It seems to me that the pandemic was part of this organized manipulation on a large scale. Think of all those Wall Street globalist bets that would be lost if Trump was able to secure a second term along with a GOP legislature... and do his America First agenda. Trillions were at stake. Brexit happened and then Trump and the globalist cabal, with the American Regime, had to do something drastic. China was pissed about Trump stopping their industrial looting of the US, and they had the Hong Kong protests to deal with. I cannot accept that the global pandemic was just a fortuitous benefit for the Democrats to then file all those lawsuits and launch their mail in ballot fraud effort. No, no... fate does not work that way.

And the other thing missing here is the Twitter Files and the Facebook files. Again no accountability for the clear constitutional law breaking of government strong-arming and in some cases colluding with media and tech to silence and destroy Democrat political opposition in the name of THE GLOBAL PANDEMIC!!!

2016 was the anti-regime election. 2020 would have been the same if not for the dirty tricks of the regime. 2024 should get us back to the anti-regime election... assuming that the Democrats don't get to cheat again.

That is my final question and appeal for your great writing... what has been done since the 2020 election to get us back to a trustworthy election process?

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Mar 8Author

I'm really worried about the 2024 election. These people are so consumed by a festering hatred of Trump, so convinced that he really is going to be a dictator if he wins (despite the fact that we already had 4 years of him as president in which he was anything but a dictator), that getting rid of him by almost any means seems not only appropriate to them, but even morally heroic. "Democracy is on the ballot" = the ends justify the means. Do we really think these people won't cheat to stop Trump from getting a second term?

Democracy depends on widely internalized acceptance of the legitimacy of rules, norms, and institutions. But when people lose trust and faith in elections, every election becomes a life-and-death struggle to save the country from the other side.

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I'm worried about that as well. I get the feeling that neither side really wants a trustworthy election process because both sides engage in election "denial" when they lose.

These days it would be trivial to give people at least a receipt when they vote so they can check online that their vote was counted and counted correctly. In Germany it was only uncovered that the election was incorrect in Berlin because a few members of a very tiny party noticed that their votes weren't counted (10 party members in the district voting for their own party but less than 3 votes counted for it). No telling how often this happens for the big parties. Elections should be 100% auditable.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8Liked by Brad

Exactly Brad...they think he's amoral...therefore it is their moral obligation to stop him.

That's why they are trying to demoralize us.

Their propaganda has one goal in mind:

To make one group of humans forget another are human...hence all the labels.

In ain't gonna be pretty.

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All of these are excuses. They want to get rid of him because of what they think he might do to the Deep State. The means include mocking him and his supporters, call him a dictator when the know the opposite is the truth, and make those who they can propagandize think nothing but "orange man bad," using lies to create fear. Those are the immoral means to the end--a totalitarian state.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

I agree...but that's what all these machinations are about.

I'm talking about the people on the ground. Have you talked to a progressive lately?

I stand by my statement.

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Once Trump won, the malfeasance from that point on was done to cover up the previous malfeasance.

And now that they have the wolf by the ear, they dare not let it go.

So it will be malfeasance upon malfeasance from now until this corrupt cabal shuffles off this mortal coil, or is vanquished.

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Mar 8Liked by Brad

I feel like this has been gradually escalating since the beginning of the century with the losing side upping the ante in each subsequent election.

The Democrats first did this in the closely contested Bush/Gore election in 2000, demanding recount after recount and initially refusing to recognize the legitimacy of Bush's victory.

Not to be outdone, after the 2008 election, the Republicans resorted to pushing the birtherism narrative, claiming that Obama was a Kenyan and demanding that he "show us his birth certificate."

After Trump's victory in 2016, the Democrats subsequently refused to acknowledge his legitimacy, screaming from the rooftops that he's "not my president" and encouraging everyone to #resist. This then escalated to the Russiagate farce, the "pee tape", and a toothless, theatrical impeachment hearing.

Finally, in 2020, as you have laid out in exquisite detail, the stage was set for claims of foul play, rioting, and further loss of trust in our election process regardless of which side won, though this was heavily slanted in favor of Biden and the Dems, resulting in a wave of futile lawsuits and culminating in the events of 1/6.

The point is that this has been incrementally building since well before Trump came down that escalator. He was simply the catalyst that accelerated it. I truly do worry about what 2024 is going to hold, as something has to give, and it has become increasingly clear that 50% of the country is likely to refuse to accept the election results regardless of the outcome. The idea that "democracy is on the ballot" is utter nonsense because, as you point out, democracy ceases to exist when neither side will recognize the other's right to rule.

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Hillary generated the birtherism movement against Obama first!

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Excellent comment.

Nothing is the answer. Same thing with all those local masks mandates, etc.

They'll sit there forever. That's long-ball...and planned.

I blame Republicans more than the Left for both.

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Yeah. Republicans have been feckless. They got fat dumb and lazy... allowing the merger of radicals and corporatists to the Democrats without a fight.

Without Trump, the GOP owns zero constituent groups except a small group of themselves.

If the elections are not a mail-in ballot harvesting party, it seems to me that the GOP with Trump will prevail, but aided not by any Trump-supporting GOP message... it will be only because the Biden Democrats are terrible.

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Mar 8Liked by Brad

It's almost as if c19 were bioengineered to remove Trump from office.....

And yes, if he would've won, every town over 50k would've been Chernobyl "adjacent".

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Awfully convenient for a lot of folks. China, where the virus supposedly originated, wanted Trump gone, because Trump's tariff policy was forcing them to make unwanted trade concessions. The deep state wanted him gone because they had committed criminal acts which President Hillary was sure to overlook, but Trump, held at bay by Mueller for so long, was eventually going to spill the beans. The Chamber of Commerce-type Republicans wanted Trump gone because he had exposed their "free trade" deals to be nothing of the sort, and had turned the country against them. And of course, the Democrats wanted Trump gone, because he was blocking the open borders by which they would execute their Great Replacement of the legacy (white) population with one more comfortable with graft.

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Um hmmm.

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I have to admit a sense of relief when it was announced Biden won. I knew what they were capable of if they lost. Now my opinion is let it burn

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It might have to. I'm prepared

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I really do not want it to happen but they seem determined. they really hate a fairly large swath of the country. this will not be good. these things never are but the alternative is that we live with their foot on our necks.

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Mar 8Liked by Brad

One other item that cemented my belief that there was fraud in 2020: the Democrat lawsuit to prevent a forensic audit in Maricopa County. If they believed that there was no fraud, why would they try to prevent an action that would prove their claim?

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Exactly! They had to cover up their cheats.

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Too many outages, plumbing emergencies, and strange occurrences.

COVID EXEMPTIONS for postal employees.

Come on!

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Mar 8Liked by Brad

If Dems are better at ballot stuffing, then Pubs have two choices: Get better at ballot stuffing yourselves, or get used to losing. And, no, this does not mean I endorse ballot stuffing. Vote early, vote often!

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Would you be willing to remove paywall on this one if there is one? I wouldn't know because I'm subscribed, but this lays out exactly my problems with the election and I want to share this with as many people as possible. I really wish I was big enough to get Musk to share this, but I'm not. That's what infuriates me about the questions they ask in polls. Do you think the election was stolen? Yes. Oh, you are an election denier. I am, but not for the simple reasons they want to use. There's a plethora of things to choose from in my opinion. It never made sense to me in GA how Kemp could win while Walker lost in 22, either. All those people decided to ONLY vote for Governor and nothing else? Give me a break.

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Mar 8Author

It's not paywalled - thank you for sharing, I agree!

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Mar 8Liked by Brad

Who would have ever thought of providing 19 inch ballots for Republican precincts in Arizona in 2022 when the machines would only accept 20 inch paper? These people are brilliantly evil. Republicans? They stand around looking at the situation like a chicken watching a magic trick.

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Actually it was 20 inch paper for a 19 inch counting machine.

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Well done! Ty, sharing!

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Mar 27Liked by Brad

Excellent article, best I have seen, on the fraud election of 2020. The bellwether counties and precincts that the media reliably uses every election, that historically are so dependable, suddenly are not just unreliable, but 180 degrees wrong. Mailing out ballots to every registered voter is a tactic so stupid, so lacking in election integrity, that it is indefensible. Combine that with eliminating all reasonable signature verification and it all makes sense. We, the people need to fix all of this very fast.

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Mar 9Liked by Brad

Remarkable piece of journalism. Superb. Reminded me of a commentary by the historian Darryl Cooper on the same topic. Worth checking out if you’re not familiar with it. See link below - Tucker Carlson discussed Coopers commentary.

Thanks for your wonderful work Brad.


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THIS, THIS, THIS ALL DAY!!!!! THANK YOU!!! I've been planning on writing a Substack on Election 2020 malfeasances, as well as shining a light on more recent ones. However, I get so bogged down with all the information that I have that I end up having trouble assembling it all in my mind and laying it out in a cohesive manner. You practically did the work for me. : ) I can still add my material, but this is such a wonderful, wildly comprehensive jumping off point. Fantastic and impressive bit of journalism on your part!

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Mar 8Liked by Brad

I had an interesting discussion with a liberal friend of mine (an immigrant from Germany) about the 2020 election. He was insistent that in-person voting was "voting suppression" until I reminded him that Germany requires in-person voting (as does Canada and most of Western Europe).

He dropped that thread after that.

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Pelosi and Company stole the 2020 election by destroying the vote audit trail. The biggest single lie told was that Mail-out ballots were just like absentee ballots. They were decidedly different. The absentee ballot begins with a request for a ballot signed by the voter. The Mail-out begins with a voter roll that has not been updated; at least 15-20% of the electorate moves between Presidential elections, and at least five percent have addresses that are playgrounds or under waiter. Then the issue of purging the rolls. Democrats don't comply with the law. That's how Broward County, FL, managed the miracle of having the most centenarians in the county, plus the most by population. And many of them have voted faithfully every four years, even those over 120 years of age.

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