The amazingly stupid thing is that these people don't understand where this road leads. Even if this particular person weren't a creep, this is an open-door policy for creeps everywhere. It will be the women's prison debacle all over again, but much much much much worse.

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I had my first brush with "Social Justice" decades ago where I witnessed the introduction of the Trojan Horse called "Theory" into the Humanities, and then sort of kept an eye on it as it marched from victory to victory. It was obvious even in the prior century that the skeleton key that allowed Social Justice to open every door was the Bigotry Accusation, which was expertly crafted and honed to make just about any opponent quiver with guilt and shame until they surrendered or were defeated.

And the reason why the Bigotry Accusation has become the ultimate superweapon is because it is always aimed straight at the guilty heart of the Christian European, who (as we can see) would rather shower with and make breakfast for a rapist than make him cry or feel less-than. Social Justice has more or less hacked into the psyches of the Christian European, and our societies seem frozen in Act 5 of Macbeth, yelling "Out, damned spot!" in the hope that if we just give our enemies what they want (including our suicide) they will stop afflicting our guilty consciences.

But there is no end point in sight and what Social Justice is and what it wants becomes clearer every day: an Egalitarian steamroller where all differences are inherently evil, and the distinctions bw man/woman adult/child student/teacher cretin/genius fact/fiction rapist/lover citizen/foreigner etc are razed and replaced with a dreary Animal Farm world where we're all members of the same herd, kept in line by a commissar with a cattle prod.

The one thing I didn't foresee was the global corporate state patenting the cattle prod, wielding it in every jurisdiction, passing one out to every member of their team and encouraging them to zap anyone who gets in their way, even Wyoming sorority girls.

The rest of this decade will only get uglier, as Social Justice Inc has every intention of locking in a 1000-yr reign. Let's see if any Americans wake up and fight back...

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I continue to ask myself this question... do women, in general, deserve this damage to their gender identity and rights? When I suggest this I get jumped on by others that the woke rot permeating campuses and hence society in general is the work of radicals and not women in general. However, I don't see much counter by organized women. There is some, but not enough to convince me that the movement to normalize biological males within the women's sports, bathrooms and sororities isn't broadly supported by women in general. It almost seems like a mass psychosis societal mutilation... like the urge is to cut one's arms, but instead let's join a mass movement to mutilate our gender identity. Just think about this... supporting biological men being welcomed... even encouraged... to participate in what are exclusive female institutions. What sane female mind would not be able to see the negative sides of that? I cannot come up with any rational explanation other than females, in general, have gone mad.

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Women are much more sensitive than men to social pressures, especially those based on traditional maternal/family concerns like compassion, empathy, sensitivity, fairness etc.

And then you have to add in the enormous social pressure applied to anyone not explicitly conservative: every TV show, sports channel, celeb, ad, corporation etc (basically every mass megaphone) is blasting out the same message: "Trans women" are identical to real women (except better because they suffer more) and the proper response to them is unlimited compassion, with anything less making you a heartless Deplorable bigot.

The combination of social pressure, intense moralizing and moral policing, plus the pretty much veiled threat behind all this—validate the Trans or be banished from polite society—makes it almost impossible for the average young woman to fight back.

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Men don't do a great job of fighting back either. They constitute a large majority of our military and didn't they march to the tune of all the lying wars in the 21st century.

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but if they refused orders during war they were taken out and shot!

the ultimate cancellation ;)

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I have relatives, many now dead from the Vietnam era who managed to get out of going to Vietnam, and they said they didn't want go because it was a lie of war that we would never win. They weren't shot. Think about how they did away with the draft after that. Now you sign up to be in the military, not drafted into it. They also prey on people who have fewer choices then those who can go to fancy schools, and even wind up with a president, and I use that term lightly, who wants to pay off their debts.

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correct - there is a social factor too which is women are more likely to be agreeable. This means they are more likely to accept the "concensus" despite their qualms. Current social science might disagree but current social science is a dogmatic rats maze filled with contradictions. Also, both of my current and former wife certainly fall into this description. (If fact i got some of the info on this from her.)

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Why are you making such a claim since there is no evidence to substantiate it? Most of these very young women I'm sure are not happy with this situation but feel helpless to change it, since those in charge give them no choice, and their country is also supporting these agendas. Those who push these agendas come across like the gestapo. In other words you have no say in this matter and we make and determine what the rules are, and your only choice should you object to our decision is leave and lose your money. Don't forget these are also young women, college women. Seems the young are being indoctrinated with authoritarian rules and trained to accept them. What about our society in general, doesn't this BS play out when the mainstream media in general has lost all objectivity, and you can go after a former president with one false charge after another to try and make sure he doesn't have a chance in 2024, and don't a whole lot of females and MALES sit back and applaud? Didn't men and women sit back and accept the lies of our many wars in the Middle East, with only a few who stood up against them. Didn't a party sell the lie of Russia-gate with no consequences? Maybe you have even fallen into their trap of divide and conquer.

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Mine isn’t so much a claim but a question. It just does not make sense. You claim that most are not happy with it and feel helpless to change it, but then that does not compute when millions of women marched in the “we will resist” protests against the previous duly elected POTUS. I think Clever P. Above did hit on the tendency for women to be very sensitive to group social pressures. This is science… women tend to be more agreeable and social, men more disagreeable and independent. But this goes beyond that… all the work done in the name of women’s rights being trashed. There should be a counter fire-storm of social pressure to protest against that given the implications… but there is a very weak response today. My suspicion is that women in general, although they are possibly not a fan of the details of the woke movement, are supportive it because it seems like more woman power.

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I wish I saw this before I wrote my comment. you nailed it, much better than i did too.

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but I will say intimidation is a factor. + 95% of all violence comes from men. so adding a bunch of unhinged men into women's spaces if going amp up the fear factor and what we have seen in the COVID years is fear is the most effective emotion for making people do what you want.

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I think we are living in a US that has gone mad, and people, men and women, don't have the nerve to step up and say screw you and your crazy woke ideas. In terms of what's going on you can't simply point a finger at women and say they are more vulnerable to this BS, more willing to go with the flow. I've heard plenty of crazy talk from men. Listen to MSNBC, or CNN and see how many crazy men are around that soak up and push this BS and no doubt many believe it.

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I hear you, but to deny that this primarily an educated woman problem, in general, I think defeats the effort to combat it. The numbers are clear. Yes there are males with they same infection of the parasitic mind virus we label as woke, but they are bit players and lackeys.

Can’t you see the connection here? As a woman you are defensive of the claim that this is a women’s issue. It is a 3rd wave postmodernist feminist-driven movement. I am sure you are itching to label me a misogynist. That is the weapon the woke have launched against men and it is effective as the woke dominate the media and can destroy a career and life of anyone with that claim and also the racist claim. So, it is other women that are going to need to step up. And minorities are also going to need to step up. The feminists have succeeded in weakening the ability of men, especially white men, to fight the fight head on. We can offer ground support but only after there is a concerted effort from other women.

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College women, in theory, have brains. Women in sororities have money. If they are uncomfortable having the pervert in their home, I can think of dozens of ways to get rid of the pest (itching powder or bedbugs and a pail of water tossed onto him as he sleeps would be fun). Yes, they are being indoctrinated and programmed to imagine they have no value. Yet, if any of these babes has an ounce of integrity, she should abandon Voyeur House and seek other housing. Better yet, she should find a better college.

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I don't disagree. I wouldn't stay there, but I think they do lose their money which many may not be able to do. I hope there is payback for this kind of authoritarian rule.

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I would rewrite your comment to say, "...I think they do lose their money which many may choose not to do." I suspect that most (if not all) members of fraternities and sororities choose to live in party houses because their parents have enough excess income to warrant extending their offsprings' childhoods.

We are finally seeing women athletes who dare stand up to the infinitely small number of influencers that are ruining Western civilization. I question whether Kappa Kappa Gamma will be willing to give up their power.

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I think a big part of college brainwashing is that some authority figure should take care of the problem instead. Women especially seem to be constantly trained to have no agency and somehow being the victim is preferable to fighting back. This of course allows the predators to often operate for a long time with impunity.

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My father was an SOB to put it kindly, but trust me I fought back. A lot of women have learned to overcome the adversities in their life and don't allow themselves to be victimized. The culture in general cultivated that as well. What's going on now in terms of the democrats who have adopted an authoritarian stance and others have adopted as well is something that needs to be addressed since it will ultimately affect everyone.

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nothing i said was in any way derogatory or meant to be, and i think it's pretty well accepted that women tend to me more oversocialized, agreeable, conciliatory and more sensitive to fairness and sensitivity (which are mostly good things)

i just read this excellent book which i think backs me up:


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Leftists have gone mad. Females, not so much.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Brad

Why is this even happening? I truly feel like we’re all in the upside down or some alternate reality. It is pure insanity.

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I agree it's crazy, but then again the "president" suffers from some degree of dementia, or a lot, and his Vice is on pot, and everything amusing her. So what do you expect?

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I am usually a calm and gentle peacemaker, but this actually made me want to grab this supposed person's [Artemis Langford] phone and jump up an down on it.

Why is 'he' putting himself in this position, knowing he isn't really a woman?

...and since I am a 70 year old woman...I have a question.

How does a man even know what a woman feels like?

That's the statement always made...'well I feel like a woman'.

No you don't...you can't feel like a woman unless you are biologically born a woman.

Just like I don't really know what it feels like to be a man!!!

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We hear a lot these days about how the new gender ideology hurts women -- and it undeniably does -- and not so much about how it hurts everyday trans folk. A few decades ago a guy who felt that he was "born in the wrong body" could take steps to dress like a woman and medically transition if desired. Yes, it was a hard life. Yes, some people would make fun and even be violent. But most kindhearted people were willing to go along with it and call the person "she" and all the rest. By contrast, that same transgendered person these days is plunged involuntarily into a maelstrom of political chaos. A quiet transgendered life is getting harder to come by.

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So true. I think about that a lot when I write posts like this.

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Artemis Langford, the notorious pervert, is making no attempt to live a "quiet transgendered life". He was disqualified from joining the sorority by being a male and by his poor academic record. The sorority should be shamed and disbanded.

The privileged rich girls who choose to expose their disrobed bodies to this sicko are just as bad as him. If they had his balls, they would simply abandon the sorority and consider the money lost as one of life's lessons in a perverted and dying society.

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"If they had his balls"

Phrasing ...

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Leftists don't give a fig about gender dysphorics. They are using them to attack the concept "reality."

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You may be right as far as the leaders go, the people who are pushing for gender neutral everything, screaming about statues, and editing Ronald Dahl books to eliminate mention of fat people. Something really weird is going on at the top. But what about the everyday leftists who aren't especially wired into the political machine but dislike, for instance, Trump? These people are, on the whole, surprisingly normal. They might think differently than the average Republican but they care no less.

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I agree. But you and I use "leftist" differently.

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good point

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I definitely 💯 agree with you!

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Easily solved. They should all move out. Let the douchebag stay there by himself. And the national organization can GFTs. The University of Wyoming has bigger problems. Enrollment is way down (a national trend for all colleges), and they rely heavily on out of state students to pay that bit extra tuition) most are from Colorado - Fort Collins is not far away. https://trib.com/news/state-regional/education/uw-enrollment-declines-strategic-plan/article_ed38992c-1d2a-11ee-8658-af20825bce9d.html. Laramie has brutal (and long) winters. It's not for most kids who want to wear shorts all year. I took one of my kids there on his junior-senior HS "college tour" (he is 30 now), and he was not interested considering we had to wear jackets in April.

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I was born in Laramie, Wyoming and as an authentic Wyoming woman; I would have never tolerated this behavior! While we never associated ourselves with the flakes in the sororities, the real women of Wyoming would have gone across campus and wrangled that punk and taken him up to Lake Marie on the Snowy Range road to tie him to a tree for a few days until he fled to Los Angeles to hide and never return. We lived on Hill Hall (the most liberal of dorms with the graduate students).

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In today's context, that toughnesss takes the form of the six litigants. Their lives must be hell, like Riley Gaines, and if they win this case it will be worse.

Without meaning to cast aspersions on the rest, I'm afraid six will not be enough. Bari Weiss describes what is needed: https://www.commentary.org/articles/bari-weiss/resist-woke-revolution/. That would be women like her and the subjects of many articles she has published on individuals who are equally inspiring.

Until a critical mass materializes within the sorority's rank-and-file willing to risk cancellation by protesting the leaders' ideas, nothing will change.

Artemis is not the problem; he has no power. One hundred percent of the destruction of the sorority is being perpetrated by its leaders -- chapter, national, and alumnae -- as Brad explained.

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Correct! He has no actual power. Our power structures are undergoing significant transformation at many levels. The wealthy elite are now obsolete. The games that worked to control or manipulate people for centuries have been summarily rejected by those who hold authentic personal power in their own lives. It's a new playing field.

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Sadly, this is a personal tragedy waiting to happen.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Brad

Wyoming, like most, if not all states has a criminal statue defining punishment for when a man exposes his genitalia to a woman. When Mr. Langford exposes himself, have the pervert arrested & jailed. He & the school can pretend that he is a woman, but legally, if he exposes himself to any of these women, he is a man. And subject to fines & imprisonment.

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I agree with you, there are legal remedies for this type of lewd behavior. I would like to point out that many officers choose to be more careful when engaging these perps given that some enforcement issues have made it more difficult in recent years. I have extended family in law enforcement and what they would have done five years ago they cannot do now.

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When you write “they can not do now”, what do you mean exactly? Are you able to specify without causing problems for your family?

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Here in Washington state at least, the officers cannot arrest or detain anyone unless they witness a crime being committed and are absolutely certain the arrest will stick. So many people who commit crimes are released immediately if there isn't incontrovertible proof that the crime wasn't committed when the officers were at the scene. They have to caught in the act.

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I used to live in Washington state across the Sound in Kitsap. A few years ago my family & I visited the area & were very disappointed & saddened by how it had declined. From your posting, I had presumed that you meant Wyoming, not Washington. We have a considerable decline in our society when basic protections are no longer enforced.

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While only the most basic protections remain in Washington state where the loonies have taken over King, Pierce, and a few other counties; there are some bastions of Freedom that we refuse to allow to fall to anarchy. Governor Inslee has been determined to decimate Washington on his watch. The governors were paid $50,000 to push the mandates and bring in hordes of those paid to wreck the infrastructure and social fabric that once stood for our excellent quality of life hete. In many ways, it has been my original Wyoming values that has brought order to the chaos and kept me outspoken about such matters. In Kitsap county, I know there are good people who intend to restore what has been eroded...even if it takes time and sustained courage with the resolve to do so.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Brad

Good lord, it's hard to absorb intellectually, conceptually the breadth and depth of this latest manifestation of the gender insanity virus infecting the culture....a hodgepodge of Kafka, Orwell, de Sade, Hunter Thompson, John Kennedy Toole etc...

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Brad

You can’t make this stuff up.

In the right hands, this could be comedy gold on film. Of course, the woke mob would never let that happen these days.

But one day, this insanity will end, and truth will emerge victorous over the rabid ravings of these pea-brained imbaciles.

Until then, the inmates are running the asylum, and taking us all for a little ride on the bat-shit cazy train. All aboard.

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Team Reality indeed

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Brad

Imagine how absurd this situation would have seemed even ten years ago. It's crazy how fast society has shifted to where this is supposed to be 'acceptable'. I'd find it humorous if it wasn't so sad and damaging to the young women involved.

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