“The report was co-authored by Katie Couric and Chris Krebs, the founder of the DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Yoel Roth of Twitter and Nathaniel Gleicher of Facebook were technical advisors. Prince Harry joined Couric as a Commissioner.”

I spit my coffee out this morning when I got to that tweet.

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South Park could not have come up with a more absurd cast of characters.

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They are unconnected on the surface. But probably something Epstein-ish lurking under the surface.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023Liked by Brad

Thanks, Brad!

I have to confess I'm kinda in shock here: the Democrats have really gone full Joe McCarthy and there is no "have you no shame, sir?" moment on the horizon, as shame is a regressive patriarchal imposition that didn't survive into this century.

(I'm also angry bc as a Gen-Xer I had to sit through maybe 1000 hrs of preachy shows about the evils of the Red Scare, when it turns out no one is immune to wanting to smother and persecute their enemies if they work themselves up into a mania and think they can get away with it.)

My feeling is that Democrats/liberals know they have seized the means of cultural production, know that they own the media minus Fox and Big Tech minus Elon, know they own academia and the demons of DEI, know they can rely on endless billions from their NGO wing and those great saviors of democracy like Soros, Chan-Zuckerbeg and the Jobs widow et al., so they've become like an army that believes it possess overwhelming force: there will be no retreat, no negotiations, no prisoners shall be taken, and no quarter given. They are going to destroy Trump. the Republicans and all political opponents, no matter what else has to get destroyed in the process.

"Dissent delenda est" is written all over their faces.

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The "red scare" was evil only in that it targeted American Marxists. Today they are running the show -- and the show trials. And just like that, this is suddenly A-OK.

And at least McCarthy ran his cultural pogrom out in the open. The neo-Marxists of today operate largely in the shadows, both inside and outside of government.

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No doubt. A quick scan shows little or no coverage. Just. A “Republican” thing. With a. Bunch of “so called.” And “paid” journalists who act as a threesome.

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Imagine how that will cost them, ultimately.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Brad

This is so helpful. Many thanks for what you do.

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Because nothing lends credibility to a report like (former) Prince Harry's imprimatur.

"Leave us alone!"

"Stop staring at us!"

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Well, we have so many names now. Time for targeting.

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Stuff like this is precisely why we need to organize better using technology. We The People need to create our own Decentralized 4th branch of government that holds the other branches accountable.

Imagine if we did this:


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