The biggest thread yet, in readable form! Very useful!

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Brad

Thank God you did this! I have been technologically challenged by attempting to follow this thread on Twitter, which I joined when Bari's thread dropped. A thousand thankyous!

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We have Smoking Gun evidence of a Deep State effort to directly control the speech of the elected Federal Government and ... nothing?!? from the MSM? Look, I really didn't need more evidence of how much the MSM has lost their way, but the reaction to Twitter Files #3 really takes the cake.

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Brad

My guess is there’s a lot of in$entive from the top to keep denying truth.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

― Upton Sinclair

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Brad

Thank you for presenting this in an easy to read matter

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They really need to get taibbi to write for the free press but he makes so much money on his own substack

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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022Author

Yeah, I think Taibbi really likes doing his own thing, too. He has complete creative license and a cult-like following.

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I think this proves that election fraud was always discredited by Big Tech no matter how legitimate the claim may have been. The big problem is that we have vote by mail and election cheating and we just saw a very unpopular democrat president do exceedingly well during the midterms. This is a sign that election fraud continues to this day. I don't see how the Democrats lose when their cheating goes unaddressed and is continually buried by the mainstream and social media behemoths. The people at DHS and the FBI are clearly complicit in the election cheating and will never investigate.

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What are peoples thoughts? Very damning I think.

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Definitely very damaging. The DHS and FBI colluded with Twitter to silence the President of the United States' voice 30 days before the election. That's absolutely insane.

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It’s easy to see that they despised the man. That Patrick fellow has so much power. I wonder where he is now.

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The Commander sent me this way. I like it. Kudos.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Brad

thanks for this, would be hard to keep up with the material without it.

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@Brad can you explain the gaps in Matt’s numbering sequence?

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I think he just lost track a couple times. It's very tedious trying to write that many tweets, and he was doing it relatively fast.

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