Sep 22, 2023Liked by Brad

"Fetterman looks like he’s about to tell you he found half a cat in the air conditioner he’s working on." 🤣🤣🤣

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I think it's inappropriate to joke about that, the man has brain damage after all. He just got SENAtor confused with JANItor. Have some compassion!

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When you look in the mirror and say that, what do you see? What do you know about disability? Where is your human compassion?

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I'm also pretty hard on myself I assure you. Either he's disabled or he's fit to sit in the senate. I did feel sorry for the guy during his senate race, there must have been a ton of pressure on him not to focus on his health and recovery and instead continue his senate run. I'd say it's really unfair on his constituents but the voters knew what they were getting into.

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Too late. If you start with insults and only address issues (and barely) when called out, THAT’S your M.O. Why should anyone take you seriously?

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You're trying to have it both ways, either he's disabled or he's fit to be in the senate and a legitimate target for mockery. And of course no one should take me seriously when I'm making a joke.

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What is this binary ableist presumption?

He is disabled. It does not prevent him from doing his job (or if it does, proof please); however he needs accommodations for his disability.

As stepparent to someone with severe disabilities, it is disappointing but unsurprising that you continue to defend an ignorant statement, now calling it a joke that everyone should recognize as such.

If you don’t want to be called out: punch up, not down.

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Translation from the language of infantile narcissism:

“If those jagoffs in the House stop trying to shut our government down..."

[if you thought my appearance was vulgar and juvenile, I will confirm it with my language]

and fully support Ukraine,” he said...

[the sacred cause of our Democracy™ is another (!) imperial war on the other side of the world, and if you so much as ask for an audit you are Hitler crossed with Neville Chamberlain.]

“then I will save democracy by wearing a suit on the Senate floor next week.”

[The stunning and brave Senator will "SAVE DEMOCRACY!" like a second Superman, by showing up dressed like an adult and doing the job he campaigned for. We should applaud him for his self-sacrifice and the emotional labor involved.]

Seriously, he showed up dressed like that to be a US Senator!? Really!??

The Democrats et al, both because of their bottomless pit of billionaire backers and because they know the MSM will sweep up all their turds like a clown behind a circus elephant, are starting to remind me of all the most obnoxious rich kids I knew growing up, who got away with saying or doing anything because they knew some hired hand would bail them out. They deserve a lifetime of wedgies and titty twisters, the deserved fate of all spoiled brats.

I wouldn't let that pig in a restaurant, never mind the Senate!

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Imagine if he was your Senator. Sadly I don't have to imagine it.

To help all not familiar with "Pittsburghese" ( a real thing, believe it or not), sweet-faced sixteen year old birthing persons (formerly known as girls) use the term jagoff frequently. It falls off every Pittsburger's tongue. It is our word for jerk. Sorry if he offended anyone by using that term.

To me, it is the least offensive act Senator Fetterman has performed since he commenced his political career.

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Where's the edit dots? I meant Pittsburgher.

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No, jagoff is s polite way of saying, "jackoff." Of which, fetterscum is one.

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Of course it is. But the term is used by most Pittsburghers as jerk, so as to permit usage in polite company. Again, I state that Fettermann using the term is his least offensive act.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

The new America where anything goes, and the democrats have made sure of that. No dress code, no border control, sounds so liberal, but what is going on in this country would better be described as a growing authoritarianism. Schumer didn't think to get feed back and just used his position to change the long standing dress code because Fedderman wants to attend looking like a slob. It reminds me of 2020 where people purporting to be anti-racist, or anti-fascist set fires and committed violent acts, and from the democrats, the "liberals" they got a thumbs up. Schumer can call for Carlson's ouster, and somehow Tucker is gone the next day, and just when he was getting at the truth of what happened on January 6. It's been like that through the Trump years, that is, the claim conservatives alone are authoritarian, racists, sexists, and the "liberals" are not. The democrats are not. What BS, since they abused their authority to try and remove an elected president on a lie, yet never were they held accountable, and of course they accused Trump supporters as being racists, and sexists, etc, and they alone were virtuous, trying to reinforce a long held belief about proclaimed liberals which simply is not true.

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Lol. You’ll love this piece from early 2016, pointing out in detail the unifying characteristic of what we now know as MAGA : latent authoritarianism.


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P. S. A cousin picked up a meme circulating on Facebook which proclaimed that Trump's base was an ignorant, amoral, and an uneducated lot. Not a liberal position at all, but a cousin who is a proclaimed liberal agreed absolutely and posted it on her Facebook page.

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Exactly. You call him names and then exclude him from even more than the insulter who preceded you. I wonder what the next member of the mob will suggest as even more fitting punishment? Blinding? Cut off his tongue for those crude words he spoke (and if that’s what blows your skirt up there’s this Donald Trump guy you’re gonna love ;).

Your lack of self awareness is almost funny.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

My lack of self awareness is almost funny. Before I respond to you I want to understand that remark.

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Have you read the VOX piece?

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So you want me to read an article from VOX, a publication that has been highly

criticized for it's bias. That article is nothing more then an anti-Trump rant which labels him and those who support him as authoritarians, unlike the democrats who tried to remove an elected president from office based on a lie, which the media supported and pushed since it no longer operates with any sense of objectivity, like that article. Just another attack on Trump and his supporters. The democrats even got Schiff to tell Twitter what can and cannot see the light of day. Lets not forget getting some 50 CIA agents to swear up and down Hunter's lap top was Russian disinformation, so it didn't interfere with a Biden win. Both he and his administration push a neocon agenda and now is intent on taking down Putin, and even willing to risk a nuclear war. They garnered anti-Russia hate through the Trump years since getting along with Russia was not in their neocon programme , even if it risked a nuclear war. Well, I guess they didn't want to waste all the time and effort Obama put into encouraging a bunch of Nazi's, talk about authoritarians , to oust a pro-Russia Yanukovych. Yeah they call Trump authoritarian and anti-Muslim because he didn't want them to come into the country, but he recanted, and rightfully so, but one thing he definitely didn't do was kill and displace them by the millions like those that preceded him in the 21st century. Yeah lets reconfigure the world to our liking, but we won't be called authoritarians because there are a lot of stupid people around who won't and can't put 2 and 2 together. Don't talk about my lack of awareness, but be very concerned about the lack of your's.

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When do we stop caring what these people, the celebrity stars of the Parasite Show, do?

The only think that I want to know about any of them is how to disempower them.

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More shocking than dressing like the janitor (wait, no, they probably have a dress code) is his statement, "If those jagoffs in the House stop trying to shut our government down, and fully support Ukraine,” he said, “then I will save democracy by wearing a suit on the Senate floor next week.”

There's no question this is all planned. I think it's so we'll let go of a national government without a whimper, seeing what it's devolved into. And I'm good with that if we replace it with decentralized models, not One Giant Fist.

BTW, I did post my Russell Brand episode that cites you and the Cuomo piece here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/russell-branded.

And also, I've banned the tee-shirt bot Roses are red from my site. It's hitting all of them. And the bots travel in a swarm so they can like it and get it to the top. Just so you know. Great article, as always!

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Had no idea it was a bot, thank you.

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Brad, Great article as usual. The devolution began a long time ago. When I was a kid we dressed up to go out to dinner or go on a plane. It is a matter of respect, as you say. I had a customer a few years ago who always referred to people as Mr.or Ms. instead of just saying Hi, Jack! I liked it. They were pushing back on a very local level. It was so different from our other customers. Then again, It was a formality that seems gone from most conversations, even in business. Erosion of the fabric. That the Senate thinks hoodies and shorts are fine definitely speaks to cultural decline,

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There’s many ways to dress in a classy manner. Personally I wear Jeans and a Button Down Ralph Lauren Polo Dress shirt. Everywhere I go in public. Most people dress like slobs. Can understand if one lacks the means to buy expensive shirts, BC now they cost-$125-$275 each- At least one can make an effort, just look how nice people used to dress 50’s,60’s,70’s even in the 80’s sports jackets where required at the private club I used to go to regularly. The Senate/Congress are basically USELESS at this point. The “President” can make up laws, most any time via- Executive Order- Something started in 80’s and rapidly expanded after 9/11. They make more & more laws on top of laws, so many that people’s rights are practically nonexistent. I addition any “bill” they pass is loaded with garbage having NOTHING to do with the so called “Bill” of 8000 pages, WHO EVEN READS THESE MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF information who’s main concern is to give special interests money-favors for getting these “People” re-elected- It’s a TERMINAL SITUATION

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Tomorrow is Casual Friday. All GOP representatives should show up at the capitol wearing pajamas or just underwear. Fetterman should not be the only one who looks like an idiot.

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Yeah but then Fetterman might show up in a leopard print speedo.

Ouch. Sorry for visual.

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You made my brain hurt.

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Welcome to your future America:

“Hey you vote me happy thanks Pennsylvania. Me lower inflation higher wage minimums. No abortions bad Covid shots good you take yes. We revolution lead today.”

-John Fetterman

He would've made Yoda proud

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You must have watched his performance in the ONLY Senatorial debate held in PA in fall of 2022. The debate occurred well after early mail in voting had commenced. Pennsylvania got what the Dems paid for.

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I think it's time for the conservative caucus,the only ones with anything resembling a brain, to show up en masse in clown suits.

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I grant you that would be funny, but I think they should just continue to show up dressed in an appropriate manner instead of playing that game. Show the voters who the serious adults are instead of stooping to the clown level. And perhaps mock Fetterman for his sloppy dress.

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I recommend Speedos. They would still look better than the janitor look.

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Or Covid suits, which are the new clownsuit.

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The gig was up when he said that he'd wear a suit if the Senate fully supported Ukraine and stopped the government shutdown.....

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"Brimming as they are with fanatical self-regard." A nice turn of phrase, sir, that captures so much of what drives 21st century leftism, and attracts people to it. Arrogant, complacent, soul-devouring narcissism, with a veneer of idealism and moral vanity so transparent you can't avoid seeing the casual cynicism that lies beneath.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Brad

Leftists promote degeneracy. Do drugs, sleep with all the people you want, don’t learn or read. Their standard is no standards.

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I think that's pretty much a trap they set for the working class. It's not like they behave that way themselves, it's just a way to sabotage other people's social mobility in a zero-sum economy.

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I don't watch TeeWee Snooze, but I've been exposed, from to time to time, against my will, and I can imagine the overpaid teleprompter readers who are regurgitating these latest talking points excusing sloppiness are still well-dressed, themselves, at least from what you can see above the desktop.

If they're going to be pushing the narrative that professional attire doesn't matter, why aren't they showing up to work in sloppy wear?

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It's one thing to perhaps ditch the tie, it's quite another to go in looking like Fetterman. I'm generally not a proponent of wearing shorts in public but if you insist on doing that please don't skip leg day. He looks like he doesn't give a shit about his office or his voters. If it wasn't Fetterman I'd say it's a ploy to get the Republicans to say something stupid. I don't think he should be forced to wear a suit and tie though, far more important is his record and his absenteeism alone shows he's really unfit to represent his state.

When the Green Party in Germany first got a few seats in parliament many showed up in wool sweaters, sun glasses and anything else but a suit, violating the official dress-code. At the time it was more of a political statement, showing the voters that they are different from the other parties. I think that's fine under freedom of expression. For the most part the Greens aren't violating the dress-code now, maybe a sign of growing up, maybe even a bit of betrayal of their original values. And of course they're part of the reigning coalition.

I'm not sure what Fetterman is doing but I don't think it buys him any favors with voters. It looks like either a stunt or someone just giving up.

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This is the best article I've read all week, and I read alot. It seems like some horrifying race to the bottom. How you dress matters. It says you respect yourself or you don't. Can you even imagine the insane headlines if Donald Trump came in dressed that way? As I read somewhere else, they think this is how the middle class dresses. No, they don't. Most of the middle class has to wear uniforms. I'm disgusted daily by whatever it is the Liberal Left is doing. Have some self-respect.

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After witnessing Fetterman's performance on television, I discussed his symptoms with a retired ER physician. We agreed that referral to a neurologist to assess for non-Alzheimer's dementia. I have seen no reason to change my mind.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Brad

Govt - where ethics go to die also

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