Mar 11Liked by Brad

The very last statement -- "A less racially divided America is an America where people vote more based on their beliefs than their identity" -- may explain why the Dems are trying so hard to keep the country as racially divided as they can.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

Yeah. Beat me to that. This research makes that apparent and adds a whiff of desperation

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Yeah, but will it still work? The SYSTEMATIC WHITE SUPREMACY RACISM lurking on every nook and cranny has got to wear thin at some point, even on the true believers,

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That is the question. I am getting cynical in my old age. I suspect the change may be like how you go bankrupt, slowly then all of the sudden. But there are a lot of indications that if that happens that they will burn it all down, to save democracy of course. we are at a knife's edge. Which kinda sucks because historically speaking, things are pretty good. But things were pretty good in the first half of 1914 before the morons in charge unleashed hell.

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Mar 11Liked by Brad

You know part of it might be they see the all the illegals coming in and all the services and money going towards them and going, "wait, you had the resources to help us all along and now you are replacing us!?"

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This has been the reaction in Chicago and New York, and I think is what has caused the Dems to re-think the whole Sanctuary City thing. Is one thing to virtue signal, but is quite another to tell your loyal voters that the new comers take priority over poor Americans.

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Those are the ones that will return to the fold though. they have nowhere else to go.

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They could always just decide to burn the whole damn system down.

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they arent allowed to. They are only allowed to burn their own neighborhoods down. they know the rules. sad

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The city cops are the business end of the welfare state

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The Democrats are now totally owned and operated by the Brahmin Left, which consists of upscale educated urbanites who have converted to the Church of Social Justice (and who have the zeal of converts).

The first thing that separates this group from the rest of us (besides the actual beliefs in themselves) is that politics for these people is almost entirely SYMBOLIC (sorry, Substack needs italics).

This is how you come up with preposterous ideas like Defund the Police, which could only be claimed by someone who never needs the police (and who's never been punched in the nose); Open the Borders!, which only someone whose job can't be replaced would agree with, not to mention someone with more allegiance to abstractions like Justice and Equality than to home or nation; and of course the inalienable human right for kids to read gay porn in JHS, hide their "gender" from their parents, and receive an immediate state-funded sex-change operation, this belief being motivated by a demented form of egalitarianism where if one child is confused about their sexuality, Justice demands they all be confused about their sexuality.

That this all seems stupid and insane to the rest of us is something they'll never know, as Brahmin Leftists only know or speak to other Brahmin Leftists and have convinced themselves that anyone who disagrees w them is an evil bigot who deserves nothing but scorn if not jail.

The irony here is that while these people have based their entire lives around the hatred of Trump, Trump is the only thing keeping them from an electoral rout. A normal non-insane charismatic center-right Republican would have the aristocrats of Social Justice living inside their shrink's offices.

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or a charismatic moderate black Republican.

if that were to happen to any degree, they could pull huge numbers off of the Dems base for decades. it would be over virtually overnight.

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yeah, i've always thought this would be the best way for the Republicans to escape the minefield of bigotry accusations the MSM will lay for them.

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You mean Tim Scott ?

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That *is* irony, but it is not informing or material, because the Brahmin Left (fascists, by any measure) can only be defeated by the election of the object of State persecution, DJT.

IF DJT loses, the Statists win.

Yes, many misguided peeps on the Right have TDS (having bought into the Left's lies) and miss this forest for the ugly trees of mere personality that a narcissist will always provide.

But a narcissist will readily answer to the People, wanting to be liked above all.

A Fascist at heart will never.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

A "normal non-insane charismatic center-right Republican" would be way too smart to go into politics and is quite happy in a lucrative career doing something he loves. so we got what we got,

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I really wonder who that normal, non-insane charismatic center-right Republican would be, considering the last primaries. You usually get a smattering of religious nutjob warhawks of different stripes, the only exception I could think of is Vivek Ramaswamy or indeed Donald Trump.

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Mar 11Liked by Brad

Isn’t the left surprised to find out that people actually think, and don’t vote based on skin color? Whatever will the left do to counteract this trend? They gave up thinking a long time ago.

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One hopes that the left will end its stranglehold on the Democrat party, and that we can return to a general alignment of the two parties in which they have overlapping visions of America that just happen to pull in different directions. Instead of the current polarization, in which we believe (wrongly) that we have nothing in common.

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I’ve come to believe that we’ve reached the point where compromise is no longer possible. As long as the discussion is only about the best means to achieve the same end, there can be a negotiated settlement. But when the goals are fundamentally opposed, that is not possible.

Years ago I knew a couple who disagreed about having a child. The husband had several children from a previous marriage and did not want any more; the wife had no children of her own and wanted a baby. (You’d think this issue would have been settled before they got married, right?)

They separated for a while, but eventually reunited and had a baby. There was no compromise possible in this situation. One or the other had to “win”. The wife “won”, but a few years later they divorced.

I’ve always thought of them when thinking about compromise. Sometimes it’s just not possible.

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I would’ve said that a year ago. In many of the spaces I occupy that had “gone woke”, they’ve recently started sounding VERY Republican on a whole collection of issues. It’s a cascading effect - lifelong progressive AND moderate democrats are escaping the groupthink and speaking their minds, and that could motivate a rapid correction of party priorities.

That said, anyone in democratic politics could tell you that the activist wing has been strangling the party for quite some time. So they’d have to be defeated for anything meaningful to happen.

I haven’t left the party yet. But I firmly identify now as a “1990s Democrat”. And I’ll vote for whichever candidate or party matches my 1990s Democrat priorities - strong support for freedom of speech and of lifestyle, foreign policy that places trade and economic growth as a high priority, belief in a free market coupled with the belief that that freedom is enabled by reasonable regulation and consumer protection, and a balanced law and order policy that balances an awareness of historic inequalities in our justice system (and the need to reform them) with the pressing need for law and order.

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I’m more in a triage mentality at this point. My primary goal is to disempower these destructive forces. I understand that the people available to do that do not champion all of the ideals I support. So be it. Until the far left is thoroughly and completely defeated, the ideals I support cannot be realized.

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While I am certainly sympathetic to your stance, I have to continuously remind a tiny corner of my brain that the republican party has also largely been captured by populists and activists on many levels.

It often feels in the voting booth like I am voting for which enormous monster I believe will be the least destructive to Tokyo.

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Yes, we all have to ask ourselves how we allowed crazy people to take control, so that we never allow it again. It’s a long road. The cure cannot begin until we excise the cancer.

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"A less racially divided America is an America where people vote more based on their beliefs than their identity. This is a big challenge for Dems."

Yes, and I assume why the Dem political machine is so committed to segregation and screaming that identity is the only thing that matters.

One question... what the heck is wrong with the American Asian demographic? I would have expected a much more profound turn to the Republican party given all the racial abuse they suffer from the Democrat machine.

One last comment. Even with all this good news of political party identity from social pressure being replaced with alignment to actual personal values and opinions, I expect the Republicans to screw it all up with more idiocy like another Handmaiden's Tale move against abortion rights. Because it seems to me that all this movement of different demographic groups is minor compared to the filtering that seems to be the case today where the Democrat party is generally the party of the female voters, and the Republican party is generally that of the male electorate. I think that explains why the Democrats are from Venus and the Republicans from Mars.

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They don't call Republicans Team Stupid for nothing...

My wife is not very political, but her circle of friends HATE Trump, so she hates him too. She probably couldn't name a single policy of Trump or Biden

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My wife hated him too until she started listening to the political ideas and not the media character assassination.

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Asians are a massively diverse voting bloc, so it’s very tough to generalize. Most important point is that Asians are often embedded in non-Asian communities (often white, liberal communities) so they take on beliefs similar to those around them. Also, it is only VERY recently that Democrats lost their decades-long historic edge on education, which was a key component of their advantage with Asian voters (today’s Asian voter, however, does not rank education highly as a factor for voting).

That said, most issue polling among various Asian groups points very strongly towards issues where Republicans hold a clear majority. It is a puzzlement.

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That all makes sense. It seems to me to be a few factors. One - The politics of Asian home countries tend to run collectivist. Related to that it seems that higher population density seems to either invite, or at least cause more tolerance for ,reduced independence and liberty. We see it in almost all the big cities... the residents seem okay with big government, rules, etc. They likely become unfamiliar with a life of self-efficiency and independence that are the hallmarks of Republican views. Lastly, and I think you cover this, Asian culture tends to be one of conformity and assimilation and with the Democrat Party being dominated by the elite managerial and ruling class, there is probably a natural tendency for many Asian families to want to be part of that tribe.

However, you would think by now with the clear messaging from the Democrat hive, that Asians as a racial group don't get the identity politics victim card, and in fact are targets of racial animus by Democrats really no different than are conservative males, including tacit approval of recent waves of black-on-Asian crime... that more would jump from the Democrat ship and swim to the Republican platform.

There is one other glaring disconnect with respect to the Democrat embrace of woke ideology that includes programming young people to demand a low-work or no-work lifestyle. This should make the average Asian tiger mom's head explode.

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I’d resist the urge to reduce Asian tendencies and preferences, although you’ve got a lot close to the average. The really big issue is that Asian political alliances simply don’t balance well on our right/left axis. It’s not like latino politics, which pretty much map onto US alignment really closely.

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Mar 12Liked by Brad

All this is interesting, but what party do most of the poll workers belong to? How about the alignment of the companies that make the voting machines? The votes count, but unfortunately, the vote counters count more.

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Which is why we need *overwhelming* voting for DJT.

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For some reason every rural and suburban district can have their vote counts less than an hour after the polls close on election day, but the deep blue precincts can't tell us anything until late at night.

It's not like they're counting by hand. They're just verifying the information from the electronic machines.

This consistently late delivery of counts raises rightful suspicions that they're waiting to see how many votes they need to deliver, versus how many ballots were actually cast in those precincts.

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Alternative title: "Republican voters 'of color' are twice as intelligent as Democratic voters as a whole, in one graph (that even Dems can understand)."

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According to these results and this man, the less racially divided we are, the more voters Democrats lose. The Dems need us to stay divided racially because if black and white people talk, we realize we both want much the same. And, the man just flat-out says this is bad for them. Now, we know why they stoke the race divide.

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Thanks for this, Brad. I generally avoid the FT for its Left leaning anti-Capitalism.

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4th X in series:

"...with non-white proximity to Democrats now at its lowest since the 1960s, before the civil rights movement and the 1964 election which aligned Black voters with the Dems and against the GOP."

I have always wondered at this because a majority of Democrats voted *against* the '64 Civil Rights bill and a vast majority of Republicans voted *for* it. Just how did the Democrats capture Blacks after this?!

Of course, the Democrats under LBJ effectively lied about Goldwater that year also, and proceeded to give us Vietnam.

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Thanks for a very informative read.

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Mar 13Liked by Brad

Hoping for the "preference cascade" to cascade in the "right" direction

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

Another election cycle and another prediction that minorities will vote Republican. See also, blexit and the perpetual 'muh natural conservative hispanic' meme. Never going to happen.

The majority of blacks & browns vote with their wallets (ie, they vote for perpetual gibs promised to them from the Democrats and taken from whites) -- the majority of black women in particular are incredibly hostile to anything 'white' (which the Republican Party certainly is by in large) and they are more both more reliable and more consistent voters than black men. Asians as a whole are simply too communal/consensus-seeking by their nature to stick their neck out -- and their voting patterns reflect their yielding to pop-culture (ie, Left/Democrat) norms. Hispanics may be Christian nominally, but Latin America is littered with the husks of socialist-to-communist revolutions in country after country -- the siren song of gibs is a strong one.

Keep trying for that football, Charlie Brown -- surely Lucy won't yank it away again.

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Trump's support among Hispanics expanded to 32% in the 2020 election, while his support among blacks increased by 50%. The group that saw the biggest increase in support for Trump compared to 2016 was black men. All of which tracks with the trends shown in this thread.


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Muh foolish, blindered Mike.

First, you create the straw man. The claim that minorities were going to vote *in majority* for Republicans *this* election was never made.

And, Mike, the *trend* is undeniable, but you keep your feel-good blinders on if it makes you happy.

You sure sound like a racist to me.

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Hi Timmy. Yes, I am absolutely a racial realist, which I suspect you would find quite 'racist' and offensive. That's okay by me.

As to straw men -- or more appropriately lack of reading comprehension -- I never claimed that blacks & browns will vote in the majority for Republicans. Believing that would be truly insane and disconnected from reality, whereas thinking that a significant portion of minorities (versus prior election cycles) will vote Republican is merely delusional. The voting trends & records don't lie, year after year, decade after decade, and a single poll does not make the seas part. Hell, even Reagan giving amnesty to millions resulted in a mere ~35% of the hispanic vote.

At the end of the day this really isn't about feeling good, or blinders, or whatever nonsense you're reflexively vomiting. It's looking at reality and patterns. If you're not clinically retarded and over the age of 30 all this should all be fairly obvious. Every election cycle we hear this same song & dance regarding Republicans making inroads among minorities and when the dust settles (and there's no significant movement) the pollsters quietly disappear until next cycle. Is it hopium? Is it malice? Is it a clumsy attempt to shape opinion? Is it a grift? Maybe all of the above.

Minorities will NOT vote in significant numbers for Republicans this election cycle (certainly not enough to move the needle) because they are in absolute economic and/or cultural thrall to the Left. Until that simple fact changes the voting patterns will remain more or less the same. This is the same reason why blue collar whites are voting Republican (or Trump/MAGA, more specifically).

Destroy the sinew that connects Democrat largesse to their purchased voting blocks, and then you'll have potential for real change.

This election will be determined by turnout (and whichever side is energized/demoralized), and in particular mail-in ballot harvesting campaigns. While the RNC under Ronna Romney has been pissing away money for years and the donor class has been spending hundreds of millions of dollars on Nikki et al as of late (also all done with the tacit consent of the Ronnas and the RNC leadership) the Democrats have continued to build their GOTV and vote harvesting machine.

Further pandering and chasing after black and brown votes is wasting money and pushing the abortion issue is probably worse. On the other hand, funding lawfare is useful. GOTV is useful. Ballot harvesting is useful.

Republicans would do well to focus on reality, even if it's a grind, and making sure their white voting base (still the majority of the country... for now) turns out en masse.

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You need to reread my comment. You did not comprehend it well.

"A racial realist"

Yes, I have heard that euphemism before. Your soft racism takes the form of ascribing to race (and sex) that which is essentially individual behavior, which is also what is causing minorities to widen their political support. Turns out Blacks and Browns are free thinkers, too, which doesn't surprise me: I am not a racist.

A Democratic Congress is reponsible for the late 80's amnesty. Reagan agreed to sign the bill in exchange for immigration tightening, on which the Dems proceeded to renege. Yes, this amnesty was the big mistake of Reagan's presidency.

Republicans will win by 1) getting behind the persecuted DJT overwhelmingly, and 2) staying true to classical liberal roots by *not* pandering to minorities, but by treating them with the respect you lack.

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That won’t happen however given how he has so alienated so much of the voting public, including Republicans. Four years ago, the Democrats chose someone they believed would be most likely to win, not the one who most represented their Liberal extremist views. Republicans could yet genuinely regret not doing similar & have voted for Niki Haley instead, who would have been unbeatable. DeSantis has considerable main stream media baggage, but he would have done better in the general election too. Republicans need to realize that the general election includes Independents, who statistically make up a large proportion of the electorate that either major party. It’s Not Democrats vs Republicans. Most people don’t like either & just choose the lesser poison.

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