One of the reasons I think that masks, idiotic as they were, had such staying power was due in large part to WTF, or work from home. People who were out busting their ass's loading trailers, butchering, or really any physical labor, don't have time or use for something so silly. But, if you are a laptop jocky, there is no harm is showing everyone you care on those few times you are out and about, knowing that as soon as you sit down for dinner you can take it off.

And we all know how much that class of people loved to work from home, why, they don't need childcare anymore! They can go to the dog park! Hell, they can even take naps between meetings. And they sure don't need to deal with those people dropping off food at their door. No, just check the peep hole to make sure the poor wage slave has his mask on!

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Indeed. It's easy for the laptop class to virtue signal about masks when they wear one for twenty minutes while getting groceries. They aren't forced to wear one for 8 or more hours like the retail employees or restaurant workers they supposedly care about.

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Classic luxury beliefs, and I'm one of those laptop class people and was quite glad to no longer be required to go to an office to effectively work remotely.

It's the same thing with defunding the police, fine if you live in a safe area. Or to be fine with looting and shoplifting since you get all your shit delivered...

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This is so true it hurts

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We should all understand that evil that would impose mask mandates on 3 yr olds really knows no bounds.

As a grandmother to young boys (now 8 and 6, forced to wear masks at age 3 and 5), I cannot understand anyone who would force this as anything other than evil.

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The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats. - Huxley

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Frightening but true.

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That quote cannot be applied to enough situations today

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Chillingly true indeed.

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It's easy to understand: they seek to exercise control.

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Yes, they want complete control. And they don’t hesitate to harm children to get it.

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by Brad

Interestingly, Kaiser backed away from their mask mandate this week under a boatload of people (patients and staff) just telling them "no". This would be the time to inundate Cedars with letters noting that their new rule is completely unfounded in science and, perhaps, including the recent study showing the vastly increased inhalation of dangerous substances from N95 masks besides the general downsides of CO2 poisoning, etc. Kaiser is even to the left of Cedars (hard to imagine, I know) so if they will cave, there is hope.

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This shows that pushback works. Contrary to Carl Jung's famous saying, what you resist does NOT persist (as long as you resist enough, of course). DO NOT COMPLY!

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My biggest reason to say NO to masks? Mental health. Wearing a mask is like going around with a little alarm constantly ringing in the background saying "danger, danger." Masks stoke anxiety and who needs that? I don't personally know anybody who has died from COVID but I have two family members who died from suicide after this mess happened. Can I trace their suicides directly to the pandemic and mask wearing? I can't. Still, I'm not taking any chances.

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My mask hurts you. Your mask hurts me.

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"The wearing of masks has long been advertised as a cost-free action"


EVERYTHING they did was advertised as a cost-free action. They never once even acknowledged the obvious harms that the lockdowns and school closures would cause. Never once attempted any sort of risk/benefit calculation. Only the political science mattered to them in the end.

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I have an old draft of an article I called Mask Psychosis. I'm dismayed that I may need to brush it off and finish it.

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I personally will not wear masks again.

I got a headache every time I wore one.

...AND my asthma that I keep under complete control acted up when I wore them.

[my asthma comes from living through the generation that had smoke free seats on airlines and restaurants...and everyone smoked in the grocery store and everywhere else! ..I'm 70]

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What bothers me about some mask fanatics is that seemingly putting on a face-diaper is the first, however misguided, thing they did to protect their health. Clearly not exercising - the outside is dangerous after all. Probably not eating healthy, once the donuts and soda come out the mask goes down.

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I think yer right on about the Trump/mask correlation.

I can't help but imagine an alternate, American universe where Trump wins the 2020 election and the first order of business to calm the hoards is the announcement of the new Trump Vaccine! it's the best vaccine ever created! Trump's vaccine is going to end the pandemic, so everyone must take it..!

I would bet all the money I have and all the money I will ever make that as soon as the breakthough infections started occuring and it was obvious that the Trump Vaccine failed to stop transmission OR infection, the entire mainstream media and every shit lib on SM would have howled in rebellion and mockery about the failrue of said vaccine (and they would be right).

these thought experiments help me sometimes to calibrate the last three years of insanity as my former party went from Science to "The Science"...

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Tons of Democrats were on record saying they would never take the vaccines that were so recklessly rushed under Trump. It's really weird how quickly it flipped, it's always politics over principles. Tons of people who refused the Trump Shots would still vote for Trump though so it really cuts both ways.

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We will not be wearing masks!! If your afraid wear one or stay home

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Brad

Maybe we should all start wearing Guy Fawkes masks to any place that demands them.

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Just got an email this morning from Cedars-Sinai LA, the local "health care" corporation, about wearing masks there, mandatory in the ER, highly suggested elsewhere.

There was an old 20th century saying, something like: "Whatever happens in California first, happens in the rest of the country later", and if that still holds true it means: California, as the home office of Social Justice Inc. (the global entity that rules us FOR OUR OWN GOOD), will be fully masked again no later than the onset of winter; and, that soon the rest of you will be like us: docile conformists afflicted with a case of terminal apathy, who know in our bones that there is no point protesting the party-state and its edicts, as they will sooner denounce you than respect an alternative perspective.

We've already been trained, programmed and Skinner Boxed to accept our own dispossession, to hate ourselves and our country, to feel shame and guilt when not obeying the edict du jour (only Bad People don't!), Covid is just the last nail in the coffin.

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well i just had a recent experience with my family where my youngest got COVID at University earlier this week. I have documented my disagreements with them previously so I cannot tell you how much their attitude of "too hell with this we are not putting up with your damn regulations" has brightened my week. there is hope.

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Well-said. It's really stranger than fiction that there are still mask zealots out there.

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Great work, Brad.

It seems as though the masking zeitgeist hasn't so much /created/ mental illness as it has exposed or exacerbated existing phobias, insecurities, or simply a pathological need to belong to the in-group regardless of personal impact.

On the topic of C02, funny how the maskholes deliberately ignore this factor as if to say that human intake of C02 is irrelevant while screeching in an ever-higher pitch about C02 levels across the entire planet. More inconvenient science I suppose.

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Obviously headed for Election Theft 2.0

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That graph of the masked states vs unmasked could have stood alone. What a testament to how crazy it was.

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