I always thought the liberal position was to separate behavior and mannerisms from gender. Rosie could be a riveter and still be a women; boys could play with dolls and still be boys. Now it seems there's a push to declare that we are as we do, ie if you "act like a man," whatever that means, then you are a man. Seems to me that transgender ideologues, ironically enough, often support a rigid and very conservative view of gender.
Regression in the name of progression; intolerance in the name of tolerance; hatred in the name of compassion; mutilation in the name of medicine; censorship in the name of free thought; servitude in the name of liberation; race hate in the name of antiracism; rigid labeling in the name of free expression; bullying in the name of anti-bullying....did i miss any?
Social Justice is cognitive dissonance on a grand scale.
Their cognitive dissonance is with reality. Cancel culture in the name of freedom. George Orwell was a keen observer of the human desire to exercise power and a prophet.
i am completely ignorant about anything to do with circuitry...i must wholly inhabit the other side of the brain, i failed every math and science class i ever took!
I don't mean to be glib or callous at all, but there is a simple way for all this to be killed off:
1) Women and girls stand up for themselves and each other, stop being controlled by people manipulating their natural instinct for conciliation, and liberate themselves from their toxic gaslighting relationship with the Gender cult, which is now like an autoimmune disease attacking its host; and
2) Parents stand up for their children and do what any mom or dad would have done from the dawn of civilization to the dawn of Twitter: find any and every teacher and admin who wants to indoctrinate their child with this toxic nonsense and apply a punch to the nose. You wouldn't spend 30 days in county to keep your kid from chemical castration?
We are truly a demoralized people who have been morally euthanized by free Wifi and unlimited soma.
I might tick off the women here but this is on them now. This has gotten to the same point of the NY subway. Men doing the right thing will be punished. So there is nothing we can do and our help is not wanted. I really do not think anything will change until women demand this stop and I think a lot of bad things will happen before that. My beautiful and lovely wife believes this is all part of "social evolution." (She is so open minded i am afraid her brain is going to fall out.) i will never let anything bad happen to her but i am afraid she will never change her mind until she encounters the evil she is tolerating.
I trying to visualize my actions as I guard the bathroom door for my bride and some dude decides he wants a peek. It's not verbal, that I can tell you.
To me it's scary that there are those in science that are going along with these kinds of pronouncements which have no bases in science. When political BS can intrude and alter the truth it's scary. Not only that I see it as a total disregard for women, and on a psychological level as well. I really feel the democrats are trying to engender chaos.
And it often starts out as a "I've said what you wanted me to say, now please let me keep doing science". A lot of the scientific world is now populated by cowards. The peer-review/publishing system also makes sure that people don't stray from the orthodoxy.
In the medical community, or those that are a part of it, like the pharmaceutical industry they are now so embedded with the corporate world they can't be trusted. The Covid pandemic, and way it was handled is proof of that alone. Look at how they gave a thumbs up to the marches across the states in the middle of a pandemic when they were issuing dire warning, and Blacks were seen as top priority in getting vaccinated because they lived in closer proximity to others like multi-generational households, multi dwelling buildings, so more vulnerable. Everything was so political. However that being said science hasn't always been on the up and up.
"64% of Democrats believe a man can become a woman..."
A man can become a man who PRETENDS to be a woman. That I believe.
Is that harsh? I believe that some of these men may wish they were women. Some are pretending to be women because it's fun, or it gets them attention, or, now, gets them into protected group that gets legal privileges and rights, or to get into women's prison, or to win awards and fame by defeating real women in athletics.
But I doubt that any of them really believe that they ARE women. That's just a lie told by them and the rest of the leftists.
Some alledged transwomen may be gaming the system, declaring their identity for kicks or to gain some perceived benefit, but others do so for deep-seated psychological reasons. I may not want to call them women but they are identifying as women because that is what they sincerely feel themselves to be.
Based on historical norms, I would agree that maybe as many as 1% of trans women (I.e . Biological males) fall into the category of men who really believe that they are women trapped in a man’s body. But IMHO the Rdr are fakes, poseurs, truly troubled individuals who are instead of being helped being misled, those who want the athletic glory that this helps them achieve or sexual deviants who as Brad points out use this as a ride to prey upon women. So 1% should receive our sympathy/ and or respect - the remaining 99% should be continuously called out for their (self and or intended deception) and the harm that it causes, particularly for vulnerable and role confused minors.
How do I know that some people who identify as transwomen sincerely believe themselves to be women? I suppose I don't, not in an absolute sense. I'm not trans. I made the statement based on knowing a transwoman and impressions from my reading.
With a background in biology and having taught it for years all their claims in regard to gender identity is not based in science, and denying the reality of what a woman is, what a female is. no doubt has many implications which serve to undermine the power of women, as they have been undermining the power of white men in recent years. In their stance they come across as dictatorial and they will dictate who and what you are, and what is acceptable and what is not, and to hell what you think about it, or what science has to say. It has taken a long time for women to gain power, vote, work, pursue an education, but now you have a bunch of despicable asses who will dictate who you are in terms of your own body, and your mind. It's nothing more then a power grab that is simply done to diminish the power of women, which they have also done with men and continue to do as they set us against each other. Everything the democrats do is to gain more and more control over everything, and I despise them for it. Psychologically it is extremely harmful to take away one's sense of identity leaving you vulnerable to another defining you in terms of thoughts and feelings. It is also akin to defining the millions aligned with Trump, his base,, as a bunch of deploables who are racists, xenophobes, homophones, etc, and was pursued to divide and conquer.
When they define a female with such a broad brush they are also redefining me, and negating my fears, or concerns, and even the fear of being raped. Well, screw them.
not to mention the near zero instances of Trans men demanding to compete against other men.
or demanding to be put into male prisons. or seeking access to mens restrooms and gyms.
this almost always flows one way. let's ask...if Elliot Page, in an exogeonous hormone fueled rage, kills his boyfriend/partner, would the activists protest that he be thrown into GenPop at San Quentin? I think we all know what would happen to him once word got out that a real vagina had arrived on Block C. I hate to be crude, but let's be real...
Brad, a well argued and referenced piece. Those of us who abhor this trend and agree with you have to be stalwart enough to call it out for the travesty and dishonesty that it is, for the harm that it causes, and particularly for the mutilation in which it can result for gender confused minors. Object to it whenever politicians support it, and make it abundantly clear that they will never receive your vote and that you will actively campaign against them. Speak out as school board hearings, and make sure to make it abundantly clear to any organizations to which you belong or charities which you support that their acquiescence to this tragic nonsense will be the withdrawal of your support. E.g., just another reason to deny support which long ago lost its way as the defender of free speech and critic of dangerous groupthink. We are definitely in the majority, but the vocal minority with the support of the media is attempting to silence their critics.
This disconnection from reality also harms the very few legitimate transsexuals. The phenomenon is real, but incredibly rare. The best available information indicates about 0.35% in North America and 0.25% in the EU, or an average of 0.3% of the population in the only two regions keeping records. For comparison, it is less than one-quarter the number of flat-earthers.
There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of clusters. Reported clusters often involve young teen girls reacting to peer pressure through shared delusion. This is not to say that the condition is delusional where it exists, but clusters simply do not exist naturally.
The other group hurt by this hysteria is the LGB group. Those people have an atypical sexual orientation. I did not say abnormal; I said atypical. All three - Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals - are defined by sexual orientation. Transsexuals are not defined by sexual orientation, but by gender dysphoria. The only transsexual adult I wittingly knew went from a man having sex with women to a woman having sex with women. His attraction was to women throughout.
The current hysteria harms LGB because the transsexuals, or self-pronounced transsexuals, usually take over whatever affinity group they join. What has been described to me by gay males as LGB which shared an interest in drag with T, and became LGBT to increase numbers, mostly no longer exists. And LGB, which had largely won acceptance by 2010 or so, is now less accepted because of the excesses of the "T" element.
I first encountered the belief of having been born in the wrong body during the brief period in the 1980s when I practiced psychiatry. I refused to refer anyone for puberty blockers because we had no idea what long-term effects might be. I further refused to refer those under 26 for any medical intervention because the brain is not yet mature. The few self-described transsexuals who engage in outrageous public displays are in the same demographic as others who do so: rebellious and confused youth of 18-25 who oppose all authority and believe themselves to be unique.
The efforts of white progressives who almost invariably wind up on the wrong side of every social issue is misguided. Encouraging young people to have surgery and take dangerous drugs is little short of child abuse. Wait until the individual is an adult.
I cannot describe how disgusted I am about this whole situation. One thing for sure, I'm extremely ashamed to be an American. This began in January of 2021.
Yeah and I'm getting old'ish with twin 12 year olds.
I don't want them to grow up in the country we've become.
It can be really depressing. At the same time it has forced my wife and I to get involved at school and form a group of like minded individuals to push against the depravity they're pushing at the school district.
Excellent article, once again Brad. I agree with what you say; with a caveat.
Excuse the crude nature of my comment, but I'm really trying to make a point.
I used to think it was ridiculous that there were separate bathrooms for those with gender "fluidity" issues.
Not anymore. I say let them have their own restroom, but make both sexes drop their "fluid" in the same bathroom....sans urinals...sans doors to the stalls.
We'll see who's "fluid" after that. Not sure there will be much use for those who are confused...or "cheaters" that have to go potty really bad.
Its funny how abortion rights are important and necessary for people who don't have sex with the opposite sex, hence never a need for an abortion. Do these pukes ever listen to themselves? How can it harm the alphabet soup contingent, if they would never have sex with anything that can impregnate them?
Brad, you could do a whole piece on the coercive intolerant policies of the left from Robert Jay Lifton’s study of thought reform, aka brainwashing, in Mao’s China, up to the woke mob in the USA today. The parallels are truly shocking.
Consider this quote:
In all of this it is most important to realize that -”what we see as a set of coercive maneuvers, the _____ view as a morally uplifting, harmonizing, and scientifically therapeutic ex-perience.”
I always thought the liberal position was to separate behavior and mannerisms from gender. Rosie could be a riveter and still be a women; boys could play with dolls and still be boys. Now it seems there's a push to declare that we are as we do, ie if you "act like a man," whatever that means, then you are a man. Seems to me that transgender ideologues, ironically enough, often support a rigid and very conservative view of gender.
Regression in the name of progression; intolerance in the name of tolerance; hatred in the name of compassion; mutilation in the name of medicine; censorship in the name of free thought; servitude in the name of liberation; race hate in the name of antiracism; rigid labeling in the name of free expression; bullying in the name of anti-bullying....did i miss any?
Social Justice is cognitive dissonance on a grand scale.
Their cognitive dissonance is with reality. Cancel culture in the name of freedom. George Orwell was a keen observer of the human desire to exercise power and a prophet.
Yeah that sounds like "THE CONVERSATION" we were supposed to have for over 30 years.
I wonder why that "conversation" is verboten?
there's only one conversation acceptable in American discourse, whether elite or otherwise: we control, you obey.
masters and slaves all the way down!
Yes sir! And that dynamic is accelerating.
Control is to elites, as Moore's Law is to transistors in integrated circuits....
Actually, if you think about it, one could argue there is a direct correlation between the two. In a way they're inextricably linked?
i am completely ignorant about anything to do with circuitry...i must wholly inhabit the other side of the brain, i failed every math and science class i ever took!
I wasn't being mean CP...you're my favorite commenter. Worth every read for good old fashion belly laughs.
I'm sure....and just a wild guess...your lit major goes a long way in that regard...lol!
On the other hand...I was just lit in college....
blah. i know that not to be true...:)
Or it could be the day before participation trophies was the zenith of America...
I don't mean to be glib or callous at all, but there is a simple way for all this to be killed off:
1) Women and girls stand up for themselves and each other, stop being controlled by people manipulating their natural instinct for conciliation, and liberate themselves from their toxic gaslighting relationship with the Gender cult, which is now like an autoimmune disease attacking its host; and
2) Parents stand up for their children and do what any mom or dad would have done from the dawn of civilization to the dawn of Twitter: find any and every teacher and admin who wants to indoctrinate their child with this toxic nonsense and apply a punch to the nose. You wouldn't spend 30 days in county to keep your kid from chemical castration?
We are truly a demoralized people who have been morally euthanized by free Wifi and unlimited soma.
I might tick off the women here but this is on them now. This has gotten to the same point of the NY subway. Men doing the right thing will be punished. So there is nothing we can do and our help is not wanted. I really do not think anything will change until women demand this stop and I think a lot of bad things will happen before that. My beautiful and lovely wife believes this is all part of "social evolution." (She is so open minded i am afraid her brain is going to fall out.) i will never let anything bad happen to her but i am afraid she will never change her mind until she encounters the evil she is tolerating.
"social evolution." !! that's what Mao said ;))
He also left a lot of carnage in his wake, the price of progress I suppose. You gotta break a few eggs even if you don't end up making an omelette.
I think they just liked breaking eggs
I trying to visualize my actions as I guard the bathroom door for my bride and some dude decides he wants a peek. It's not verbal, that I can tell you.
To me it's scary that there are those in science that are going along with these kinds of pronouncements which have no bases in science. When political BS can intrude and alter the truth it's scary. Not only that I see it as a total disregard for women, and on a psychological level as well. I really feel the democrats are trying to engender chaos.
And it often starts out as a "I've said what you wanted me to say, now please let me keep doing science". A lot of the scientific world is now populated by cowards. The peer-review/publishing system also makes sure that people don't stray from the orthodoxy.
In the medical community, or those that are a part of it, like the pharmaceutical industry they are now so embedded with the corporate world they can't be trusted. The Covid pandemic, and way it was handled is proof of that alone. Look at how they gave a thumbs up to the marches across the states in the middle of a pandemic when they were issuing dire warning, and Blacks were seen as top priority in getting vaccinated because they lived in closer proximity to others like multi-generational households, multi dwelling buildings, so more vulnerable. Everything was so political. However that being said science hasn't always been on the up and up.
"64% of Democrats believe a man can become a woman..."
A man can become a man who PRETENDS to be a woman. That I believe.
Is that harsh? I believe that some of these men may wish they were women. Some are pretending to be women because it's fun, or it gets them attention, or, now, gets them into protected group that gets legal privileges and rights, or to get into women's prison, or to win awards and fame by defeating real women in athletics.
But I doubt that any of them really believe that they ARE women. That's just a lie told by them and the rest of the leftists.
Some alledged transwomen may be gaming the system, declaring their identity for kicks or to gain some perceived benefit, but others do so for deep-seated psychological reasons. I may not want to call them women but they are identifying as women because that is what they sincerely feel themselves to be.
Based on historical norms, I would agree that maybe as many as 1% of trans women (I.e . Biological males) fall into the category of men who really believe that they are women trapped in a man’s body. But IMHO the Rdr are fakes, poseurs, truly troubled individuals who are instead of being helped being misled, those who want the athletic glory that this helps them achieve or sexual deviants who as Brad points out use this as a ride to prey upon women. So 1% should receive our sympathy/ and or respect - the remaining 99% should be continuously called out for their (self and or intended deception) and the harm that it causes, particularly for vulnerable and role confused minors.
"they are identifying as women because that is what they sincerely feel themselves to be"
Not arguing. But wondering how you know that?
'Cause they said. 🤔🤨🙄
How do I know that some people who identify as transwomen sincerely believe themselves to be women? I suppose I don't, not in an absolute sense. I'm not trans. I made the statement based on knowing a transwoman and impressions from my reading.
With a background in biology and having taught it for years all their claims in regard to gender identity is not based in science, and denying the reality of what a woman is, what a female is. no doubt has many implications which serve to undermine the power of women, as they have been undermining the power of white men in recent years. In their stance they come across as dictatorial and they will dictate who and what you are, and what is acceptable and what is not, and to hell what you think about it, or what science has to say. It has taken a long time for women to gain power, vote, work, pursue an education, but now you have a bunch of despicable asses who will dictate who you are in terms of your own body, and your mind. It's nothing more then a power grab that is simply done to diminish the power of women, which they have also done with men and continue to do as they set us against each other. Everything the democrats do is to gain more and more control over everything, and I despise them for it. Psychologically it is extremely harmful to take away one's sense of identity leaving you vulnerable to another defining you in terms of thoughts and feelings. It is also akin to defining the millions aligned with Trump, his base,, as a bunch of deploables who are racists, xenophobes, homophones, etc, and was pursued to divide and conquer.
When they define a female with such a broad brush they are also redefining me, and negating my fears, or concerns, and even the fear of being raped. Well, screw them.
not to mention the near zero instances of Trans men demanding to compete against other men.
or demanding to be put into male prisons. or seeking access to mens restrooms and gyms.
this almost always flows one way. let's ask...if Elliot Page, in an exogeonous hormone fueled rage, kills his boyfriend/partner, would the activists protest that he be thrown into GenPop at San Quentin? I think we all know what would happen to him once word got out that a real vagina had arrived on Block C. I hate to be crude, but let's be real...
Brad, a well argued and referenced piece. Those of us who abhor this trend and agree with you have to be stalwart enough to call it out for the travesty and dishonesty that it is, for the harm that it causes, and particularly for the mutilation in which it can result for gender confused minors. Object to it whenever politicians support it, and make it abundantly clear that they will never receive your vote and that you will actively campaign against them. Speak out as school board hearings, and make sure to make it abundantly clear to any organizations to which you belong or charities which you support that their acquiescence to this tragic nonsense will be the withdrawal of your support. E.g., just another reason to deny support which long ago lost its way as the defender of free speech and critic of dangerous groupthink. We are definitely in the majority, but the vocal minority with the support of the media is attempting to silence their critics.
I personally like the term "bipedal gestation unit" but perhaps the genderista can come up with something even more dehumanizing at some point.
This disconnection from reality also harms the very few legitimate transsexuals. The phenomenon is real, but incredibly rare. The best available information indicates about 0.35% in North America and 0.25% in the EU, or an average of 0.3% of the population in the only two regions keeping records. For comparison, it is less than one-quarter the number of flat-earthers.
There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of clusters. Reported clusters often involve young teen girls reacting to peer pressure through shared delusion. This is not to say that the condition is delusional where it exists, but clusters simply do not exist naturally.
The other group hurt by this hysteria is the LGB group. Those people have an atypical sexual orientation. I did not say abnormal; I said atypical. All three - Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals - are defined by sexual orientation. Transsexuals are not defined by sexual orientation, but by gender dysphoria. The only transsexual adult I wittingly knew went from a man having sex with women to a woman having sex with women. His attraction was to women throughout.
The current hysteria harms LGB because the transsexuals, or self-pronounced transsexuals, usually take over whatever affinity group they join. What has been described to me by gay males as LGB which shared an interest in drag with T, and became LGBT to increase numbers, mostly no longer exists. And LGB, which had largely won acceptance by 2010 or so, is now less accepted because of the excesses of the "T" element.
I first encountered the belief of having been born in the wrong body during the brief period in the 1980s when I practiced psychiatry. I refused to refer anyone for puberty blockers because we had no idea what long-term effects might be. I further refused to refer those under 26 for any medical intervention because the brain is not yet mature. The few self-described transsexuals who engage in outrageous public displays are in the same demographic as others who do so: rebellious and confused youth of 18-25 who oppose all authority and believe themselves to be unique.
The efforts of white progressives who almost invariably wind up on the wrong side of every social issue is misguided. Encouraging young people to have surgery and take dangerous drugs is little short of child abuse. Wait until the individual is an adult.
I cannot describe how disgusted I am about this whole situation. One thing for sure, I'm extremely ashamed to be an American. This began in January of 2021.
Unfortunately I am too. Never thought I'd say that.
But I never thought we'd be led by a kakistocracy of Marxist in literally all our institutions.
I know. I'm kinda devastated, too. I knew America wasn't perfect, but this breaks my heart. Most days I feel helpless because of what we have become.
Yeah and I'm getting old'ish with twin 12 year olds.
I don't want them to grow up in the country we've become.
It can be really depressing. At the same time it has forced my wife and I to get involved at school and form a group of like minded individuals to push against the depravity they're pushing at the school district.
Small steps, but it is making a difference.
I always thought we were the white hats. I've been wrong since the end wwII.
we fucked up. We built an incredible country on the shoulders of the Greatest Generation and we sent our kids off to be educated by Marxists.
Excellent article, once again Brad. I agree with what you say; with a caveat.
Excuse the crude nature of my comment, but I'm really trying to make a point.
I used to think it was ridiculous that there were separate bathrooms for those with gender "fluidity" issues.
Not anymore. I say let them have their own restroom, but make both sexes drop their "fluid" in the same bathroom....sans urinals...sans doors to the stalls.
We'll see who's "fluid" after that. Not sure there will be much use for those who are confused...or "cheaters" that have to go potty really bad.
I don't want to be overly harsh. My 2nd point is those who truly identify this way could possibly "police" the situation based on their own "interest.
Its funny how abortion rights are important and necessary for people who don't have sex with the opposite sex, hence never a need for an abortion. Do these pukes ever listen to themselves? How can it harm the alphabet soup contingent, if they would never have sex with anything that can impregnate them?
It's sort of like the Loretta scene from The Life of Brian, I want the right to have an abortion even though I can't get pregnant, stop oppressing me!
Brad, you could do a whole piece on the coercive intolerant policies of the left from Robert Jay Lifton’s study of thought reform, aka brainwashing, in Mao’s China, up to the woke mob in the USA today. The parallels are truly shocking.
Consider this quote:
In all of this it is most important to realize that -”what we see as a set of coercive maneuvers, the _____ view as a morally uplifting, harmonizing, and scientifically therapeutic ex-perience.”
Thank you. Awesome essay.
I just liked this because I like your moniker.