It's getting more and more obvious when the media and social media influencers are given their talking points -- they ALL repeat the same idiotic phrases but are unable to articulate any sort of debate on the subject.

The worst part is that when they're caught -- as in the bloodbath example -- they simply double and triple down. WE ALL KNOW WHAT HE REALLY MEANT, THAT'S WHY WE CAN'T SHOW HIM ACTUALLY SPEAKING!

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It makes it so frustrating that the Dem vote is polling as high as it is.

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I don't know how to get through to people who are so conditioned to believe that no matter how poorly Democrats perform, they're still obligated to give Democrats their vote.

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I guess it's how the party of slavery, etcetera, still exists.

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They have been given their talking points, no doubt. Talking points are never random or aimless. They intend to use them, like the ubiquitous “insurrection”. There was a specific purpose, although it didn’t work out as they hoped.

Rest assured there is a purpose in seizing on “bloodbath”. They intend to use that reference at a later date. It will be something they orchestrate, and it won’t be pretty.

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They have no morals and they sell their souls for money because they don't want to do the work required to actually add value to the society they parasitically feed off of.

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Exactly. It's much easier to read the talking points than primary sources and look for information yourself.

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I agree. Personally, I have many reasons to not vote for Trump, but his use of the word bloodbath when talking about car sales from Mexico (including low-cost Chinese EVs) is not one of them. My advice to much of MSM is to dial it down, don't try so hard.

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Mar 18Liked by Brad

Wouldn't real journalists actually ASK Trump if that's what he meant?

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WHAT real journalists?

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They don't want to platform him.

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Interesting - thank you. I’m personally not a great fan of Mr Trump, but that’s by the way. Also, I’m not an American citizen, so am only indirectly affected by US elections. This sort of disingenuity from the media is toxic to all of us and needs to be called out, loudly. Again, thank you for leading the charge.

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Mar 18Liked by Brad

It's infuriating that I have friends who are actually smart whom are impossible to convince of this insanity. It takes so much time to explain why this or that headline is bullshit, and normies have their attention span completely destroyed by tiktok, insta, and the rest. There are so many people who literally only get their news from headlines and Jon Oliver. The battle is quite literally impossible to win.

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Basically they come in two categories

1. Those who have locked themselves so tightly in their bubble, they do not hear opposing voices. any dissent is nails on the chalkboard to them.

2. those who know a lot of this is BS but for their own reasons, choose not to open their mouths. A lot of this is social acceptance. These people are often friends and family with group 1 and know that if they say something, that they will be ostracized. So they say nothing, they prevent those in their lives, say like me, from saying anything also.

Best example is my wire. I showed her Elon's chart about the left and right and she said "this is me!" But she has to be sensitive. any time she gives her own opinion that goes against the narrative, her family say "did you husbands tell you that?"

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I thought the migrants comment was an even worse example.

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The mainstream media is clearly The Matrix connected to The Regime. Together it is the money and power making sandbox of the elite.

Of course no Democrat chanted Defund the Police... but they did. No Democrat explicitly said they supported the 18 months of leftist riots, looting and murder... but they did. No Democrat has advocated political violence... but they have. And Trump used the term "bloodbath" in the context of coming to murder his political enemies... but, no he did not.

Here is the story folks... it is breathtaking and disgusting disdain that these political chattering class elites demonstrate for the voting public. You are too stupid to get the truth and facts. As long as they keep up a united propaganda front, you will be assimilated in their parasitic mind virus and comply like a brainless zombie.

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The main issue the chattering class of elites have right now is that even the dullest of Walmart cashiers can ask the question "If you guys are so fucking smart, then why is everything falling apart?"

And the elites have no answer for that doesn't sound like complete bullshit. Ex: It's all the fault of christian nationalists and white nationalists and straight nationalists and anyone who doesn't vote Democrat.

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Mar 18Liked by Brad

Superb summation of the lies the left will resort to in their campaign against Trump. Defeating Trump has become the religion of the left, demanding unquestioned faith in their scriptures while they preach hate and purgatory for those who do not follow their god.

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Ahhhh Jezebel. May you rest in hell.

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I love how they can't choose:

1. Trump is an evil genius and all his followers are also geniuses, reading between the lines.

2. Trump and his voters are complete imbeciles and only the leftists know what he really means, even if he doesn't.

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Yeah, at least Republicans seem to be able to articulate that while Biden is a fucking moron, and has always been a moron, the people feeding Biden his instructions are not morons, even if their policies are horrible for the citizens he's supposed to be working for.

Since Leftists can only seem to keep one or two ideas in their head, they just have to maintain the cognitive dissonance that Trump is somehow an evil genius plotting to be a dictator while he's also a fumbling moron who doesn't know how to do anything right.

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The only real question at this point is how much of this is genuine moral panic vs. a cynical play to attract clicks and eyeballs?

Trump put legacy media on life support for a few years, and ratings/subscriptions tanked when he left office. I’m sure some of these talking airheads are true believers, but their producers and editors know exactly what they’re doing.

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Mar 18Liked by Brad

Is there some application of the slander laws that Trump could use? It’s so blatantly poisonous & false.

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Mar 20Liked by Brad

Liars gotta lie

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Mar 19Liked by Brad

The corporate, state, tech propaganda machine knows no bounds...their contempt for ordinary Americans is limitless...they don't care because they don't really have to care, they are in total control, and they are fully aware of this.

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