Ok i just need to get this made clear to me pls.

An op-ed by a Republican senator or a speech by a conservative (which can also include liberals who don't spout all Soc Just dogma) or even just disagreeing with one of the marginalized: ACTUAL VIOLENCE putting bodies at risk and making its perpetrator an evil Nazi bigot that needs to be banned from the internet, and poss arrested.

Sending out real-time tracking info of a private plane that just may be carrying a man's family and children, and which comes pretty close to drawing a bull's eye onto him for any random freak to attack: PROTECTED SPEECH that only a proto-fascist hypocrite would defend.

Is that where the Culture War has landed us today?

These people are really playing with fire.

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Yes. Suddenly doxxing is totally cool.

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i was against it before i was for it!

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It also was apparently cool when it happened to the person behind the "Libs of Tiktok" account. And this is not someone like Musk who could afford private security.

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Well written! It's pretty hilarious how THIS ban is a major story, but all the other bans weren't. I don't like it but I appreciate it. Also, here's a little more info surrounding the bans:


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Thanks, Cdr.

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Some more ridiculousness:


Earlier on Friday, EU commissioner Vera Jourova threatened Twitter with sanctions under Europe's new Digital Services Act which she said requires "the respect of media freedom and fundament rights".

"Elon Musk should be aware of that. There are red lines. And sanctions, soon," she added.


I remember all the fines from when the Hunter story was banned, don't you? Oh wait, no, the media said they were super smart for ignoring the obvious misinformation.

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Unbelievable. The EU is such a joke!

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In my fantasies, Musk tells them to fuck off, pulls out of the EU officially, and then makes sure everybody knows how to access Twitter from there anyway. Make the government the bad guys obviously enforcing censorship.

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“Everyone believes in the atrocities of the enemy and disbelieves in those of his own side, without ever bothering to examine the evidence.”

― George Orwell

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I’ve said to people I know who have mocked Elon that if they’re happy with his kids potentially being hurt by some crazed leftist then I’m happy to go to the nearest Apple shop, buy a Air Tag, put that on one of their kids persons and then release that info to the public sphere. Said people quickly shut up.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Brad

They're never willing to put up lawn signs saying "THIS HOUSE IS UNARMED" either.

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Elegant engineering, Brad. I was ready to trade in my Harold Stassen for President bumper sticker to make room for one offering one-way tickets across the River Styx for anyone working at a social media company.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Brad

I agree completely that the world would be better off without Twitter and social media in general! Yet, it's kind of like a car crash where you know your shouldn't gawk but you can't help yourself... And of course the lib meltdown over Musk's actions is hypocrisy at its finest, so I'm enjoying that for entertainment value.

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