We need to give Putin a way to get out of this and save face. I like seeing the Ruskies getting fucked over as much as anyone, it’s fun, but ol’Vlad could nuke DC for spite, that’s not good.

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Russia's achille's heel is simpler. Putin cannot launch strategic nuclear missiles; he must do it through a chain of command. The Generals at the top of the chain are above all else survival-oriented. Few, if any, will obey.

In the missile silos the lower-ranking officers know full-well that firing their missile is suicide. For what? "Armored Fighting Vehicles" covers a wide range of items. The older ones were cooled with an alcohol-based coolant that the soldiers drank when they ran out of vodka. Most of the Russian tanks are vulnerable to the Javelins and other advanced systems. Boris Johnson is going to save Ukraine, which heretofore has been a source of Biden Kleptocracy wealth.

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That's a good point. I'm inclined to agree with you. It does start with leadership.

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