I think of Trump as a flaming bag of shit hurled by downscale White America at upscale White America, most especially at the corrupt imperial bureaucrats of DC and the intellectual elitists of NYC.

But has there ever been a more effective flaming bag of shit in history? Instead of cleaning off their porches and getting the message (the natives are restless and just may hate you), our elite progressive oligarchy went full Vietnam and decided they would have to destroy this village called American democracy in order to save it.

Trump's greatest gift to America has been forcing our ruling elites to pull off the mask and reveal their true selves: thin-skinned petty tyrants who preen about Tolerance but refuse to tolerate anyone who doesn't recognize their inherent superiority, supposed defenders of Democracy who refuse to accept other people have different opinions, apostles of Love Wins! and Diversity who burn with hatred whenever contradicted and who believe Diversity means people with different skin tones but identical beliefs. Bascially the kind of people who get weepy and self-righteous watching a Netflix doc about the Red Scare and then go onto Twitter to help start an enemies list.

Trump's election was historic and consequential, but the hysterical reaction to it (the Resistance™ brought to you by the Fortune 500!) is what's ushered in our postdemocratic state.

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" the kind of people who get weepy and self-righteous watching a Netflix doc about the Red Scare and then go onto Twitter to help start an enemies list."

To the left, hypocrisy is not a flaw, or even a trait, it's a way of life.

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As someone who resides deep inside the Blue Bubble, I'm not even sure this level of cognitive dissonance rises to the level of hypocrisy. The best thing I can compare it to is maybe John Calvin's Elect: they really believe that because they have the better educations and credentials, because they love RuPaul and have gay friends etc, and because they have better manners than Trump or an average Trumpist, that this provides them with an untarnishable moral halo.

Liberals have sealed themselves inside these overlapping and reinforcing social, geographic, epistemic, moral and political bubbles that seem to have given them a type of moral intoxication or derangement. All they know is they're God's chosen people (because all their screens say so), and everyone not in their special tribe is de facto one of the Damned.

Our elite progressives have undergone a mass religious conversion perhaps unprecedented since Constantine and the conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity.

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It's interesting to speculate about what goes on in the minds of leftists. Your description certainly rings true: Leftism is a religion. But I have come to believe that it is both more and less than that.

For one thing, I don't think that they believe it. I don't think they believe that men are women, or that a bigger more powerful government will make most people better off.

They're lying. And something else is going on. Something more than a religion that they don't believe in . But yes, you are right. We really do need to understand it, because it is overtaking us and will certainly destroy us if we don't stop it.

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I agree- we need to understand how these ideas have infected so many people who are educated, not obviously lacking in intelligence, and don’t seem personally malicious. And yet they don’t see the danger in the ideas they support, nor the naked power grabs by the leaders they enthusiastically vote for.

Many have noted that young people tend to liberal thought, believing that their utopian ideas will save the world. They are simplistic and arrogant, sure that nobody ever thought of such insightful ideas like “poor people wouldn’t be poor if only we gave them more money!” In the past, people outgrew such naive thinking as they matured and gained real-world experience. That process seems to have been short-circuited in many people these days. They cling to the same ideas they were spouting at 18, sure they have it all figured out.

We seem to have degenerated into a society of overgrown children who never quite managed to grow up. I don’t know exactly how it happened, but certainly our pathetic education system played a large role.

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Yes, many people are leftists because they are naive. And young people tend to be more naive than older people. A certain naivete seems to be the unquestioning certainty government control can and will solve all problems, in spite of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

And yes, is the result of an education system that not only teaches that more government control will solve all problems but that there is no alternative to that belief. This one-sided portrayal of reality is not itself naive. The people perpetuating it--the leftists--know that it is false. And these leftists--in the education system and almost all institutions now--know that they gain when government gets bigger and more powerful.

So I am coming to question that leftism is a cult or religion. It is just organized crime: cynical people using dupes (the naive) and government to steal from the productive people and from the future Americans.

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All brought to you by the perception of moral high ground. Boomer backslapping began with Vietnam, then gained political traction with Watergate. That much of their advocacy worsened communities they portend to help makes no difference. People's plight- meaningless. The perception of caring forms a giant, invisible shield, protecting them from criticism and real world outcomes. It's also an instant attack weapon, branding opponents any "ism" or "phobic" for moral degradation's sake.

Leftists start and end with moral superiority, so granted by msm and our elites. It's all they have. Their policies fail with impunity. Failing propogates the need, ironically enough, for more "caring"

Social media, where our youth develop their personal brand, infuses leftism "morality" into nearly everything. Why has "trans women are women" become widely excepted dogma vs. just a few years ago? Try saying the opposite on tiktoc

All these battles start with the end in mind- creating moral high ground, from which you can bludgeon opponents with nothing to lose and only better standing to gain

Of course, leftism's moral high ground is anything but. There's nothing moral about forcing one to work for another. There's nothing moral about government beaurocrats making decisions in place of those who know best

We implicitly understand because of the way we act in our personal lives. No one intentionally pays higher taxes. People understand charities address needs more efficiently and effectively than government. Republicans need to start attacking the entire premise of leftism. It's a facade. We'll struggle winning anything until people understand that

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well, if your brain registers something as a belief or if your brain registers something as an electrified taboo that touching will bring intense pain, either way u mostly end up in the same place: a solid piece of dogma u cling to like a hunk of wood after a shipwreck. turns out these cute black brainwashing boxes we all carry everywhere can rewire brains better than any cult leader. and people in cults dont worry about truth they worry about being seen as obedient.

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Is the something else simple greed for money and power?

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It's hard to read the minds of the left, but it seems that half of them are cynical parasites who see leftism as way to get money and power without earning them, and other half are naive or sadly stupid.

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The homeostasis of hate yes

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This is an excellent summary of the last few years- thank you. I wonder how long ago the elites/the deep state decided that ordinary people should be pounded into the ground. What was the turning point? It certainly wasn't Trump's running in 2016. After all "basket of deplorables" just tumbled out of Hillary's mouth as though this was longstanding dogma. Anyway, I personally do not expect to see another genuine, honest election in this country. I don't think we the deplorables can stomach the violence it would take to get our country back.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023Liked by Brad

I think this was a gradual "frog boiling in water" transition over maybe the past 10ish years that is rooted in the strange yet obvious sacralization of the political on the left side of the aisle, to fill their god-shaped hole and turn politics into their (fundamentalist) religion.

(I save a quote from somewhere to remind me of the distinction: "If you believe that your ordinary political opponents are not merely mistaken, but are evil, you have ceased to do politics and begun to do religion.")

Thus something like gay marriage or Trans rights becomes in their heads not a political dispute but a confirmation of "We're Good, they're Evil" and then add to this the race issues where they believe that treating black people as eternal victims makes one Good and others Evil, then along comes the human incarnation of all things liberals hate—a rich blowhard spewing insults like Don Rickles, tacky and deeply un-PC, not to mention an unreconstructed pre-Archie Bunker "male chauvinist pig"—and this kind of locked it all into place: our team resides at the apex of Mt. Morality and anyone who disagrees is the moral, social, and etiquette equivalent of Trump.

Then add the fact that most urbanites and college townfolk know zero conservatives and think of them as some sort of backwards Klansmen out of "Deliverance" and thus we arrive at the place we are today: the progressive gentry simply think the Deplorables are infra dig in every way and think their only role in American society should be obeying the orders of their educated and enlightened betters.

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I think you are wrong. The left is doing everything it can to foment war in this country, an attack on dc by we deplored. They are pushing the right buttons. I don't think it requires stomach, as much as an organic " holy shit, let's roll",that will truly shock the world. As in forcing people off their land for a co2 pipeline, or ordering people to get an injection of some sorts. I don't think they realize how close they came. And yes,we talk. Albeit amongst ourselves, but we talk. We can't be the only ones. I'm talking neighbor to neighbor family to family. And more patriots are readying daily. So yeah, I'd say be ready, and don't be surprised what quarters compatriots come from.

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I wonder, though. I'm 70 and too old, not to say feeble, to be "rolling" except perhaps under special circumstances. And there are far too many people who are brainwashed. My husband, a normally skeptical man, bought into nearly all the Covid crap, the Trump crap and so forth, mostly because he thinks the alternative media (Substack, blogs, some Twittering) offer just noise. I can't present him with otherwise good articles when they do not bear the author's true name, or when the author engages in gratuitous venting against the other side, or when the author, unlike the traditional once-believable press, starts the story in the middle, dropping the reader hip-deep into statistics and more. Politically, he just thinks the pendulum (left-right) will swing as time passes just as it always has before. The younger people have been groomed to go left - hard. And I think most will not really grow up and get some sense. (My proof is the juvenile thinking of our current political class.) The media - the relic media as well as social media - drown the young in the B.S. like climate change, Trump-is-evil-racist-misogynistic. I've been an optimist forever, but this has changed.

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Well, at 68 I'm no spring chicken, but still deadly accurate and life in prison doesn't carry the weight it did at 25. You might try looking up Matt's Twitter files, explain what they are, and let him read that hot mess. It's a tad data driven, but in essence explains in great detail how he's been lied to for years, and especially everything regarding trump. Maybe he would do that for you.

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I have had similar issues. I have been (happily) married twice to women that despite their thoroughly conservative outlooks on life open professed/profess themselves to be liberal. My first wife, took blind survey in 2008 and found her views to align with Romney (the 2008 version). She refused to believe it even though she acknowledged all of the facts. She had a mindset that could not be shifted. Current wife is similar. Knew all the COVID stuff was BS but went along anyway. I would say the uniting factor is abortion rights. I think they are both emblematic of a very large group that would ignore the people supporting child mutilation as long as women have the right to abortion.

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Take a break. It is not that far gone.

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Ma'am you are too far gone. Don't bother me.

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023Liked by Brad

Loved this and largely agree with everything.

"These hyper-educated morons believed big data was more important than public opinion and common sense."

Really loved this. "Hyper-educated morons" is a thoughtful and accurate label covering most of my friends on the left. Before Trump I would say "hyper-educated lovely morons" because they were all so generally harmless with their liberal progressive ideas (except that they tend to bankrupt communities they control... which wasn't really too big of a deal.) They are no longer lovely, but nasty, vile and frankly evil. They still bankrupt communities, but now they are all morally bankrupt too.

"Political parties that don’t believe they can win the old-fashioned way will seek to criminalize their adversaries, as criminality renders justifiable any subsequent acts of repression."

I view this as possibly more of the catalyst for the Democrats becoming the party of radicals rather than Trump mean Tweets. The old liberals were smart enough to see that their ideas were all failures, they were bankrupting the country and making life worse for everyone else except the laptop ruling class. They could see the voters starting to get it. So they invited in the radicals as a desperate move to prevent what would have been the slaughter of the Democrat party. Now those over-educated morons have just ingested the radical woke nonsense like it was always part of liberal progressive dogma.

"Complaints about the nature of Trump are just proxies for objections to the nature of his base, in my opinion."

The sad thing here is that rank and file Democrats hate the working class and so do establishment Republicans. Anti-Trumpers are snooty elites that hire plumbers and electricians to handle their home renovations, but really don't want to hang with them. I live in both worlds and find the Trump supporters to be, like Trump, verbally and linguistically challenged, but filled with abundant life wisdom and common sense that the average over-educated upper-class moron lacks.

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Americans are lucky. Your founders were prescient. Your second amendment is more important now than any time in history.

You’re not going to overthrow leviathan with your guns, but you will forestall their plans. And they have plans, plans that do not include you. But, because you are armed to the teeth, they fear you. This is great good fortune and at least for now, nothing less than you’re salvation.

So, our author correctly points out their hypocrisy and again correctly concludes that 2024 will be more of the same. They hold all the institutions and will use them ruthlessly to win. One might say they control the means of cultural production, so, they will press their prerogative - with your school aged kids.

Pop culture will continue to inundate us with trans fights and the other such drivel to obscure their pure power grab. The tools at their disposal, an enormous institutional heft will be brought to bear in their pursuit of power and in the name of democracy; democracy perverted to mean a hatred of us the people. The liberal speaks, an angry tones of compassion.

This is the result and one might say, output, of all their liberal education: hate.

Henry David Thoreau :

“ the civilized man is a more experienced and wiser savage.”

Power: Trump threatens their power by speaking to you and speaking of your interests.

They hate you. They would imprison you or kill you, but they’re afraid of you because you’re armed to the teeth. Luckily.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023Liked by Brad

I always thought Trump was used to make this country less and less democratic and more autocratic. Durham's report means nothing if no one is held accountable, and the democrats, the FBI and CIA have not been held accountable on any level. I always thought, and quite a few do, that the FBI was complicit and very instrumental in what happened on January 6, and the CIA we know was complicit in claiming Hunter's lap top was Russian disinformation, with the intent to alter the presidential election in favor of Biden. Now you have today, and the indictment. I use to be a registered democrat, but changed and became an independent, but I would never vote for a democrat again, because I do not trust them at all. What was really upsetting was the left, like an Amy Goodman who pushed Russia-gate and many on the left were just plain blinded by their own elitist hate. The very fact that Clinton could reference Trump's base as a bunch of deplorables, was also very undemocratic. Chris Hedges who proclaims loudly even when he comes to the defense of people the democrats are attacking that he has nothing in common with these people.

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Trump's sin was that he abandoned his assigned role and fought back.

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The liberal speaks to us in angry tones of compassion.

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This might be the absolute best article I've ever read on this topic. Really well done Brad!

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..."as was revealed in a hack of her campaign manager’s emails".

No, no, no. It was not a hack, that is the DNC's lie around which Russiagate was and still is based. That was a leak from within the DNC, and which was passed to Wikileaks, as verified by Bill Binney and the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS). These small details are very important as they show where the weak points in the narrative are.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Brad

Sadly, the news of today means that they are only giving us two choices. Back, the flaming pile of excrement, or submit. Most of us are against any kind of revolt because there is too much that is still good in this country and we are worried that we would be playing, at last in the short term, a negative sum game. But remember this, we are far past the warning zone and heading over the falls. The DEI & ESG folks are in control of corporate america. The dont care what happens to Bud-Lite and Target. The are diversified and will keep pushing this crap. Anyone who has kids or young adults knows what we are dealing with. we are the cusp of losing a generation with worse (trans bullshit) to follow. it is timefor action

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Brad

That being said, we need to try, at least one last time, to do this within the norms. Unfortunately, that means all of us throwing everything behind Trump. (I am on record everywhere of my low opinion of him.) That would be a direct, and legal, confrontation to the establishment by a united opposition. I do not think they will react well. The script is vague after that.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Brad

Computers, lying, stealing, falsifying, bribery all trump (pardon using that word as a verb) an honest election everytime.

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Trump is too emotionally unstable to run a food truck, let alone a country. I'd prefer a president who doesn't go on twitter rants because they can't control their anger.

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Did you really just subscribe and then unsubscribe because you glanced at a post I wrote about Trump? It's not hagiography. I don't like Trump. I think it's terrible for the Republican party that he holds so much sway.

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