Apr 26Liked by Brad

oh my god that trump post has me literally guffawing

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"I don’t think *anything* should be a crime. I think prisons should all be opened, everyone set free, and cops abolished."

Only someone born and raised in a safe, prosperous society could say something this stupid, only someone who's an unserious infantile performer posing as "professor" could think this rises to any level of thought higher than a belch, only someone who imagines that this beast called "Theory" gives them carte blanche to pretend destruction is creation and hatred is love and to spew any Mephistophelean nonsense, and only a man pretending to be a woman could be so monumentally arrogant and entitled to believe that because society doesn't validate their fetishes and narcissism this makes society evil and deserving of destruction.

America's elite class (esp in upscale academia's Depts of Permanent Revolution) are suffering from a terrible case of never facing consequences and never practicing what they preach. If "Grace" got punched in the face and all "her" shit taken, perhaps "she" would attempt a return to reality, but for upscale Left academics, as we all know, reality is their greatest enemy.

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the first thought i have is none of these people would survive the paradise they envision for us all. In fact despite being 61 I'm quite sure I would fare better. Much better.

The next thought is my hope that these folks tell us exactly what the "liberation" that they are promising looks like. I am not Jewish, but I am sure i would be able to live happily in israel. (I already, have friends there.) A "free" Palestine sounds like a gulag to me. On a good day. I think a little more detail would shock most of the kids camped out on campus who are keeping their faces covered so they dont blow their shot at making bank at a major law firm 6 years down the line.

that brings to mind the "great betrayal" of the Marxists by the working class. When they realized that capitalism, despite its flaws brought a much better standard of living to the working class, Marxism was off to the dustbin of history.......only to be revived by the elitist, rich intellectuals leveraging race hatred to build their new dreams of heaven on earth.

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"none of these people would survive the paradise they envision for us all..."

none of these people could survive a punch in the nose or a missed meal or a night sans WiFi. all the sad infants of the 21st century are cossetted zoo animals imagining themselves as dangerous free & wild animals, their lives are almost entirely virtual.

"my hope that these folks tell us exactly what the "liberation" that they are promising looks like..."

"the "great betrayal" of the Marxists by the working class..."

a key figure here is Herbert Marcuse, New Left guru, who always refused to define what his vision of "socialist liberation" would entail, as he and his ilk were masters of criticizing (they did call themselves "Critical Theorists" after all), but refused to put forth a positive platform, because their vision was purely destructive and because a plan would have had to have been defended, which couldn't have helped their cause.

also, he and his ilk came to America after spending decades pretending they were on the side of the "proletariat" (even though the only working people they ever knew were their maids and servants) and were immediately disappointed to see that working people here had pretty nice lives and little interest in playing Marxist Revolution. The Crit Theorists only cared about the proles as long as they were handy props for their power fantasies, which is why they ended up hitching their wagons to "the marginalized", as this seemed a much more fertile field for whipping up social hatreds. Unfortunately they were very right on this last point.

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thats very interesting. My understanding of marcuse is pretty thin. Thanks

I do think with the ubiquity of social media we can get more of the "liberation" camp to express their views clearly for all to see. Marcuse had the advantage of being able to control his message and avoid, I am sure with willful collaboration of his elite acolytes, the abiluity to avoid the tough questions. but the recent events show that there are many who would be happy to give away the game.

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Apr 26Liked by Brad

“I just read yet another article that glorifies so-called intelligence, which is a social construct rooted in eugenics.” — Michelle Ciurria, a self-described “queer disabled ecofeminist philosopher” who is a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

So the fact that she can read and write is her parents fault? At this point Im kinda mad at them too

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Apr 26Liked by Brad

The Ukranian-Russian border is our border!” — Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly

Maybe that explains the confusion in texas. It was just about poor geography knowledge.

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Apr 27Liked by Brad

Americans are not funding the war in Ukraine - Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Great! When do we get our billions back?

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Apr 26Liked by Brad

Gavin Newsom actually said something I agree with: “So often, illusion rules, facts don’t matter. You’ve got the weaponization of grievance on these anger networks, 24/7 spewing propaganda..."

Of course it requires ignoring the remainder of his statement.

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Apr 26Liked by Brad

“Wow! Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him ‘Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy’ (New York Post!). Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word ‘Lethargic’ from my statement. Thank you Bill. MAGA 2024!” — Donald Trump, in a Truth Social post.

This is truly funny, in a surprisingly literary way.

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“So often, illusion rules, facts don’t matter. You’ve got the weaponization of grievance on these anger networks, 24/7 spewing propaganda. Here is one of the strongest economies in our lifetime. You have one of the most extraordinary records of any president in our lifetime.” — Gavin Newsom, during an interview with MSNBC. Newsom was talking about the “conservative disinformation machine.”

Democrats like Newsom are so drunk and corrupted spewing these outright lies that are the opposite of reality because the corporate news media has grown so dishonest and a propaganda arm for the Democrats, that I can only hope that the people make the Democrats pay with a crushing election. Because only then will the old party of the working class reform into something ethical and moral again.

I cannot imagine being Newsom and waking up in the morning feeling good about myself when my entire political identity is fake and a lie.

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Apr 26Liked by Brad

Why is Moany Makawi, 'research affiliate', not deported...why is there a Palestine Land Studies Center at NYU....why

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You know when something is hitting a nerve when I puke in my coffee reading these quotes (to say nothing of that WEIRDO - there, I said it - with the pigeons in her apartment)!!!

Thanks, Brad!


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Apr 26Liked by Brad

One thing is for sure, thank god its friday !

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