Jan 19Liked by Brad

Thank you Brad for doing the dirty work of sifting through the muck of our political culture. The "Doing your own research is a good way to end up being wrong" quote from the Wa Post is amazing. Basically, don't think, do what we tell you, because the Royal We decide what is true and what is not.

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Perhaps you've heard it already but I love Jimmy Dore's take on the topic: https://youtu.be/srmutIwuC4Q?si=y-L2DSfI3zECFEZx

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Trust the salesman, he's the expert!

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That is awesome!

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Believing the WaPo is a guaranteed way to end up being wrong ;) This could be straight from 1984.

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Jan 19Liked by Brad

I live in PA and didn't vote for him, but I'm starting to warm to John Fetterman...

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He has become surprisingly honest. The rest of his party should try it sometime.

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He’s surprisingly making some sense, and it’s good to see. I’ll take anyone in DC that shows common sense.

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I took note when he wasn't afraid to denounce the antisemitism within his party. Maybe he isn't planning to run for reelection and thus he can do the right thing without fear of reprisal from his own cohort.

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I noticed that too.

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Jan 19Liked by Brad

As always, I have a hard time deciding which is my favorite quote from these posts, whether because they’re hilarious or because they’re true. But dang, Taylor Lorenz never disappoints. She’s just... wow.

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Covid and Gaza together in a single Karen scolding!

We need to ship her to Gaza to instruct Hamas on the proper way to wear a mask (and how to keep it from getting tangled in your suicide vest).

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Jan 19Liked by Brad

Each week provides further proof of the left’s plunge into insanity, best exemplified by Taylor Lorenz and Karine Jean-Pierre. And the fact that the stroke victim is the only one seeming to claw his way back.

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Say Covid is bad OR say war in Gaza is bad, but don't go for a twofer. Our brains will explode. There's only so much horror a person can reasonably assimilate in one sentence.

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It's Taylor Lorenz. Best ignored.

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Some guy married her. Probably has a "kick me" sticker on his back.

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Maybe a masochist or someone who appreciates satire. Only problem is, as part of the deal he has to wear a condom all day to protect the immunocompromised.

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Is anyone selling N95 masks made out of Kevlar?

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Rachel Maddow: "there’s a cost to airing untrue things" - yeah, it says so right in her contract under "remuneration".

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A lot of things these days feel like living in a communist country. Don't do your own research - in communist East Germany there was a propaganda song "Die Partei hat immer Recht" (the party is always right). Elections are dangerous to democracy. The economy is great, don't trust your own eyes. Evil outsiders are trying to turn you against the state.

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Jan 19Liked by Brad

The Friday thrill ride never disappoints, and unbelievably, Fetterman has achieved coherence!

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Jan 20Liked by Brad

'A self-survey conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, found that, during a search for faculty in the life sciences department, 76 percent of applicants were eliminated solely on the basis of their diversity statements.” — Reason’s Greg Lukianoff'

I posted this article on my Facebook page, I got a comment from someone who later identified himself as a 42-year professor:

'I don’t agree. “Groupthink“ is off base. Professors interact with diverse populations of students, colleagues, and associates. DEI simply reaffirms that we treat everyone with respect regardless of differences. It is so important because professors’ judgments play such an important role in the future of others. Prejudices based on natural differences has no place in academic and DEI statements keep the standards high.'

That may have been the original ideal intent, but it's nothing like what is actually going on. My commenter seems to have missed that fact. I don't know if he's currently teaching or if not, when he retired.

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Kenyatta is absolutely correct. But the problem isn't Trump, now, is it?

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It is entirely possible she is a performance artist, and he's in on the joke.

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