I love this quotes and links piece. Keep it up! The absurdity of our radical-powered elite ruling class and media is still breathtaking to observe. I love this quote:

"A free society is anti-fragile with respect to speech. It doesn’t need to censor. False beliefs are self-correcting as the insightful outcompete the confused. Censorship and coercion are authoritarian partners. If censorship is required, it is to prevent freedom, not protect it.” — Bret Weinstein.

Oh man... we can only hope this is all self-correcting! I have dreams of a future where the woke absurdity gets crushed in a tide of 180 degree turn back to valuing rational thought and critical thinking over feelings. The Republic cannot survive otherwise.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Brad

Rob Reiner is still, as Archie Bunker so many time observed, a meathead. He was a mediocre actor, as he soon realized, but parleyed his connections to becoming a director. Giving orders worked well for him. And he’s still at it. Meathead.

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Biden is sharp as a tack and Kamala would make a great Prez—and whoever says otherwise is a lying dog-faced pony soldier! (whatever the hell that is)

Good morning, Vietnam!

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Brad

Peggy Noonan. The way progressives have treated children over the last few decades is appalling.

It started in the schools, where they threw out phonics and ordinary math in favor of “whole language” and new math. As a result, a large percentage of kids graduated from public schools functionally illiterate and innumerate. But the teachers liked the new methods because they were easier to teach and reached “the whole child.”

Progressives then moved on to gender ideology and gay porn in schools, supposedly to “protect” vulnerable gender confused children, even (especially?) from their parents.

And then came COVID, where teachers willingly trampled all over children to protect themselves from an imagined danger. These people would have thrown children overboard in their scramble to get themselves onto lifeboats on the Titanic.

If they do this to children, is there any evil they wouldn’t contemplate in order to protect themselves in their little safe spaces? These people are dangerous and will stop at nothing. We need to stop them.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Brad

To the Governor of New Mexico: "All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803) - this decision is still valid today.

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A lot of stuff this week that makes my brain want to explode.

Some of it is SO remarkable, that I actually remember having conversations with others saying, "Well we will NEVER have to worry about that'!


...and here it is, right in our face every single day.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Brad

That preschool teacher reeks of mental illness.

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I'd say she just reeks. She sure the hell has no business being employed as a preschool teacher in any event. Or maybe she just had a terrible mother and assumes all mothers should be hated? IDK

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Pelosi has been our congressperson for 35 years. I know her "body language" pretty well by now. Her real answer was, "are you out of your f'n mind? I detest that woman." Then starting to laugh hysterically. Interesting reaction from her since she pretty much was all on board with Kamala's candidacy early in the game.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Brad

I don’t know why they keep asking about Biden running mate. If Trump is convicted & Biden impeached, they could be bunnies in the newly created presidential prison wing.

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I mistyped “bunnies”, intending to type “buddies” - well looks the the auto type doesn’t like that word

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"bunnies" works too!

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If anyone deserves to be dead named it's Alejandra, that is just a disgusting barely-human

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If not mutilating children = blood on your hands - rot in hell, then what does mutilating children = ??

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The state of the media is this: try and find his original name. It isn't easy

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Best format on Substack.

Musk is pure gold; Weingarten is pure iron pyrite..

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