Re: Washington Post Shake-up Link: Thanks for an always interesting Friday Quotes and Links! I followed a link to the Washington Post story and was so nonplussed by what I read, I actually wrote a letter to the woman who wrote the article in hopes she might pass my thoughts along to some of her Post sources.

Dear Ms. Klein,

I was struck by how staffers, your sources, at the Post refer to people by their skin color or gender, probably their gender identity too although that wasn’t reported. It was bizzare to read. The grand finale of their racism was their being upset about the paper being run by white men. Is that how people talk and think in DC? Those staffers should be sent on assignment throughout the country so they can remember how wonderful it is to refer to people by their accomplishments and abilities or great personalities. IMHO this Diversity, Equity and Inclusion grift has permeated deep at the Post, maybe the first change they make should be hiring people on merit instead of race, gender or gender identity. The paper might be greatly improved.

Please forward this to anyone you choose at the Post. They need a wake-up if they want to increase readership.


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Jun 7Liked by Brad

One wonders if Joy Reid has ever been to Missouri, or even find it on a map.

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I understand she's reluctant to go, it being a slave state and all. I don't think that "Simple Jack" wig is going to protect her from the slavers.

Also I doubt she even knows what "busing" in the civil rights era was about, but maybe that's my white privilege talking from abroad.

I'm wondering if she actually has spent any significant time outside of Manhattan other than vacationing abroad. A lot of these people live in a bubble.

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“I know we have to listen to these people, but how much of their feelings about the economy is due to them being deceived by misinformation?”

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. (George Orwell, 1984)

The hyperbole in some of the quotes is quite something to behold, and it's really unfortunate how it cheapens the real suffering of people under fascism and totalitarianism, and it's not dissimilar from how the media acted in e.g. Nazi Germany with regards to political enemies, it's just against different groups with different terms. Some of these media figures should really read more books and learn about history.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 8Liked by Brad

I scanned the New York Times article “Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points”. It's a sign of progress that they're actually publishing stuff like this without immediately dismissing it as a conspiracy theory, although it *is* an opinion piece. From what I saw it at least partly blames the Chinese for not telling US partners everything they were up to at the lab.

Incidentally, the design of this [NYT] webpage is incredibly frustrating and almost unreadable. It's an unfortunate trend these days for designers to revel in pop-ups, moving images, and similar annoyances, just because they can.

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"Incidentally, the design of this webpage is incredibly frustrating and almost unreadable. It's an unfortunate trend these days for designers to revel in pop-ups, moving images, and similar annoyances, just because they can."

Are you referring to the NYT web page, or this Substack website? I don't get any pop-ups or moving images on this Substack web site. But, I use ad block.

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I meant the New York Times page. Thanks for bringing that up. SubStack is just fine.

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I just want you to know I'm really grateful for this weekly roundup. I always leave X about 6 months before any presidential election because I've made up my mind and nothing will change it at this point. Good to keep up without the drama.

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"I know we have to listen to these people, but how much of their feelings about the economy is due to them being deceived by misinformation?” — NPR’s Steve Inskeep"

Can we just kill NPR?

The government monthly jobs report came in this morning. You will hear from the corporate media that it is fantastic... that the 272,000 new non-farm jobs added in May notably beat analysts’ expectations by nearly 100,000 jobs.

However, this continues the trend over the last six months where part-time employment went up by 286,000 jobs while full-time employment went down by 625,000.

Other than healthcare hiring... the industry recovering from COVID policy impacts... most of the full-time hiring is for government jobs.

But not surprisingly most the other part-time hiring is illegal immigrants... the est. 8 million over the last four years. (For comparison, Finland, Norway and Denmark all have fewer than 6 million residents).

I am looking for one good economic indicator for the American people except for the upper class Wall Street and real estate values, and finding nothing but bad news. The unemployment rate was one of the few things that the Democrats would crow about... and even that is crap now.


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“Getting fit is great – but it could turn you into a rightwing jerk”

Wife and I watched the South Park episode on obesity. "Lizzo" was touted as the cheaper alternative to the anti-obesity drugs... but it had the side-effect of explosive diarrhea of the ears.

We howled.

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“I know we have to listen to these people, but how much of their feelings about the economy is due to them being deceived by misinformation?”

And the shoe fits equally well on the other foot, a possibility he obviously can't conceive of.

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Jun 7Liked by Brad

Maybe for Biden to win the election, he should dress up as a zombie. He’s already got the movements & mannerisms perfect. He’s inarticulate & confused except when it comes to eating brains. The film “Warm Bodies” was popular, so maybe it’s worth a try?

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“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers,” Trump

“A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family — for all Gold Star families — on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.” Retired Marine Corp General, Chief of Staff to President Trump, referring to President Trump

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It’s amazing how some people obsess over words, while completely discounting actions.

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Words are exactly how Trump won in 2016. He had no political record to run on. And if he was elected on his actions alone, god help us all….unbelievable number of business lawsuits against him, how many bankruptcies, all sorts of nasty, misogynistic actions in his personal life etc.

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Now he does have a record to run on. And so does Joe Biden. I wonder why Democrats aren’t running on their record. Save our democracy! Abortion! Trump says awful things! Meanwhile, they ignore what polls say people care about.

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Well this post is about quotes...

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Yes. But as the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words.

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i suppose totalitarianism is better.

toughen up buttercup these aren't normal times.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 7
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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Brad

What's your point? It used to be quite normal to change your name when you migrate to a country that speaks another language (e.g. Drumpf becoming Trump) and many Jewish families changed their last name to better fit in so it's not immediately obvious that they are Jewish, that's the reason for all the German and Russian last names. And you also have to convert your name if you are from a culture that uses Patronyms instead of family names.

Whoopi Goldberg did something similar in reverse.

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Jun 8Author

Have no idea why he even commented that. Completely unrelated to anything in this post. The guy spazzed out on me after I criticized the campus protest encampments and dramatically declared that he was cancelling his paid subscription, but apparently is still a lurker. I banned him. Tired of it.

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Damn, and I took the bait.

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