Jul 19Liked by Brad

I love to pick favorites from your Quotes on Fridays, they’re a rich opportunity, but today... today is just too much. The pool is just to vast to pick a favorite. Well done.

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Jul 19Liked by Brad

I normally try to stay away from twitter and the culture war for the sake of my mental wellbeing, but I look forward to reading your list of quotes every Friday as a guilty pleasure where I get to have a good laugh at the ridiculous stuff that comes out of certain people's mouths. Appreciate your work!

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Jul 19Liked by Brad

We need a database of stupidity to track reporters and commentators. "Easter eggs of white nationalism is my new favorite phrase." A hammer will only see nails.

I've got to go, I need to buy copies of Lord of the Rings books for my kids.

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A lot of this "hidden white supremacy" talk sounds a lot like some of the weirder conspiracy theories or just the beginnings of a paranoid delusion. When Trump says "good morning" he really means "Let's round up the dwarves!", as evidenced by the way his flag pin tilts and the color of his tie and the way J.D. Vance blinks is a secret signal to the proud boys.

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The old "dog whistles" where statements can be twisted and contorted to mean the most awful things.

Have you seen the viral tiktok post claiming "good morning" came from racism? It's a classic (yahoo article): https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-posts-claim-saying-155000707.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIKEDo30IE0ebDMAAj-TL7UflHXUG_HeRMSgKyor4fzZs2oZvdY5QpXC5ntFEUgS70_ZiEFsbU_OtJwTsu3zB8UvRlAgVhys8ypWGlKOX7dcAIOo_VjFWYudWpPjAw0PuJwaUUxUF27YbUf0Laiys17HFcE5yw_zN7hwvyKKFGEl

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Snopes let down the Tumblratti by not confirming "fact-check: true."

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If you can hear the dog-whistle, you’re a dog…

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Yes, the dog whistles are part of this delusion. Trump is sending secret messages to his followers. How is this any different from QAnon?

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The Maddow and Wagner quotes show they're still in college trying to impress their professors with creative interpretations.

This, to me, has been the overwhelming achievement of the elite media class: To bring their ability to overanalyze and over-interpret texts within the university to bear on all of political and cultural life. As they were taught, everything is a battle of narratives, and their job is to find the real, true narrative -- which always aligns with the outcomes they want apriori.

Because their own worth, their own striving has been shaped by relentless competition within the academic and professional spheres, because their livelihoods depend on appealing to an audience they've built, they have every incentive to continue with analyses that appear absurd. As long as it leads to "our side wins," they will continue to defy common sense.

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"This, to me, has been the overwhelming achievement of the elite media class: To bring their ability to overanalyze and over-interpret texts within the university to bear on all of political and cultural life."

This is true but another aspect I want to emphasize is how our postmodern post-Christian neo-Marxist academy churns out stunted processed brains that have less creativity than barking seals and who are like broken machines that can only create the same output regardless of the input.

There is literally NOTHING that occurs (or has ever occurred), no person place or thing or event that isn't framed thusly:

Our opponents are either Nazis or Klansmen (or both), who want to install a fascist Jim Crow state/Christian theocracy/Handmaid's Tale to oppress the minorities they hate, aka they are EVIL;

But we are the moral equivalent of the French Resistance and the Freedom Riders, their spiritual children, who love the oppressed marginalized and want to lead them to the Promised Land of Justice and Equality, aka we are GOOD.

That is the same framework or Procrustean bed the entire world and all its phenomena needs to be squeezed into.

The elite products of American academia are like kids who spend tens of thousands to go to Juillard and graduate knowing only how to play one song. They play it well, they play different versions, they can occasionally improvise on it, but it is still nevertheless always and only the SAME SONG.

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I remember this interpreting exercise from school, I always wondered how anyone would know their interpretation is correct when the author is dead and never talked about it? In school of course the teachers' interpretation was the correct one. Reminds me of the South Park episode where the kids write a book full of disgusting and revolting prose and the adults all come up with a higher meaning even though the intention was only to be as disgusting as possible.

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Jul 19Liked by Brad

Unfortunately Stephanie Tyler exposes the process that permeates much of modern Liberal thought. It is not logical, nor based on facts, it is purely an emotional engine of unmapped self delusion. Vote for someone with reason. She will change her ‘mind’ a half dozen times more & when it comes to actual voting she will be hiding her confusion on a small balcony with a takeout over sweetened latte coffee until voting is over. Vote to save our country!

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Alex Wagner missed an important detail in his convoluted inanity about JD Vance revealing white supremacist views because he wants to be buried in his family’s ancestral plot in Kentucky. Vance clearly stated that he wanted to be buried there along with his Indian wife, Usha. He also probably didn’t hear Usha Vance’s lovely speech about her husband.

Or maybe Alex Wagner just assumes that he knows more about JD Vance than the Yale-educated Mrs Vance. The arrogance of these insane people is truly astounding.

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Before jumping to the racist interpretation, perhaps Alex should've asked Usha about her wishes.

Just a point, Alex Wagner is female.

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Clearly he only married her to hide his white supremacist views. He even hates the non-white half of his children.

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Jul 19Liked by Brad

I always hope the Joy Reids of America are limited to one, her... but these Quotes and Links constantly sabotage my optimistic hope, so unlike Joy I'll admit I'm wrong and shut the hell up.

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"...or they can get somebody else to host the show.”

Yes, please.

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Wallace wis the shit-for-brains medal.

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Next week on MSNBC: Has anyone noticed that in Lord of the Rings there is a Wizard who wears a robe and changes his name to Gandalf the White who says "You shall not pass!"? That's clearly a Klansman talking about the border. Only straight characters use the Rings, that's clearly a signal against gay marriage.

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