Nov 10, 2023Liked by Brad

Stacey Abrams forgets how the liberal media treated Dan Quail. But then she conveniently forgets so much she prefers no one remembers. How very Liberating of her.

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I was just about to post about Dan Quayle who was widely ridiculed in his time, arguably more than Harris. If Harris was a white man she wouldn't be VP.

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You are so right about that. A drug damaged murdering ex-prosecutor who makes John Fettermen look brilliant would never be a vice president today, if he were a white man.

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Dan Quayle was an idiot, for sure, but even he could speak in coherent sentences and didn't come off like a stoned, intersectional Dr. Seuss.

"If I knew I was coming to Latin America, I would have studied Latin"

-- Dan Quayle, functional moron

"Talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time, so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time."

-- Kamala Harris, non-functional window dressing

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I'm wondering what happened and how she could have lasted as a prosecutor for so long, she can't be senile already like Biden. You can't really convince a jury speaking in gypsy curses - I hope. As far as VPs go, she's a clever pick, no one wants her to be president and she ticks a few intersectional boxes. Trump also had more of a token VP with Mike Pence.

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I had the same thought when I read that.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Brad

Salon & Pravda are both communist propaganda, it’s just a matter of degrees - geographic degrees.

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The distinction being that when people read Pravda they just laughed because they knew it was bullshit. The people who read Salon (or HuffPo, Vox, ect.) believe every word. Then smugly regurgitate what they read as if it were Shakespeare.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Brad

Sen Kennedy always sweeps away the BS and gets right to the crux of the issue. I love that guy.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Brad

This weekly post is a highlight of Friday for me. The quotes are wonderful. But I wish you could select some liberal sites that are not paywalled. I want to support you with my $$$, not Vanity Fair and the Atlantic.

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You really should get paid for venturing into the lunatic asylum and coming out with all this stuff. Isn't it a bit scary?

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Brad

Isn’t this a criminally actionable threat? “Bitch better hope her house is safe. A lot of things can happen that look like accidents.” — LGBTQ activist Ron Rozycki

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> “If someone in the drug cartels is sneaking fentanyl across the border when I’m President, that’s gonna be the last thing they do. We’re gonna shoot them stone cold dead.”

That's some scary shit. Extrajudicial murders were at least limited to being carried out outside US borders previously.

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I suppose this is also due to the soundbitey nature of the debates. You can't really describe a coherent policy in 3 minutes or less with interruptions from all sides. But I'm sorta reminded of South Park with "fucking them all to Death!".

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You forget the Kennedys & MLK to start.

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Those weren't presented as official policy or even acknowledged by those responsible.

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Oswald and Vince Foster

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Brad

John Fetterman’s quote is a close to an intelligent reply as he has ever made. But then, he probably thought he was a addressing a rabid conservative, so maybe not.

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Brad

“The problem isn’t inflation. It’s prices.” This quote is like a butter knife being stabbed into my brain.

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"One of the sources who did...speculated that the Hussain family belongs to a class beyond the reach of law enforcement — whose leverage confers something close to impunity."

That would still place them behind the Biden crime family, who are untouchable.

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