Some things can't even really wrap my head around. "Let me mutilate myself or I will blame you for my suicide" is one of them.

Hopefully the growing wave of 'detransitioners' speaking out will prevent a bunch of kids from making the same mistakes that they did.......

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There is no doubt that Transmania is the Big Lie of our era, a combo of frontal lobotomy, Satanic panic and Mao's Thought Reform. That this has been sold as "the great civil rights struggle of our time" will live on as the perfect symbol of American decline (mental, moral and social), a grotesquerie on par with Roman gladiator shows and Aztec human sacrifice.

I hate to say this, as I am neither a racist nor a misogynist, but it is just too perfectly apt and hilarious that rich white women are the Typhoid Marys of this Munchausen plague, as they seem to exist on the cutting edge of guilt and neurosis. The psychology is almost too obvious: just tell them some social ritual will absolve them of all guilt/shame and will make them appear kind and pious in the eyes of the public, tell them there's a new expensive moral bauble that will make the plebs admire their obvious superiority, and they will turn even malevolent charlatans like Judith Butler into their Rasputin. Add the fact that this whole scam is buttressed by the lowest form of argument ever crafted—do you want a dead son or a living daughter!?—is the cherry on top.

The only question left to be answered is: will these hacks ever be held accountable? Will there be a Transmania Truth & Reconciliation Commission in the next decade? My feeling is NO, as I've yet to see a disaster this big that was sold by the MSM and the political, academic and corporate class that they weren't able to brush under the rug. Just like with Iraq/Afghanistan, the bank bailouts, the Covid scam, our elite class will never admit fault or accept responsibility and will assign their narrative-enforcement agents the job of rewriting history.

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all praise to you!

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Spot on man! The narcissistic elite will never accept responsibility because narcissists never do. The denial of personal frailty and the complications of reality in favor of a false, idealized self is the pathological root of narcissism. Sadly, it is rarely overcome in adults. Not only should we expect more of this, but we should expect an increasingly febrile doubling down of said behavior. Buckle up!

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has there ever been an outbreak of a contagion that tracks so closely to demographics?

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Brilliant piece Brad. It should be required reading for all educators, politicians and students.

"you’d think that the people encouraging minors to undergo gender-affirming care would pump the breaks and exercise more caution. But you’d be wrong."

I think we would be wrong because it assigns some expectation that the people encouraging this stuff actually care about the children. They don't.

We need to just keep looking back at their own scripture comprising the fake scholarship toxic mind virus of critical theory. Gender theory and queer theory are components, but the overarching ideological principle is to achieve power. All of this modern culture war, which is connected to a larger corporatism-globalist agenda that includes the climate change cult, is about achieving more power... by deconstructing the existing system and its time-tested power structures.

The problem that these people have had over the decades of misery seeing their dreams of collectivist utopia destroyed by western democratic capitalism, caused them to understand that the only way to see their ideas prevail was to destroy from within that other system that kept kicking their ass. And as desperation breeds ingenuity, they became quite adept at organizing for that destruction. They, the totalitarian collectivist authoritarians, need to create chaos and fear in the system so people mistakenly reach for this snake oil offers of a better life.

It is classic Rules for Radicals stuff.

They welcome the chaos of gender confusion in children. They welcome more depression and suicide. The want to destroy traditional norms and values, and create a mess of confusion in people otherwise relatively sane and satisfied, and then point their finger of blame at the existing system as defined and lie to tell these confused, sad, depressed, fearful and angry people that there is a fix if only they will submit their freedoms to the collectivist Gods.

We have to meet this head on. We have to start tearing apart these people that claim to be victim advocates while their actions cause those people so much harm. Even the idiots that just virtue signal support for it... ignorance is not a defense when children are harmed.

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To make a revolutionary omelette you may have to break a few eggs. And what's a little child castration on the road to the Right Side of History™?

As Comrade Stalin said: “The mutilation of one child is a tragedy. The mutilation of a million is a statistic.”

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Is there any child-harming idea that the left is not willing to embrace? This goes beyond child abuse into an active mission to destroy.

What kind of society is so pathological and evil as to celebrate the mutilation of young people? I guess you can tell that as a mother and grandmother, this is the element of leftism that most infuriates me.

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I hate to throw my wife under the bus on this but her mind set is a good reason to believe that not only will no one be held responsible, but that this insanity will continue. Its not like she actually believes any of this crap when confronted with it in her normal life. But since The Authorities (NYT, NBC, etc) have so vigorously pumped the theories there is a belief that there must be something to it. This applied to masking, vaccines, and all the other social contagions as well. (a lot of the compliance was done with eyes rolled, but it was done and non-compliance was frowned upon.) If you operate in a world, which many of us did, being blithely unaware that malign forces have taken over the apparatus of power, you will not know what is going to hit you until it is too late. and a lot of people will continue to trust The Authorities even after they get hit in the face.

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I draw a distinction between people who passively complied and those who have actively pushed this agenda.

Passive compliers are just misguided. People who have supported the progressive agenda for decades (like my SIL) are complicit in and responsible for this evil. I will not entertain any “but we didn’t know, didn’t mean for this to happen” excuses.

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I get it but there is a powerful social pressure being applied by the passive. "dont be obnoxious, they must know something, how could they be lying?" The normals voting with their feet away from the boosters is a good sign but if you ridicule the grifters who push all this, and still are, its a social faux pas. We are supposed to forget everything and continue to put our trust in these people.

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Brad, excellent piece, thoroughly researched. +1 for referencing Edward Shorter’s 1994 book “From Paralysis to Fatigue”, which also serves as a great introduction to Long Covid. And even though he mistakenly dismissed CFS, it’s a great lesson in how revered medical historians can be wrong, while still acknowledging how medicine can evolve.

As an anecdote, I remember around 1987 (age 8) my very liberal father pulled me aside one day, and said (compassionately) “hey Michael, I noticed when you run around, you tend to let your arms flail, with your hands limp wrists flopping around, and I’m worried kids might start bullying you, and calling you a fag... instead, try running with your head high, arms at your side, confidently - like this” (he proceed to demonstrate as a man with dignity should carry himself).

I thought about it a moment, it made complete sense, and henceforth, I walked and ran like a confident adult male. Didn’t make me ashamed in the way he explained, was simply an “ah ha” moment, that I can’t vividly remember to this day. A “core memory” or “canon event”, if you will.

I proceeded to mature into a confident (perhaps unfounded confidence, one can argue) adult heterosexual male, who gave him two grandchildren.

I wonder though, had my liberal father been raised in the 00s instead of 50s/60s, and I born in 2010 instead of late 70’s, would he have had the same “man to man” helpful talk?

Might he have instead suggested that my “limp wrist gait” indicates I was on the gender spectrum? Might he have offered me to option to wear dresses? Change my pronouns? Pause puberty to “see”?

And in this alternate universe, would my 8 year old brain been able to sort through this? Been able to articulate that I was just a kid doing normal things I would/could grow out of given positive encouragement like my 1960s raised liberal father provided?

Or would at 8, might I have worn a dress if encouraged by my parents, expressed confusion at my spontaneous erections 3 years later and agreed to puberty blockers to escape that embarrassment? Might I have been captured by a phenomenon I didn’t even know existed and expressed symptoms of depression and anxiety, validated by parents?

When all along, the simple advice “don’t walk around like a faggot” at 8 years old was all I needed to become a healthy male who couldn’t fathom what depression and anxiety feels like?

Thank god I was born in 1979 instead of 2009. These poor children.

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Thanks for this perspective. I've read and relate to women recounting ways they were labeled tomboys and might have been mistakenly steered towards transition to male as teens. Good parents and adult mentors help us navigate societal expectations in healthy ways so we become well adjusted adults. Good for your dad.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Brad

“Born in the wrong body” is the new “brain chemical imbalance”

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Brad

We all look back on the Salem Witch Trials and laugh...

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When I practiced psychiatry in Germany following medical school there, I only did so for a year and saw few minors. The few I saw presenting with claimed gender dysphoria were never even minimally capable of giving informed consent to medical procedures. We know that the brain does not fully mature until age 26 in males and perhaps 24 or 25 in females. That is the earliest age when the brain is able to resolve confusion about sexual orientation. Why should it occur at age eight or ten for gender identity?

I refused to refer anyone younger than 26 for medical intervention when it may well be a permanent fix to a short-term problrem.

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I wasn't thinking of the transgender psyop as one of 'my' issues but you explain it so well, Brad. And I was remembering the anorexia contagion before you mentioned it. I love the case examples you give to show that there's an internal distress going on with these young people and a pop diagnosis gives it form and bring attention to the child--something they need but not in this way. Thanks for this.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Brad

I think the best prescription is that it is better to have "a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."

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Great article, as usual. The truly sad, and stupidly evil message these kids are being sold is that, if they "fix" their physical body to align with their perception of themselves, a magical Disney happily ever after moment will follow. We have a couple plus thousand years of wisdom literature from manifold cultures, religions and ethnicities telling us the exact opposite. That a profit motive could be in play to having these kids pharmaceutically dependent for life is almost too diabolical to entertain.

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Wonderful article, transgenderism it has nothing to do with bad parenting or mental issues, it is evil in nature so it is a spiritual problem. It comes from outside, from society. I was a tomboy and never had doubts I was a girl, I will not be allowed to be a tomboy now. Children don’t think in gender terms, we all have been children and we know that, gender is the last thing we will think of because we were innocent and that it is the key, this is an attack and hate of innocence and humans. Who do hate humans, who is our enemy? So you think that the spiritual world doesn’t exist? Exposing is the way to go and prayers too but speaking out as Dr Mirian Grossman, a psychiatrist who say what everyone should know if they don’t allow the society push them to extinction. We must support everybody who speaks the truth!

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Frank Lee writes “Brilliant piece Brad”....agree!

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"to believe that gender identity is immutable but sex is"

Needs an edit

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I don't see it? "To believe that gender identity is immutable but sex is (mutable)"

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If you stop your sentence with "is," this reader thinks "is what?". Don't leave me hanging.

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That's a great point, thank you. Changed it to "to believe that gender identity is intrinsic but sex is mutable."

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