May 11, 2023Liked by Brad

What a bunch of hypocrites. Fauci and Randi did more to damage a generation of children than any thought possible. It’s all about politics, power and money.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Brad

getting rid of trump was more important. If they were honest they would tell you that sacrificing a generation of kids was worth it. And while your at it think about what they are doing to these kids with the trans agenda. Alfred Rosebnburg would recognize the twisted thinking.

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"Pandemic School Closures Were Political"

Water is Wet. Sun rises in the East. Etc.

Even my wife had to laugh at the Tweeter woman who was annoyed that her son told her to stop nagging him about COVID bullshit. Does she think that he had been doing whatever she wanted before then? OTOH, our just-turned 30-something son (in 2020) nagged us about masks and vaxes and travel and whatever else, and we ignored him. He assumed that we would die a painful COVID death, but we failed to do so. I think he gave up wiping down his groceries with disinfectants by 2022. He even met me for breakfast in Feb 2023 not wearing a mask. I have suggested he may want to lay off the NPR, but what are you going to do ...

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Hilarious...absolutely perfect!

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There are few humans more loathsome than Jennifer Rubin.

She's another of the many examples of our rotten and rotting ruling class who are wrong about everything but never face any consequences, who encourage others to sacrifice and suffer while they only grow fatter and richer, and who imagine themselves as wise and compassionate but are actually (and obviously) the opposite, ignorant and hateful.

Trump is a rectal tumor but he served one absolutely vital and useful purpose: he forced our ruling elite betters to take off their masks and show themselves for who they really are: status-obsessed petty tyrants who preen about "Democracy" but who hate anyone outside their gated communities of the mind and who honestly believe they have a divine right to tell us all what and how to think, speak, write, and do.

I hate to say it but the Covid disaster will be swept under the rug like the Iraq and Afghanistan disasters and the many other recent crimes of our elite class.

When the top sliver of society is entirely complicit they will smother, demonize or destroy anyone who attempts to make them face responsibility for the disaster they created.

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yep, the Covid response/clusterfuck is this generations WMD fiasco.

no accountability, in fact...promotions for everyone..!

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Reflects my feeling. I was just thinking of all the people to come along and finally expose the rot in the ruling class....... It just had to be Trump. we can't win.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Brad

"Kids deserve to see a reckoning", indeed, a reckoning devoutly to be wished....wonderful essay.

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Oh one more thing:

Thanks, Brad!

This is a great post, you always know just how to make me furious ;))

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May 11, 2023Liked by Brad

You are so right to spotlight these authoritarians’ use of fear to manipulate and control the population, especially young people.

I fear (sorry, couldn’t think of a better word!) that COVID was just the opening act for the main event: we must all be terrified of climate change!

COVID exposed public schools as nothing more than woke madrasas.

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