Facts. In a Hollywood juvenile comedy, pulling the alarm to get the main protagonist out of taking a test is funny. In school is pretty serious misbehavior. In Congress, it's a federal offense (appropriately so). Expell and prosecute him.

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Yes I know I spelled expel wrong… blame my phone.

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I thought it was a new spreadsheet application?

There is an edit link so you can cover your tracks. I use it often.

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No editing needed, I'm a grown man and I can take the heat.

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No edit option on the phone app 🫤

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The further we as a nation continue to drift down the absurd path of Woke, the more apparent it becomes how the definition of what constitutes criminal behavior has almost everything to do with the demographics and political leanings of the alleged perpetrator and little to none with the actual crime or its impact.

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We do not have a two-tier justice system. We have a justice system with as many tiers as there are genders in the mind of a Woke superhero. Bottom tier is race. White, guilty. BIPOC not guilty.

Next level is Biology and orientation.. Male/Female, guilty. Genderqueerpolyanything just so long as it isn't heterosexual.

Then political affiliation. Republican or Libertarian, Guilty. Democrat/Socialist/Communist/Anarchist/Global Devastationist, Not Guilty.

You get the idea.

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Of course the LGBTQIA2S+ (e.g. "non-binary") status can be retroactively rescinded if the crime is serious enough and the person then falls into the white male category.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023Liked by Brad

"When the Right eventually occupies the White House again, it will be interesting to see how the DOJ uses the new prosecutorial legal precedents set by the Left."

I think the Democrats play chicken and generally win because of the difference in liberal and conservative moral filters.

As Haidt wrote in his book The Righteous Mind, liberals tend to operate only on the filters of harm and care... and perceptions of "fairness" tend to cause them to to over assign harm and care. They then justify almost any means to an end because nothing else constrains them. Conservative own the full diet of moral filters including (1) harm/care, (2) fairness/reciprocity, (3) ingroup/loyalty, (4) authority/respect, and (5) purity/sanctity. And so the Republicans play clean cricket and the Democrats play dirty rugby. And the Republicans keep getting bloodied and beat.

Where conservatives and Republicans need to end up is a similar perspective to war. Because losing a war has drastic negative consequences, certain moral filters get pushed back to win. But once the enemy is defeated, the victor should shift to being governed by those higher moral principles.

We are in a war for the future of this nation and the world. It looks like WWIII to me... just played in the economy and media. Republicans, if they can get back into power, need to throw the book at the dirty perpetrators on the Dem side. They also need to bring in private sector actors that colluded. They need to go extreme to send a message. Then they can return to being the high and mighty moralists comfortable with the understanding that they have saved the nation and the world yet again.

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that is the problem. War is a negative sum game. no rational actor enters a game where the net result is they will likely come out with less than they started with even if they win. Tht is why the other side wins. they don't care.

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I don’t as much care about him being arrested as I care about his phone records in the hours before this took place.

Did “They” tell him to do it? Do “They” have dirt on him or maybe bribes?

Who is “They” you ask? The same “They/Them” Biden has mentioned 5 speeches in a row regarding what “They” want him to do. The members of the Bush/Obama era Security State who really run this country.

Blocking that vote was the last chance to not make it look like the senate Dems were shutting down the government to fund Ukraine. Oh well, Bowman’s desperate gamble didn’t work.

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People like that never think they won't always be in charge. Tyrants get overthrown - always! The WEFfers think they're taking over. If they do, they will be deposed at some point, and will be imprisoned or killed. People don't take to captivity very well. For as educated as these people think they are, they are missing a very basic human characteristic. Rotsa ruck, @$$hats!

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I'm sure cooler heads will prevail and this incident will lead to additional charges against Trump and more money for Ukraine.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Brad

"It was harmless. He just pulled a fire alarm." "Oh yeah, 3+ years in prison for the disabled senior citizen for walking around the White House is absolutely warranted."

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Brad

If Jamaal Bowman doesn’t understand what will happen when he pulls the fire alarm, then he is too stupid to be voting on laws for the rest of us.

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you make a relevant point tho. at some level, these Dems know they have unfairly weaponized the government for political vengeance. some have had to figure out by now, that once the Republicans are in charge, the payback could be swift.

which is why I’ve been seeing them say that the only way to safeguard democracy, is to destroy the GOP. they are starting to panic...

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"Not like that." -- Democrats.

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“Republicans claim Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm and obstructed an official proceeding.

We rate this mostly false for missing context.”

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DHS would call that "malinformation".

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Brad

Who did the nose work on the MSNBC broad? Wow.

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dont hold your breath.

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These cretins are using 1984 as a field manual, and atlas shrugged as a guide how to corrupt anything and everything.

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I wonder what they would try to charge ten thousand armed maniacs with for overthrowing the current illegal government? I'm guessing it would have to read "Obstruction of a crime in progress perpetrated on the American people in their house, by the current usurper holding the keys" because s far, the illegal residents are violating thousands of unarmed people's rights every day. Seems to me payback should hurt. A lot. And then off to prison. For a long time.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Brad

Shameful! Just shameful!

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How drunk was he?

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