"In the case of Taibbi and Weiss (and Greenwald as well, really), many of the political views they hold are no different than those held by your typical Democratic voter—normie liberal social values. Indeed, were you to travel back in time to the early aughts, you’d find that the views they held then are much the same as the views they hold now. They’re actually remarkably consistent in that regard, which I think is pretty admirable in an age of sellouts."

I am new to Weiss, but have been fans of Greenwald and Taibbi for years for exactly this reason. It's no surprise that both are on Substack and both are killing it. Real journalism is worth it!

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Years ago, an article by Taibbi in Rolling Stone that insulted Christians and Tennessee Christians in particular, led me to cancel my subscription. This one-time radical loon has seen the light. Much like Bill Maher, he has recognized the evil and self-destructive nature of the WOKE.

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"a resume thinner than Amber Heard’s septum" !! OUCH ;)

As someone who lived through the ideological capture of the Humanities, I've already seen this movie so I can tell you how it ends:

There is no hope for people once they've succumbed to the Social Justice brain virus, they are lost souls akin to cult members, there will be no reprogramming them and no Joseph Welch "Emperor stripped of his clothes" moment. (And this goes double for people like professors and journalists who make their living and names from it.)

Just like the end of Jonestown, there will be one or 2 people who refuse the Kool Aid, but for the most part, once you've gone this far there is no turning back.

All our cultural and intellectual institutions have been captured and there will be no rescuing them!

Our best and only hope is that they collapse before the decade is out.

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It's definitely time to build anew

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samizdat is the way to go (and substack)

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The root cause of the entire Democrat = Liberal fiasco is that the equation is wrong. Through LBJ, every Democrat President was a racist. The sole exception may be JFK.

Truman integrated the armed forces, so he wasn't a racist, right? Wrong. He integrated the armed forces to take a slice away from Republicans' share of the black vote and was quite open about that in his private discussions and correspondence. Before him, FDR had broken the Republican stranglehold on the black vote by making blacks eligible for social welfare programs. LBJ was a dyed-in-the wool racist who cynically gave self-anointed civil rights "leaders" a place at the table in return for permanent allegiance to the Democrat Party.

LBJ's Great Society was nothing but a vote-buying scheme. Obama's anti-white racism was no change in methodology, just a different target. The Democrats proclaim that racism is a characteristic of the reactionary anti-liberty forces in America. Based on JFK, Democrats gained the reputation of "liberal." Since most young people, as part of the ritual rebellion against previous generations, consider themselves liberal, they flock to the "liberal" party. it's a self-perpetuating phenomenon. The arrogance of these people causes them to label anyone who criticizes a Democrat as reactionary. We're unlikely to fix this in your grandchildren's lifetime.

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Wow I loved the writing here!

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great essay Brad.

keep it up.

very well written...

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Thank you!

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As someone who’s followed Taibbi since 2006, this is hilarious.

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Agree 100% with everything you say here. Very well written and summarized. Kudos.

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Thank you, I really appreciate it!

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Very chortlesome. I don't find it possible to read either for very long without thinking "Are you out of your bloody mind?" Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss may be waking up and smelling the roses but they are both a tad ways from not being bonkers yet!

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Look at the edit history of the "Twitter Files" article in Wikipedia....


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Great fun reading. Turley not reliable as a source? Use Wikipedia for facts only, and if the fact is very important to you, double or triple check elsewhere.

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Poor guy.

It's been my long experience and my reading of history, that, "You reap what you sow."

Whatever does not destroy him will make him stronger.

He'll be fine.

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Commie bastards!

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Taibbi and Weiss and not just conservative journalists - they are QANON TERRORISTS!!!!

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