Sep 11, 2023Liked by Brad

I have a hard time understanding what the leftist goal is with the flood of illegal immigrants. I know it’s not about caring and compassion. That’s always the way they try to cover their true motive, which is normally just about increasing power. But this one is hard to figure.

They have been trying to flip Texas for years. Now it seems they are between a rock and a hard place.

Illegals are overwhelming blue cities, and the virtue-signalers don’t like it. So the proposal is to force all immigrants to stay in Texas and make Texas deal with it? As a punishment to Abbott for exposing their hypocrisy? That might sound like a great idea, tossing the grenade back to Texas. But I’m guessing it will also mean they can kiss any hope of flipping Texas goodbye.

Virtue signaling would work so much better if only reality didn’t interfere...

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Brad

For many years, Democrats openly celebrated that Hispanic immigrants would ultimately outnumber whites, ensuring permanent Democrat control of government. Opening the border makes perfect sense to them. Now anyone who talks about "the Great Replacement Theory" is labeled a Trump-supporting white supremacist. But interestingly enough, more and more Hispanics are leaving the Democrats for the Republicans. It turns out that Hispanics don't like transgender ideology, high crime, high levels of illegal immigration, or sex trafficking.

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"Demographics is destiny."

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One of the authors of that idea back in 2000 is now re-thinking that position:


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Cause the democrats went crazy in the last decade!

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I think progressive ideas always leads to insanity, so this was not an accident.

History doesn’t repeat itself, but it surely does rhyme ( not sure who to credit, too lazy to look it up).

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Maybe true. All they had to do was not go insane, but they couldn't do it because the movement must always be on offense.

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ballots imo . Don't need voters if you have ballots.

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Ah, yes. It’s hard to let go of the idea that actual votes count.

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If they were honest they would see it as unconscionable to leave the poor migrants with the evil racist Republican majority. They must also be baffled why anyone would come to a country that is irredeemably racist and white supremacist as taught by CRT - maybe instead of a wall you need to teach CRT in Mexico?

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It's about destroying the country. This is one of many pieces of evidence for the idea Biden is committing treason.

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If he actually had a clue what he is saying and doing on any given day. I can see it now; go to charge him and they will claim..."he has dementia and his health is failing...haven't you seen he hasn't been his real self for a while so because he isn't mentally capable of standing trial...give him a break!" You just know that's how they will handle "poor old good guy Joe, wouldn't hurt a fly...now be nice and just let him go home" Grrr

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Sorry. I meant his handlers. Or Obama.

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"I have a hard time understanding what the leftist goal is with the flood of illegal immigrants. I know it’s not about caring and compassion..."

For the Brahmin Left, opening the borders provide a few cheap thrills: 1) it allows them to preen as righteous saviors of the brown and poor, which is a sacrament in the Social Justice religion and tickles all their erogenous zones; and 2) it allows them to "rub the Right's nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date", which was Tony Blair's rationale for opening the British borders 20 yrs ago:


The greatest emotional need for the white liberal is to be seen as "better" than the white conservative, kinder and smarter and more compassionate and "less racist". It makes them feel righteous and holy. Other things may matter to them, but nothing matters more.

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as in many cases, this is the re-emergence of religion under other guises. the virtues are different but the desire to be considered right with God or whatever deity they have substituted is eternal.

but from a long march plan this also makes sense. they may not make voters of the millions that arrive but their kids will vote and being unskilled and living as basically a refugee they will be hostage to one party that will say "vote for us or the pittance you get goes away."

recipe for permanent majority ala California

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I’m too cynical to ascribe this to their desire to feel good about themselves- they do plenty of that without needing any prompting!

I always believe that a more lucrative and concrete benefit for them is lurking somewhere in the shadows.

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I know many people are always imagining that there's money being passed behind a curtain somewhere, and I'm sure that's true in some instances, but there are not millions of bribes being passed around daily among the NYT/NPR upscale left class.

Social Justice is their honest belief system, and the entire 21st-century Left from Bernie bros on the outer wing to Clintonites in the middle, share a sacred belief in White Guilt and White Saviorism, and to be a modern liberal means that you believe all Good People help the brown and poor (or at least never say NO to them). It is both a political and social belief but also a shibboleth and litmus test, as well as basic etiquette in "Left spaces".

Feeling righteous and holy can be as much a benefit as anything concrete.

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Agree mostly. I don’t envision bribes going to the members of the upscale left class. For them, the righteous and holy feeling is enough, combined with their (justified) fear of losing their elevated status if they question the dogma. But they are only the useful idiots, and they will be stunned when they finally figure that out.

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History is a wild ride, but short of some unforeseen cataclysm up ahead, I'm not sure of that ever happening.

Just about all my friends/family in the Blue Bubble are upscale professionals who will most likely die in their beds as confident in their belief systems and as confident in their moral superiority as any true religious believer before them.

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Some traitor American developer is creating ‘lots’ for 200,000 illegal border crossers 40 miles north of Houston, Texas. Illegal ppl are already hauling any kind of trailer they can access onto those dirt lots. This will become the first Cartel City (in Europe they are called No-GO areas) and the people living there will be in hell. WHY is this allowed??? What the hell is wrong with this government? ...and PS. The objective of flooding America with millions of undocumented ppl is to try to get enough in so that the Democrat Party rules for life. Power. They are sick with the want of it.

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since April 2022, NYC has gotten 110k ppl and spent 12 BILLION on them ...... just under 110k/person. Far from no burden.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Brad

So the Biden administration is now considering keeping some of these illegal immigrants in Texas. How does he propose to do that? Build a wall?

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Yep. all the people going to blue cities want to go there, and forcing them to stay in Texas is no better than forcing them to stay in Mexico.

Then again, logic doesn't much matter anymore.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Brad

WOW...dramatic and frightening. I knew it had gotten so much worse since 2021 but just not how REALLY bad.

Thank you so much for this report. I WILL share far and wide.

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Brad, this is such an astounding summary of the destruction wrought by the feckless leader of the free world, so-called. Thank you for your summary of Sam Quinones’s Dreamland, which I read some years back. I needed that capsule description to smack me in my head so I can use it to illuminate the consciousness of people in my world, or more colloquially, blow their minds. Then, I will go on to describe how the cartels are reaping an even bigger fortune smuggling those who correctly interpreted Biden’s words as an invitation to invade.

Such terrific writing. Thank you.

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That he initiated these crossings during a pandemic made it very suspicious to me. At the beginning it was no more then an anti-Trump stunt which continues in it's many forms to this day.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023Liked by Brad

I have been doing Ancestry forever and I'm very familiar with our immigration policies along our coastal borders. I never understood why our contiguous borders didn't implement the same policies. My ancestors had many questions to answer like, who was the next of kin in the old country,  and who was going to meet them when they arrived in America. Personal descriptive information was also required,  and so on. I never understood our open border policy. In NY one of the places the immigrants are being housed is at Creedmoor, a psychiatric facility, a thousand of them. There have been many people who have come out to protest and express their outrage, but no one is listening. . This never happened when they arrived across the Atlantic. If they were sick they were detained, or turned back. On Jimmy Dore who was being covered by Mate,  they referenced Tucker Carlson being in opposition to our open border policy, and Mate spit out that he was despicable. Okay, easy to be a liberal when it doesn't affect you. Nancy Pelosi made the following comment in regard to her San Francisco city. “But when they say San Francisco liberal, as if to make it sound like it’s something negative, them’s fighting words. Don’t attack my city. Don’t attack my city," she said. “But San Francisco values, that’s what we’re about." If she and her kind define themselves as liberal why aren't they taking care of their homeless population in their liberal city? Some 10 thousand sleep on the streets, or live in homeless shelters, many of whom go untreated for mental illness, and, or addiction. Great liberal that she is, she can make that statement as she and her husband no doubt made millions due to her political connections which no doubt she rationalizes. Too many, if not most are like her in the political arena. Did you see the video clip of her saying she was on the intel comm, so she knew there were no weapons of mass destruction, and didn't vote for the war in Iraq, but never thought to tell Biden, Chair of the Foreign Affair Comm, that he got it wrong, so stop pushing it. She probably knew, that he already was aware there were no weapons, and I guess she felt it was okay, even though she sees herself as a liberal.  I have come to a point that I absolutely detest our political leadership, especially those in the democratic party who pretend to be something they are not. Look at the Sqad who now walk in lockstep with those they said they would stand up to. Money, money, money, and to hell with values, and the welfare of the people who elected them into office.   

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Biden is weakening the United States every chance he gets. The open borders "invitacion" is one of many pieces of evidence that he is committing treason.

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My xenophobia is directed at Democrats. Freakin’ destructive aliens from another planet they have become.

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What the politicians in Blue states / cities call inhumane is pretty normal in Europe. In Germany, asylum seekers are usually spread around the country and they rarely get to pick where they live. I think some of the left don't think that's a good idea but you really don't want to put hundreds of thousands of refugees in the same place, especially groups that are also fighting in their country of origin.

Ukrainian refugees are often treated better than those from e.g. North Africa. Some might call that racism, but I think the demographics of those refugees are different, instead of young, uneducated men (who often leave their wives / kids behind) it's usually women and children.

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We need a wall and an explanation from the Democrats for why they are OK with bribery..

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Kamala does not need to go to the border. A phone call to the St Louis Fed will do. They have the data showing that the three Northern Tier countries' most valuable export is people. Money sent back to El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala from the US accounts for about 20% of GDP for each country. Offering them money is risible.

The only unknown is how big the Biden Crime Family's cut is.

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