With the Kamala coronation, the cabal has thrown down the gauntlet. They apparently believe the propaganda machine is now invincible, no need to hide in the shadows any more.

The scary part is that even in the face of all that’s happened, it’s guaranteed that at least 40% of American voters will cast their vote in favor of the cabal. They are not just a fringe element; we will be battling them for a long time.

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You’re correct. I suggest we focus on boycotting advertisers for MSNBC and the rest of the leftist media. Cutting the arteries feeding the monster is the only solution.

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Jul 24Edited

I find myself sickened by how close we are to having her as our next President. And how many Americans will vote for her for no other reason than her identity. Winning is not guaranteed and cannot be taken for granted.

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Well said. We move more and more every day in the direction of information warfare. Before the debate I was very confused at how in gods name they were agreeing to letting Biden debate Trump. Did they think that by some miracle Biden could pull it off? That possibly with the right combination of medications and preparation he could pull if off? There is no way to determine for certain if the game plan all along was to dump Biden, that possibly they knew his debate performance would give them what they needed to force him out. However there is a strong case to be made for their believing that they could, with all of the help from the MSM and Hollywood, pull it off, fool the American voters into believing Biden was capable of a second term. They’re arrogance could in fact be that great. And that same arrogance could still be the reason that they may believe that with the help of the MSM and the full support of the entertainment industry that they could sell Harris to the American voter enough to actually win the election. I watched Biden’s address to the nation this morning. He no doubt rehearsed that speech for several days, and just barely managed to pull it off. Played the part exactly as he was told to. Wag The Dog is becoming more of our political story every day.

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Too depressingly true.....once the propaganda Juggernaut begins to roll, look out!

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I guess Republicans shouldn't run someone who bought children to rape from Jeffrey Epstein.

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And the 40% checks in….

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Democrats have gotten more votes in elections than Republicans in every year except 2004 since 1988. Lol 40%

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Yes, they have. And in 2020 they managed to put a dementia patient in the White House. When faced with irrefutable evidence of what they have been supporting, at least 40% of them will keep voting for more of the same.

And it’s no longer a laughing matter.

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What I find completely amazing is there doesn't appear to be any outrage from the left! They accepted the coup and anointment of Kamala like finding a 10 pound sack of 100 dollar bills. The MSM and talking heads didn't miss a beat. Joe who?, Oh yeah, our sitting president. What a selfless act, stepping down from the presidential race; Trump would NEVER do something like that... I wonder what, if anything, the "average" Democrat voter on the street thinks about voting for a candidate for president and having that duly elected candidate "pushed out." I won't argue about the primary process, but the process did at least TRY and involve the voting public.

And just like that, Kamala became the nominee!

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Zero introspection from our honorable mainstream media stewards, no pausing to reflect on whether they once again played a huge role in the broader erosion of social trust. From hiding and lying about Biden, to crucifying Biden, to Kamala political advocacy. It was fascinating watching Democrats face something of an adversarial press for like a week.

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And watching the briefly adversarial press return to their greatest passion and raison d'etre, attacking conservatives (and all dissenters) as evil bigots and launching a massive PR campaign to make the next Dem up for election seem like a cross between Rosa Parks and Beyonce, reminds me of watching a drunk who took a week off booze get back to the bar on Saturday night.

Drinks for everyone! Shots all around! We're rocking this joint till dawn!

The brazen dishonesty and swivel-headed hypocrisy of our journalist/politico class can only be described as pathological, and the herd seems happy to be back together and all running in the same direction, regardless of how many cliffs they're ignoring.

And still all these people will go to their graves imagining that every lie they sold was in the interest of "saving Democracy", even if that means working as PR whores for an unelected unlikable party hack that a month ago they were considering jettisoning.

The saddest part though is that they still might get away with their open conversion to Pravda in the Dem's Soviet America because they have an ace up their sleeves: Trump.

He will do and say a thousand repulsive things between here and November just to keep Election Day interesting.

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Trump is my worry - his to win or lose and he is clearly capable of losing it. His near death experience appeared to cause some introspection on his part for a few days but its impact already seems to be fading.

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he seems to be a bit more disciplined (that's not saying a lot I know) recently

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The paralysis and instant obedience to Kamala getting coronated has the same sad root as the extended 3-year performance of "The Emperor's New Clothes" that just crashed and burned: learned helplessness.

People on the liberal-left side of the aisle (even old Commie stalwarts like Bernie and the writers at The Nation and Mother Jones etc) have been cowed and neutered by the perpetual propaganda onslaught that says more or less: Trump is Hitler, the Dem Party is the French Resistance, and thus even the slightest pushback makes you the moral and social equivalent of a Nazi or at least a Nazi sympathizer.

It is a joyless time to be an American liberal: you spend every second of your life locked inside a digital panopticon where everyone is scanning everyone else for signs of ideological disloyalty and where getting the stink of heretic on you means instant social death.

Every Dem and their fellow travelers will be loyal and obedient foot soldiers as long as the Orange Beast stalks the land. Their lives are more monitored and their sins more publicly tallied than even the residents of Calvin's Geneva.

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pj O' rourke observation of North Korean "people's demonstrations" as "spontaneous regimentation" is a good label.

Most of my friends and family who support this fall into 2 categories:

1. Those who are ignoring it and want it to go away. They dont like Trump and are in favor of the current system usually due to some single issues like abortion. They are embarrassed and know whats going on but are playing dumb and hoping things blow over and we get a new news cycle.

2. The true believers who spit out the same talking points "have you read project 2025?" There is something seriously wrong with these people. They most definitely are victims of the mind virus. There is no reasoning with them

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Their sins more publicly tallied than the residents of Calvin’s Geneva. Wow, a great line and sad statement. History repeats itself over and over. And like Brad said they seem to shut down or at least hide any critical thinking. Critical thinking is the path of heretics. The sun revolves around the earth and orange man bad.

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To be a member of the thinking class in America means that your First Commandment is: Thou Shalt Not Do Any Thinking.

Thinking can be a dangerous threat to your academic/managerial/PMC perch.

It's safer to write another book/speech/article about how evil the other side is.

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BLM complained on their Twitter. Other than that Democrats are used to it, all the recent primaries were rigged for some establishment hack, if you complain you get the Tulsi Gabbard treatment. Bernie Sanders supporters were implicitly portrayed as sexist (or just traitors) and Sanders quickly folded every time they stole the nomination from him.

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Has anyone seen a single MSM news report that brings up any of the many critiques outlined in this article and those it references? A single clip of Tulsi Gabbard calling out Kamala during that 2020 debate and Kamala having nothing substantive to say in her defense?

As you said, Harris is the elite media's idea of who a Democratic candidate should be -- their platonic ideal of the anti-Trump: black, female, with girlboss vibes she can laser at her enemies.

Nevermind her ineptitude at speaking coherently and the way she condescends to her audience because she assumes they know even less about a subject than she does (e.g. Ukraine/Russia). The insincerity in her face and voice as she repeats that platitudinous "unburdened by what has been."

Nevermind her awful authoritarian positions. Her dismissal of the rule of law or weaponization of it when it suits her moral preferences.

They value her because SHE CAN BEAT TRUMP YOU GUYS. This was the main message of a Michael Moore article on this platform. Not about her qualifications. Not weighing her credits and debits. Just feeding hope to a rabid Resistance that in Kamala, they've found their super weapon against the Existential Threat to Democracy.

They value her because she reflects their own approach to politics, which often resolves to Are You a Good Witch or a Bad Witch? If it's between a law that protects our liberties and helping someone, well, helping someone always wins. Because otherwise you're a Bad Person and not fit for swanky parties in Manhattan and D.C. where donors, politicos, swamp creatures, elected officials, and the craven media need to remind one another that they deserve their perch in society because they're so smart. So good.

They value her because they value iconography. It's why her vacuous Brat branding is getting attention as something positive. It's why you see Michael Steele's tweet depicting her as Captain America. It's why you have that image of her with the shadow of herself as a little girl. It's why you have those awful Bulwark podcast videos with titles like "Kamala Harris Slays Her Debut!" Politics is a sport, they've chosen a team with the coolest logo, and rah rah.

The media, if they ever do pay attention to her many many negatives, will likely do so in a shallow horse-race context, a la Meet the Press: "How will the critiques from former Harris staffers play with Dems? What will Independents think of her voting record as the most left of all senators?"

In situations like this, they care about what the voters think not in order to gauge what might be a set of healthy directions and compromises for the country and for politicians to follow. They care about them mainly to the extent that they give advance notice that Democratic candidates will win.

This is why you have that ABC 7 report that put us all on notice by asserting that critiques of Harris are rooted in "misogynoir." We're back to the 2016 campaign framework: If you didn't vote for Hillary, you were a sexist. If you don't vote for Kamala, you're a sexist AND a racist.

If the media can't make Kamala happen this election, they know who to blame. All of us.

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Always have fantastic comments that I really appreciate you sharing.

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Excellent analysis. You've nailed it that Harris is seen as the most likely candidate to beat Trump, combining name recognition with the identitarian attributes that rest so closely to the heart of the Democratic party. Watching analysis today, every criticism of Harris is labeled as misogynistic, racist, or both.

Early days, Kamala seems to be on point with her rallies, so I assume she's sticking to the teleprompter (just like Biden and Trump sound their best when not varying from the speech).

I look forward to a real or close approximate of a news conference or debate, where Harris can defend her performance and positions held as Senator.

I truly do not look forward to the next 4 years. Regardless of who wins.

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> Watching analysis today, every criticism of Harris is labeled as misogynistic, racist, or both.

I don't see how this strategy will work. Those accusations generally don't stick anymore, as long as Republicans don't get defensive and try to prove they aren't misogynistic or racists. That card has been overplayed way too much. It might still work with some Democrats but most of them think they can't be racist or misogynistic by virtue of being Democrats.

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It's surreal: in 2016 I was still a card carrying, fairly left-of-center Dem who was as shocked and mortified as anyone else that Trump was elected. I couldn't figure it out. Didn't realize how big the blindspot was.

Now I'm watching this all from outside the bubble, and it is truly amazing to see how much of an echochamber they're all in, just how clueless they seem to be about the reality on the ground. There are I think 2 main drivers of their ignorance of reality:

1. True believers: ideologues who truly believe everything they see on MSNBC. They populate the staff writer positions at the NYT and WAPO. The teachers, the nonprofit workers.

2. The leadership: they probably have an idea about reality. Some know full well. But they want to win, and likely feel they have to resort to propaganda to succeed.

Together, they paper over everything that doesn't fit the narrative, and their base sleepwalks toward another election in which they will lose, and they'll be just as shocked and horrified as they were in 2016.

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The most amazing thing is that she would somehow be even worse than Biden.

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Even more amazing in my opinion is that so many of the people now adamantly saying that she's going to win, that this is a "movement," that she's a star, etc. have long been saying she's a massive electoral liability.

I.e., In September of last year, Anderson Cooper asked Pelosi for her thoughts on Harris’s potential. “Is Vice President Kamala Harris the best running mate” for Biden, Cooper asked. Pelosi replied, “He thinks so."

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It always amazes me how quickly they can fall in line and be on-message. Unburdened by what has been is really a fitting description of the media landscape who turn on a dime anytime the narrative becomes untenable, acting like they didn't say something different just a few hours ago.

If Harris was really competent there would have been calls for her to take over the presidency long ago, she's always been insurance for Biden and his team.

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Why aren't the Dems urging her to take over the Presidency now? Wouldn't that be a boon to her campaign? Then they could shame anyone who wanted to vote out the First Female Black President after only 5 months on the job.

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There is the real risk that when people see her performing the job it becomes all the more difficult to spin if she isn't up to the task. Especially after all the covering for Biden. This way she can focus on her campaign and her handlers can focus on damage control.

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She's a disaster and it hasn't really been "revealed" to those who buy into the mainstream media. The honeymoon will end. My tin foil hat thinking thinks maybe Kamala runs until the convention, but she's so bad and her chances are revealed to be so slim that she's actually bumped out or she steps aside - a deal between the Dem power brokers and Kamala to give her a shot. Or she allows them to blow through the campaign funds from Joe, then they give her the boot.

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Very nice summary of the political and cultural mess we are all in. I wonder what other surprises lurk between now and 6 November?

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If performing fellatio was a superpower this woman would be unstoppable. Unfortunately for her, her mouth is also used for speaking and that’s when her “Achilles’ heel” appears and reveals herself to be an insufferable airhead.

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The Democrats have a real chance of pissing off so many people with their heavy-handed control of the media and party nomination process that they could potentially damage their party image so severely that the group will cease to be a functional political apparatus within two years. Let's hope they don't mess up that opportunity.

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Gourmet word salad chef! LOL.

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Sounds more like the wilted stuff in a plastic box that would be sold at a rest stop or gas station. An early, drunk version of ChatGPT.

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“Every time Harris talks it sounds like a book report where she’s stretching to hit a word count.”

sorta like chatgpt

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yeah, but unlike Kamala, chagpt gives an acceptable answer once in a while!

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This reminds me of a classic SNL skit from 1988 of the debate between Bush and Dukakis (Jon Lovitz and Dana Carvey) where, after a hilarious Carvey job on Bush the Elder, Lovitz' Dukakis says, "And I'm losing to THIS guy?"

Somebody please convince Trump that he has long Covid and lock him in his basement without his phone and just let this incompetent harpy explode all over the Dems... (PS - Where has Ivanka disappeared to? She was a smart, tough Lara T.)

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Random question: Did you receive this via email?

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ALWAYS enjoy your stuff and send it to pals!

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Thanks, just wondering because the date on the post says July 24, which is tomorrow. Not sure why.

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It's set on UTC, IIRC

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The whole thing borders on farce. Matt Taibbi s article was also excellent. Killing Democracy to save it. Spurious charges against a political enemy , taking the keys away from a sitting President .

Let’s see how this shakes out. Some 80 days to early voting. I never underestimate the amount of Trump hatred out there. It’s palpable.

If only Donald withdraws and recommends Nikki Haley. She would eat Harris’s lunch, even if Harris is descended from the Brahmin caste on her maternal side- the 1%.

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The Democrats have already once had the second coming of Christ;- Obama! How many times are the sheep gonna fall for that bag of buckwheat? But never underestimate stupidity!

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Two predictions:

* The media will soon need to find something to pivot to when calling her critics racist or sexist no longer works, especially when those critics are African-American - quite a few are already upset at her appropriating their identity. It's often fun to watch when the intersectionalists are going after each other about who is more oppressed (and who could be more oppressed than the vice president?).

* All the clips of her saying idiotic things will be memed away as cherry-picked or words to that effects, much like the short-lived "cheapfakes" propaganda campaign.

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The Democrats are well on their way to beatifying her. The fix is in. We’ve lost this cycle. Hope for better in 2028.

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If the fix is in now, the fix will be in for every cycle. 2028 or anything after won't matter anymore.

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I'm not so sure about that, we'll see. I think one big problem will be that conservatives (not Trump of course) are usually very squeamish about criticizing women, they still haven't quite realized that they're going to be called racist and/or sexist no matter what they do. Hitting her on her record will be difficult, hitting her on her policies too because neither of those really exist.

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The Regime media is heels up over Kamala.

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"Following Joe Biden’s belated withdrawal from the presidential race, the onslaught of felching flattery about his heroically sacrificial character and his administration’s astonishing, unprecedented, better-than-FDR-scale accomplishments began within minutes. From the Democratic party’s grand poohbahs and their lickspittles in the media, this fawning admiration is intended to compensate for having done nothing but insult, undermine, and leak against the President for three weeks. Now his detractors are suddenly Biden’s greatest fans..."

Look up "felching" at your own risk.


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