Here's the cognitive dissonance that's giving me cognitive confusion:
The Dems and the increasingly demented inmates of the Blue Bubble are running around with hair on fire screaming about FASCISM! and the evil Orange Man who is always on the verge of morphing into Hitler and ending Our Democracy™;
and for this reprise of Our Most Important Election Ever (2024 edition) they have cleared away every possible challenger, canceled their primaries, and are lining up behind their supposed savior, who is ancient, feeble, can barely walk or talk, who needs to be surrounded by staff terrified of his next faux pas, who has no real accomplishments except not being Trump and being an obedient puppet who makes sure to read his cue cards before ice cream and bedtime...
Am I crazy or are the Dems insane? How can they think this doddering senile octogenarian is going to remain upright till next Nov?
Couldn't agree more. Their main strategy - imprisoning Trump - makes no sense to me. Because if Trump really is imprisoned, Biden will surely lose to whomever the Republican candidate is. Trump might be Biden's only beatable opponent - nobody unites the left like him, and I feel like it's very possible that enough people will vote *against* the Bad Orange Man to give Biden the victory.
I agree Trump is the Dems' best (only?) asset, the center of their universe, and they will miss him deeply when he's gone...But regardless of who's the Repub candidate, I still don't understand how or why Biden is running for a second term.
We both know the MSM is his #1 constituency but what will they do if Joe takes a spill or has a public case of brain freeze next Oct? They have become such brazen liars that they'll attempt to hide or spin it, but this just strikes me as incredibly stupid and reckless if you're campaigning in the Most Important Election Ever.
If Biden is still alive in 11mos and loses, I think I may die laughing...
Have no doubt though, if trump is eliminated, and I am afraid that word is now in play in certain circles, who ever is up next is, wait for it………Hitler too!!! Or 3 or 4
I beg to differ Clever. The Democrats have had their most successful presidency in history. We're smack-dab in a cultural war and class war. They are winning on both fronts. Seriously, look at how much they've accomplished in 3 years.
How could they have inconsistent thoughts; they are angry, because they're right....and they are right, because they're angry. That pretty much ends the need to consider other viewpoints; it would be immoral for them to consider viewpoints that do not adhere to their angry/right:right/angry epistemology because anything outside the perfect purity circle is amoral.
They are in lockstep in THEIR two option game. It is non-optional for them, under their creed, to either stop you or they must help you understand that you do not have options otherwise.
The rules are simple. It's not their problem we don't understand. Any cognitive dissonance you may experience about their lack of cognitive dissonance affirms their purity and identifies you as the unwashed.
How could you not understand that they had to break into your house to save the baby from a burning crib?
What kind of unappreciative monster leaves their baby in a burning house we were forced to cleans with fire on behalf if your child?! Maybe a really, really scary monster who entertains competing ideas?
Hey i mostly agree w u, which makes me even more confused that they're banking on the Weekend at Biden's campaign strategy. If you're this close to locking in your program for the rest of the decade and seeding your commissar class into every nook and cranny of society, why not pass the ball to Greasy Gavin or some other Diversicrat, let the MSM do the rest, and possibly lock in a 12-year Reich?
Biden can barely walk or talk! Running him again seems insane to me...
But I have no doubt they have decided that 4 more years at a Weekend At Bernies was their best option for deploying sinister schemes they've already "war-roomed" for the general.
I don't think they fear losing. They control the apparatus. Democrats are always prepared and on the same song sheet. They're going to make 16' & 20's machinations look bush league.
Any upstanding Marxist must use any means possible to prevent the Nazi's from stopping their march to their totalitarian utopia.
Could it be that this is just a routine election to them? They plan on running the same playbook as last time (and why wouldn't they, the opposition has no appetite to stop it?).
Mail ballots to everyone who has or has ever had a pulse, then kick out Republican poll watchers from the tabulation centers, then dump however many ballots are needed in at 3am to overwhelm Trump, then gaslight everyone about how secure this election was.
Sure, they need some legitimate votes, hence the rhetoric, but as to why they are running Biden, it's because they have no expectation of losing no matter who they run, so why not run the empty suit who rubber stamps their every desire?
Has any American political party ever won an election by telling people they are insufficiently grateful for their marvelous leader? That they are too stupid to understand how really good the economy is? Or, if the economy isn’t good, it’s the public’s fault? While running an obviously incapacitated candidate who can barely walk and talk?
This is so blatantly egregious that one suspects they have no real concern about losing the election. Who behaves this way? They seem to have deliberately painted themselves into an inescapable corner. Even the Democrats can’t be this inept. I fear they have an escape hatch, one that will shock the country to its core. Time will tell.
If nothing else, they'll use the same "escape hatch" as last time. Fix the machines so few votes count for the opposition, falsify ballots, pay off voters, etc.
The saddest thing here is that there are still people who will support Biden saying he did good things while saying Trump was bad for the country. These people really are blinded by I don't even know what.
It's one thing for Krugman et al. to lie and say that the economy is good for the middle class and below when it plainly isn't. That's standard politics. But going so far as to indirectly call Americans who point out their lies stupid for NOT GETTING that the economy is healthy is enough to make me genuinely hate them. It hearkens to the insensitivity and even contempt you always knew was in the minds of these elitists but that they used to at least try to conceal.
There is a lot of commentary going around about how the progressives and neoliberals are going to do this and win, or the media is going to manipulate this, or this trick will be pulled and no one will notice. Just stop for a second and look at these people. People like the Biden Administration, Chris Wray, the New York Times editorial board, MSNBC, and neocon hacks at The Bulwark and National Review are not smug and in control. They are terrified. Things are getting to the point where enough of the population and enough demographics are turning against them for any legitimacy they pretend to have to be threatened.
They do seem absolutely terrified. Not because Trump will be a dictator (no matter what they say) but because they are afraid that, if re-elected, he will expose their crimes to the American people.
What we’ve seen on the surface is bad enough to, if the laws were enforced, conceivably send some of these people to prison for life.
Can you imagine what is lurking below the surface?
The rhetoric is because they still need legitimate votes in places they don't control. If they act like they have it in the bag (and they do) then a lot of the marks will become wary.
agree with everything in this argument. They are all in on the assumption that time itself will stop in its tracks, and we won’t be dealing with a Joe Biden who just turned 85, Joe will just stay trapped in amber and keep doing his little fake jog to AF1 and maybe they will get him more comfortable shoes that make him seem young and vigorous.
I think this dates back to 2008 when it was Her Turn. But someone skipped the line and she missed Her Turn. So she sat down and made a list of every democratic office holder in America and then scored them from 1-7 on a scale of “how personally loyal are they to me”. And the house was cleared on that basis (Source: “Shattered” the inside story of Hillary’s campaign by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes).
But 2016 didn’t go as planned either. Instead of eight years of Her Turn followed by an anointed successor, we had a democrat party with its head chopped off. Only the senile old joke who everyone wanted to keep out of the spotlight because of his little sticky fingers problem with foreign dignitaries was available. And then on top of that Kamala turned out to not be quite as bright as her MSNBC bio made her out to be.
They have no feasible alternative who is young enough to not remember the McCarthy hearings. They set the trap and walked right into it.
It appears that the only member of the administration concerned with the significance of the passage of time is VP Harris ;)
I'm not sure how they are going to run a successful campaign only on the basis of legacy media, without any debates and without influencing social media, especially now that Twitter is no longer in their corner. If the Republican nominee is Trump he will go hard after Biden and the legacy media really needs the Trump circus. And any candidate not born in the 40ies can play the age angle even harder than Trump. Not sure the pity vote is something they should count on.
Might I be so bold to ask, what makes any of you think anyone other than a dumbocrap (any dumbocrap) will win the presidential, and probably any other, election next November?
Tyler Childers popular song Whitehouse Road has noticed the price of food & uses this in his chorus “Get me drinkin’ that moonshine
Get me higher than the grocery bill”. This is a visible tip of a very large iceberg. Titanics beware.
Food has gotten very expensive & drive away from the larger cities a bit & you see plenty of truly hungry faces with their skin drawn tight against their bones. Families like that & plenty of them. They are always hungry & they know others do not suffer as they do. When sufficient skinned skeletons shopping at the Rural King see their dieting counterparts leaving with many full grocery bags from the Krogers, Trader Joe’s & Whole Foods, there will be hard howling. If you believe that is not a political force then maybe you need to review how the Russians & Chinese upper classes, who pretended no one really was hungry, eventually faired. Or go back further in history & ask Marie Antonette how that “let them eat cake” remark later affected her hair style.
A digression: survival experts will instruct that in an emergency situation the first priority should always be shelter. A safe shelter. A human body can survive approximately 30 days without food. But protection from the elements or predators are a much more consequential immediate need.
Which brings us to your other point Brad, that housing has gotten far more expensive & less attainable for increasing numbers of people. In our country, rents are increased yearly by a computer algorithm that is only intended to produce increased profits. Housing stock is said to be insufficient, but it is because 2/3 of all homes are sold to either ‘flippers’, people & now increasingly corporations that purchase a home with a view of improving mostly its cosmetics in order to resell it at a considerable premium over its original market value. The greater factor in the reduced housing equation is investment purchasing. Homes are purchased by corporations as investments. They will sit unused to be sold later at what is calculated to be sufficient profit or they are placed on the rental market with the algorithm driven rents.
High rents hurt the economy of everything else. A high rent means fewer & eventuality no restaurant outings, no films or other entertainment. Your purchase become restricted to survival items only & eventuality at whatever the cheapest price available. Churches & food pantries across the country report running out of food because so many people can’t afford to buy groceries. Not just homeless, but vast numbers of housed who can not afford rent & food. Walmart loses business to stores like Dollar Stores & their competitors. Further down the economic chain, GOODWILL & KARMs & their competitors offer a lifeline. The homeless are far more numerous that any count will reveal. To be homeless is a matter of deep shame for many people. People who live in their cars & have a gym membership to manage while they are employed are very common. And they are nearly impossible to count.
Make no mistake about it, this is a worldwide problem that will topple governments. Greedy legislators & their yapping dog media services try to pretend that investment housing is not the issue. A few years back, the Los Angeles Times let briefly slip a story that detailed how there were 1000s more luxury investment homes completely unoccupied than there were homeless people in their city. The story was was quickly pulled. It is the same across the world. Look at China’s ghost cities.
The twin forces of hunger & homelessness will become the driving forces in worldwide politics. The old means of simply disappearing the unwanted will no longer be viable with a rapidly declining population. People will be seen as a commodity. Whatever your position on the Capitalism vs Socialism debate, investment housing & food inflation machinations will create conditions that will demand basic housing & sufficient food as human rights. The connivance between investment corporate commodification of essential human needs & greedy governance will produce a new national socialism. It will be repressive, totalitarian & eventually self destructive with its inability to deal with large changes. All it will take is for a large volcano to erupt & spew sufficient ash to cause another 536 type of extended winter & a new dark ages will emerge.
If this musclehead told me that water is wet I’d have to go check it out. And yet there are people who believe every line of bullshit that comes out of the gaslighter-in-chief’s piehole.
Last year I gained 12 pounds, this year I only gained 4 pounds so in inflationary terms my weight is going down. Why don't I get credit for how well my diet is working?
Here's the cognitive dissonance that's giving me cognitive confusion:
The Dems and the increasingly demented inmates of the Blue Bubble are running around with hair on fire screaming about FASCISM! and the evil Orange Man who is always on the verge of morphing into Hitler and ending Our Democracy™;
and for this reprise of Our Most Important Election Ever (2024 edition) they have cleared away every possible challenger, canceled their primaries, and are lining up behind their supposed savior, who is ancient, feeble, can barely walk or talk, who needs to be surrounded by staff terrified of his next faux pas, who has no real accomplishments except not being Trump and being an obedient puppet who makes sure to read his cue cards before ice cream and bedtime...
Am I crazy or are the Dems insane? How can they think this doddering senile octogenarian is going to remain upright till next Nov?
Why the hell are they sticking with Biden?!?!?
Couldn't agree more. Their main strategy - imprisoning Trump - makes no sense to me. Because if Trump really is imprisoned, Biden will surely lose to whomever the Republican candidate is. Trump might be Biden's only beatable opponent - nobody unites the left like him, and I feel like it's very possible that enough people will vote *against* the Bad Orange Man to give Biden the victory.
I agree Trump is the Dems' best (only?) asset, the center of their universe, and they will miss him deeply when he's gone...But regardless of who's the Repub candidate, I still don't understand how or why Biden is running for a second term.
We both know the MSM is his #1 constituency but what will they do if Joe takes a spill or has a public case of brain freeze next Oct? They have become such brazen liars that they'll attempt to hide or spin it, but this just strikes me as incredibly stupid and reckless if you're campaigning in the Most Important Election Ever.
If Biden is still alive in 11mos and loses, I think I may die laughing...
That would show you. Lol
Have no doubt though, if trump is eliminated, and I am afraid that word is now in play in certain circles, who ever is up next is, wait for it………Hitler too!!! Or 3 or 4
I beg to differ Clever. The Democrats have had their most successful presidency in history. We're smack-dab in a cultural war and class war. They are winning on both fronts. Seriously, look at how much they've accomplished in 3 years.
How could they have inconsistent thoughts; they are angry, because they're right....and they are right, because they're angry. That pretty much ends the need to consider other viewpoints; it would be immoral for them to consider viewpoints that do not adhere to their angry/right:right/angry epistemology because anything outside the perfect purity circle is amoral.
They are in lockstep in THEIR two option game. It is non-optional for them, under their creed, to either stop you or they must help you understand that you do not have options otherwise.
The rules are simple. It's not their problem we don't understand. Any cognitive dissonance you may experience about their lack of cognitive dissonance affirms their purity and identifies you as the unwashed.
How could you not understand that they had to break into your house to save the baby from a burning crib?
What kind of unappreciative monster leaves their baby in a burning house we were forced to cleans with fire on behalf if your child?! Maybe a really, really scary monster who entertains competing ideas?
Hey i mostly agree w u, which makes me even more confused that they're banking on the Weekend at Biden's campaign strategy. If you're this close to locking in your program for the rest of the decade and seeding your commissar class into every nook and cranny of society, why not pass the ball to Greasy Gavin or some other Diversicrat, let the MSM do the rest, and possibly lock in a 12-year Reich?
Biden can barely walk or talk! Running him again seems insane to me...
Yeah for sure.
But I have no doubt they have decided that 4 more years at a Weekend At Bernies was their best option for deploying sinister schemes they've already "war-roomed" for the general.
I don't think they fear losing. They control the apparatus. Democrats are always prepared and on the same song sheet. They're going to make 16' & 20's machinations look bush league.
Any upstanding Marxist must use any means possible to prevent the Nazi's from stopping their march to their totalitarian utopia.
You have captured the essence of their thinking. If it seems circular and navel-gazing that is because it is
Could it be that this is just a routine election to them? They plan on running the same playbook as last time (and why wouldn't they, the opposition has no appetite to stop it?).
Mail ballots to everyone who has or has ever had a pulse, then kick out Republican poll watchers from the tabulation centers, then dump however many ballots are needed in at 3am to overwhelm Trump, then gaslight everyone about how secure this election was.
Sure, they need some legitimate votes, hence the rhetoric, but as to why they are running Biden, it's because they have no expectation of losing no matter who they run, so why not run the empty suit who rubber stamps their every desire?
Best summary of the situation
THIS is priceless!! Well said Clever!! Agreed!
Has any American political party ever won an election by telling people they are insufficiently grateful for their marvelous leader? That they are too stupid to understand how really good the economy is? Or, if the economy isn’t good, it’s the public’s fault? While running an obviously incapacitated candidate who can barely walk and talk?
This is so blatantly egregious that one suspects they have no real concern about losing the election. Who behaves this way? They seem to have deliberately painted themselves into an inescapable corner. Even the Democrats can’t be this inept. I fear they have an escape hatch, one that will shock the country to its core. Time will tell.
If nothing else, they'll use the same "escape hatch" as last time. Fix the machines so few votes count for the opposition, falsify ballots, pay off voters, etc.
It will be harder for them next time. A lot more people will be watching.
The saddest thing here is that there are still people who will support Biden saying he did good things while saying Trump was bad for the country. These people really are blinded by I don't even know what.
It's one thing for Krugman et al. to lie and say that the economy is good for the middle class and below when it plainly isn't. That's standard politics. But going so far as to indirectly call Americans who point out their lies stupid for NOT GETTING that the economy is healthy is enough to make me genuinely hate them. It hearkens to the insensitivity and even contempt you always knew was in the minds of these elitists but that they used to at least try to conceal.
There is a lot of commentary going around about how the progressives and neoliberals are going to do this and win, or the media is going to manipulate this, or this trick will be pulled and no one will notice. Just stop for a second and look at these people. People like the Biden Administration, Chris Wray, the New York Times editorial board, MSNBC, and neocon hacks at The Bulwark and National Review are not smug and in control. They are terrified. Things are getting to the point where enough of the population and enough demographics are turning against them for any legitimacy they pretend to have to be threatened.
They do seem absolutely terrified. Not because Trump will be a dictator (no matter what they say) but because they are afraid that, if re-elected, he will expose their crimes to the American people.
What we’ve seen on the surface is bad enough to, if the laws were enforced, conceivably send some of these people to prison for life.
Can you imagine what is lurking below the surface?
The rhetoric is because they still need legitimate votes in places they don't control. If they act like they have it in the bag (and they do) then a lot of the marks will become wary.
agree with everything in this argument. They are all in on the assumption that time itself will stop in its tracks, and we won’t be dealing with a Joe Biden who just turned 85, Joe will just stay trapped in amber and keep doing his little fake jog to AF1 and maybe they will get him more comfortable shoes that make him seem young and vigorous.
I think this dates back to 2008 when it was Her Turn. But someone skipped the line and she missed Her Turn. So she sat down and made a list of every democratic office holder in America and then scored them from 1-7 on a scale of “how personally loyal are they to me”. And the house was cleared on that basis (Source: “Shattered” the inside story of Hillary’s campaign by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes).
But 2016 didn’t go as planned either. Instead of eight years of Her Turn followed by an anointed successor, we had a democrat party with its head chopped off. Only the senile old joke who everyone wanted to keep out of the spotlight because of his little sticky fingers problem with foreign dignitaries was available. And then on top of that Kamala turned out to not be quite as bright as her MSNBC bio made her out to be.
They have no feasible alternative who is young enough to not remember the McCarthy hearings. They set the trap and walked right into it.
It appears that the only member of the administration concerned with the significance of the passage of time is VP Harris ;)
I'm not sure how they are going to run a successful campaign only on the basis of legacy media, without any debates and without influencing social media, especially now that Twitter is no longer in their corner. If the Republican nominee is Trump he will go hard after Biden and the legacy media really needs the Trump circus. And any candidate not born in the 40ies can play the age angle even harder than Trump. Not sure the pity vote is something they should count on.
Might I be so bold to ask, what makes any of you think anyone other than a dumbocrap (any dumbocrap) will win the presidential, and probably any other, election next November?
Tyler Childers popular song Whitehouse Road has noticed the price of food & uses this in his chorus “Get me drinkin’ that moonshine
Get me higher than the grocery bill”. This is a visible tip of a very large iceberg. Titanics beware.
Food has gotten very expensive & drive away from the larger cities a bit & you see plenty of truly hungry faces with their skin drawn tight against their bones. Families like that & plenty of them. They are always hungry & they know others do not suffer as they do. When sufficient skinned skeletons shopping at the Rural King see their dieting counterparts leaving with many full grocery bags from the Krogers, Trader Joe’s & Whole Foods, there will be hard howling. If you believe that is not a political force then maybe you need to review how the Russians & Chinese upper classes, who pretended no one really was hungry, eventually faired. Or go back further in history & ask Marie Antonette how that “let them eat cake” remark later affected her hair style.
A digression: survival experts will instruct that in an emergency situation the first priority should always be shelter. A safe shelter. A human body can survive approximately 30 days without food. But protection from the elements or predators are a much more consequential immediate need.
Which brings us to your other point Brad, that housing has gotten far more expensive & less attainable for increasing numbers of people. In our country, rents are increased yearly by a computer algorithm that is only intended to produce increased profits. Housing stock is said to be insufficient, but it is because 2/3 of all homes are sold to either ‘flippers’, people & now increasingly corporations that purchase a home with a view of improving mostly its cosmetics in order to resell it at a considerable premium over its original market value. The greater factor in the reduced housing equation is investment purchasing. Homes are purchased by corporations as investments. They will sit unused to be sold later at what is calculated to be sufficient profit or they are placed on the rental market with the algorithm driven rents.
High rents hurt the economy of everything else. A high rent means fewer & eventuality no restaurant outings, no films or other entertainment. Your purchase become restricted to survival items only & eventuality at whatever the cheapest price available. Churches & food pantries across the country report running out of food because so many people can’t afford to buy groceries. Not just homeless, but vast numbers of housed who can not afford rent & food. Walmart loses business to stores like Dollar Stores & their competitors. Further down the economic chain, GOODWILL & KARMs & their competitors offer a lifeline. The homeless are far more numerous that any count will reveal. To be homeless is a matter of deep shame for many people. People who live in their cars & have a gym membership to manage while they are employed are very common. And they are nearly impossible to count.
Make no mistake about it, this is a worldwide problem that will topple governments. Greedy legislators & their yapping dog media services try to pretend that investment housing is not the issue. A few years back, the Los Angeles Times let briefly slip a story that detailed how there were 1000s more luxury investment homes completely unoccupied than there were homeless people in their city. The story was was quickly pulled. It is the same across the world. Look at China’s ghost cities.
The twin forces of hunger & homelessness will become the driving forces in worldwide politics. The old means of simply disappearing the unwanted will no longer be viable with a rapidly declining population. People will be seen as a commodity. Whatever your position on the Capitalism vs Socialism debate, investment housing & food inflation machinations will create conditions that will demand basic housing & sufficient food as human rights. The connivance between investment corporate commodification of essential human needs & greedy governance will produce a new national socialism. It will be repressive, totalitarian & eventually self destructive with its inability to deal with large changes. All it will take is for a large volcano to erupt & spew sufficient ash to cause another 536 type of extended winter & a new dark ages will emerge.
If this musclehead told me that water is wet I’d have to go check it out. And yet there are people who believe every line of bullshit that comes out of the gaslighter-in-chief’s piehole.
Last year I gained 12 pounds, this year I only gained 4 pounds so in inflationary terms my weight is going down. Why don't I get credit for how well my diet is working?