"among all the different groups surveyed, white liberals were the only one that expressed a preference for racial and ethnic communities other than their own."

Please someone tell me: Is this historically unprecedented? Has any other group or tribe in history preferred another tribe to their own?

Obviously, as Brad eloquently states, Social Justice is a fundamentalist form of White Saviorism, where Kipling's White Man's Burden goes from idea or policy into the realm of the sacred, where genuflecting before the marginalized (worshipping them because of their pain) becomes the duty of every good person, at every moment in every activity, sort of akin to saying Grace before meals.

When I look at my friends in the Blue Brooklyn Bubble who've converted en masse to the Social Justice religion and try to think of the causes I usually come up with: they have a desperate existential need to make sure they are seen as the opposite of their blood enemies, those evil bigoted conservatives; now that we all live inside the digital panopticon aka a glass house you need to appear as the best possible human at all times, and Soc Just is a handy symbol for this, akin to a crucifix; none of these beliefs are new, they are all basic beliefs of anyone who went to an upscale college, they've just been magnified by social media and social discord and gotten caught in a wicked purity spiral; and lastly, people crave sacred beliefs, there is no way to hold a community together without sacred beliefs (they are the greatest social glue ever invented) and in our secular age, people were craving some type of sacred belief system.

Social Justice also has a similar function to religion—legitimizing the power of the progressive oligarchy in the social order. Racism provides the white managerial class with moral authority, the right to rule over the less enlightened masses, who of course would reinstate Jim Crow or go full Hitler if our rulers weren't there to protect the sacred victims.

It is now our official state religion and I don't see it being dislodged anytime soon.

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I think the only similar situation was the intellectual class in the UK turning on the Monarchy in the earlier part of the 20th century. They weren't willing to give up their priviledges while they looked down on everybody else, but thy were more virtuous. Human nature is consistent.

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"Human nature is consistent."

I've always been a firm believer in Ecclesiastes' "There is no new thing under the sun", which is why the Western zeitgeist of civilizational self-loathing interests/baffles me.

I'm not exactly an expert historian but I do like to read, and I have a really hard time finding any prior countries/castes who professed to hate their own societies, their ancestors and history and prefer (or claim to prefer) another's.

But thanks for your info...

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I admit my evidence is anecdotal, specifically my example from the British Empire is in manchester's bio of Chuchill and is observational itself.

However, I think the self-loathing you describe is very common. A great example is recent generations of trust fund children embracing causes in diametric opposition to the generations that allowed them to be rich and idle. (Exhibit A being the Rockefellers).

On a different angle i would also point you to Rosseau and the concept of the "noble savage." Again it was the wealthy and successful that embraced the concept that their societies were rotten and the aboriginal, who would have traded places in a heartbeat, was living an edenic life. There are many exampls of this

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I do hear and appreciate what you're saying, and maybe we're saying the same thing, that the idea of civilizational self-loathing is not new, it has appeared over and over in various smaller forms; yet the children of the Weather Underground and the Rousseauites (in a mostly illiterate country) were never more than a small (yet influential) sliver, mostly of disaffected bourgeois on a spiritual crusade.

What we're living through is if the entire royal court and upper nobility under Louis XVI had committed to the Jacobin agenda or if Walter Cronkite, John Wayne, all the Kennedys and the boards of GM and GE had joined the Weather Underground. A full top-down assault on a society by its own elite class.

Maybe I'm just being monomaniacal, but this all still feels unprecedented to me.


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I see your point!!

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nice talking to u

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So these white messiah’s are really gonna pitch their country clubs, green suburban lawns and just move into some rowhouse (not townhouse) in say Baltimore or Chicago?

I’ll believe it when I see it. Somehow I think they prefer to seem all holier than be it. Even Obama came out and said there is no longer systemic racism in America.

In fact we’d all be safe if wasn’t for those noisy moms at school board meetings and of course dangerous MAGA white supremacists.

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The Bible is bullshit . . . Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.

The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond people, race, culture) and are the daily sustenance of our schools, in our media, in our popular culture, at our universities and on our streets, have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to its minimal expression.

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Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD . . .

Dr.SHIVA LIVE: ELON MUSK = AOC = ELIZABETH WARREN = CARBON TAX = $$$$ for THEM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwxcx-8hi_o

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Yes, I do find myself constantly, in different situations, on the verge of the Peter Sellers "Dr. Strangelove" Heil Hitler right arm thing.

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The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee . . .

Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israel operative, and the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF


Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞


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So off topic. Very antisemitic too.

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Well stated as always, Brad. I love this quote in particular and can't decide whether to put it on a plaque or a T-shirt in which to walk around and trigger the wokies:

"The arc of history bends toward whatever white liberals are spazzing out about in any given week"

which is not only hilarious but points out the ephemeral nature of the activist class. Like yelling "squirrel!" their fleeting attention spans can't even remember what they were all worked up about just last week. Social media of course is the perfect tool to amplify and distribute the "cause of the hour" hysteria.

Unless we put a stop to this soon, we are truly fucked. I really feel sorry for the younger generations who lack the perspective of history and have been raised and indoctrinated into this dystopian hell as they will be the ones left to pick up the pieces when it all comes crashing down. And it will.

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good point.

the only thing that saddens and terrifies me more than the younger generations lack of humor, is their lack of History...

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“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School . . .

The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.


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I'm Australian. My son started med school studies down here in January. The first couple of weeks were devoted to Indigenous aboriginal cultural awareness, and related progressive matters. The long march through the institutions (academia, media, politics..) of cultural marxism would seem pretty much complete. This cultural awareness training is mandated by the woke university administration.

My son has friends commencing med studies at other uni’s around Australia, and they all report the same experience re cultural indoctrination.

To drive this point home, my eldest daughter started grad school studies in the USA last September, and a compulsory course in her first semester involved the study of White Privilege and Inherent Racism, with students required to examine who in their ancestry likely committed racist crimes, and hence the burden of guilt they should carry. There was disquiet and disagreement about the course among the students, but they just had to suck it up and suffer through it.

Brad, a query. I tripped up in your reference to ICE: "ICE must be abolished" What does ICE stand for? Excuse my ignorance.

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Immigration and Customs Enforcement, AKA Border Patrol

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Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD . . .

Dr.SHIVA LIVE: ELON MUSK = AOC = ELIZABETH WARREN = CARBON TAX = $$$$ for THEM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwxcx-8hi_o

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Clarance the NAZI: give it up bro.

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I work with these people in London. It’s a US law firm and it’s infested with them. I’m 60 in December and I hate every minute there. If I was young I’d go now. No.

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Young whippersnapper! I turn 60 in October...

And I too have to endure the wokest-of-the-woke among my younger coworkers and watch everything I say, lest not to offend and be sent off to attend a struggle session with HR. Funny though how when you get with someone on a 1x1 basis or a small group, the pretentions evaporate. Put everyone in a room together and they all race to the top of the virtue heap in a hellacious King Of The Mountain farce.

At the risk of sounding like a pity party, this current madness is particularly appalling to those of us old enough to remember the trials and tribulations we have gone though over the decades as Americans. Sure, there were some low points. Points where we even fought one another. But we were somehow able to come out the other side mostly in tact and at least agree to disagree.

That has all but disappeared as we approach our 250th anniversary as a nation and a beacon for freedom and individual liberty. Death to the infidels.

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“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School . . .

The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.


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White liberal karents love the DIEvy league https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-get-into-harvard-part-3

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You're a gutless, lying coward, and a grifter begging for shekels on the internet . . .

“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School . . .

The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.


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Lilia Morris and Michael Byrd are just two black murderers that the MSM chooses to ignore (or champion). America now leads the world in perversion, racism, and just plain stupidity.

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Sadly though, they are following our lead. This perversion is like a cancer in Western Culture.

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“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School . . .

The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.


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There is no bigger racist than a woke white liberal. They believe blacks and minorities are too stupid to get a license, vote, or achieve anything via merit. They are self hating idiots that think ony through there benevolence can blacks and minorities make it. The only systematic racism in place was thought up by democrats via the great society. This was a white supremacist idea that destroyed and uprooted the black family, replacing real fathers with daddy governement. It was a master plan that worked in spades as legions of blacks are now beholden to governement, and are faithful democrat voters. I think it was Malcolm X that said that there is no greater devil than the white liberal or something close to that, and he was 100% right. These self hating racists are destroying society.

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“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School . . .

The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.


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Everyone needs to read "What's Our Problem? A Self Help Book for Societies" by Tim Urban

Nothing breaks down wokeness more elqouently than his new book, and shows the roots of how it is all happening and what can be done about it. Hands down, book of the year. Might be the most important book this decade.

Did a book report on it here: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/must-read-new-book-whats-our-problem

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“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School . . .

The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.


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New subscriber, just read this post. Some really interesting facts and timelines here. I look forward to reading more of your work! Sadly, it also makes me understand why no amount of rational discussion will ever move my crazy white liberal sister-in-law.

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I see two main forces on this horizon of the West.

one is the NeoLiberal Globalists.

the other is the Neo-Marxist/Intersectionalists.

the Neoliberals seem to be using the second crowd as a wedge for power to gain support under the guise of Virtue. it’s hard to say how many are true believers.

but I can envision a future where the NeoMarxists come out on top and then we will be in a 21st Century version of the 20th century...

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The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.


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Mar 17, 2023
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if you try to have real honest converstaions on anything related to race you will be branded a racist bigot. This is how you know the other side has nothing. They cant debate with any hard facts or evidence, all of which will kill there argument in an instant. So instead they deflect and name call. Its a huge problem. The typical white woke liberal lives in an isolated lilly white world, the echo chamber of the NYT, MSNBC and other far left outfits run by them.

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Amen. The hallmark of totalitarianism is a demand for total conformity. The reason the CCP and the Bolsheviks had to toss any religion is to ensure that nothing gets higher than the State. It is your master and your god.

No thanks. Have a God and guess what, you’re not it.

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