It's a difficult needle to thread for the media: bashing Trump 24/7 and promising to put him in jail, but also ensuring that he's the nominee in 2024.

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Once upon a time there was a bear and a rabbit.

The bear was taking a shit in the woods when he asked the rabbit if he had problems with shit sticking to its fur.

The rabbit said no so the bear wiped his ass with the rabbit.

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Excellent analysis. I think Trump in office was an op to further divide and then, because of operation warp speed, confuse and alienate his supporters. I had Orange Man Bad syndrome. I read the NYT and listened to NPR and thought Rachel Maddow was a good journalist. My goodness, how quickly things began to change for me during the Covid op. I started waking up.

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Truly excellent article. Thanks!

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It truly was... and I sort of ...kind of...feel bad for my comment.

But I couldn't help myself.

Cheers Patrick!

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Yeah that bear seems uncouth -- just saying!

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Well done article. Convinced me when my perspective was that Trump did not change the media, the media was already in a fall to something much less good and Trump only hit at the time it was hitting new milestones of fake, lies, bias and poor reporting.

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Reminds me of Barbara Walter's interview with Hugo Chavez during the Bush II presidency. The country was going through paroxysms of dissolution, record inflation, oil production that couldn't make a profit under $120/bbl. Interviews were near impossible to get. After eliciting as much bad-mouthing of Bush as possible, she consumed nearly an hour asking him, "Is there anything else horrid you can tell us about Bush?"

When I taught interviewing and interrogation to local and federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, I used her along with Mike Wallace as outstanding examples of what NOT to do.

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Very solid

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