In late June, the Washington Post editorial board published a real jaw-dropper, the sort of eyebrow-raising article that makes you guffaw but also very mad. “How one doctor wrecked the pandemic response,” read the headline. Based on just the article’s title, you’d be forgiven for immediately assuming the individual in reference was one Tony Fauci. Such an assumption would indicate that you live in reality. The Washington Post editorial board, however, does not. According to these spectacular mediocrities, Dr. Scott Atlas is the one responsible for our dumpster fire of a pandemic response.
This post isn’t about how Dr. Scott Atlas wrecked the pandemic response. Atlas did no such thing. It’s about the truth: How Fauci wrecked the pandemic response. “Butchered” would probably be more appropriate than “wrecked,” here, but either way, enough time has passed that this should be understood and accepted as fact by the majority of Americans. That it is not is testament to the enduring power of propaganda and the mainstream media’s ability to manipulate and control our everyday existence.
It pains me knowing that even today there are millions of Americans who believe that the reason the U.S. death toll was disproportionate to other Western nations is because selfish citizens flouted pandemic mitigation measures like masking, quarantining the healthy, and social distancing. Never mind that there was no public health precedent for any of these; never mind that to date, virtually no evidence exists to support such policies.
Understand something: That so many Americans died from covid before vaccines were introduced was not inevitable, and it had nothing to do with people failing to adhere to diktats stamped with Fauci’s imprimatur. Covid patients were instructed to return home and do nothing — receive no treatment whatsoever — until difficulties breathing sent them back to the hospital to submit to intravenous remdesivir1 and ventilation. Inexpensive, safe medicines against covid were readily available that would’ve prevented hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and saved as many lives if only we’d used them. Why didn’t we? Because Fauci and his Pharma collaborators deliberately suppressed those treatments in service to their myopic objective—a mass public health experiment with a rushed-to-market, poorly tested, and improperly licensed technology so risky that manufacturers refused to produce it unless every government on the planet shielded them from liability.
Though we’re constantly bombarded with reasons to believe otherwise, Americans are often uniquely addled by a native idealism that makes us reluctant to believe unsettling truths about our noble overlords. But trust me when I say that I’ve spent an ungodly amount of time voraciously reading about this pandemic, and I can say with absolute certainty that our covid policies weren’t just grossly ill-conceived, but tethered to the financial interests of the powerful, and that because of this, hundreds of thousands of people died unnecessarily, inflation is at a 40-year high and the middle class is reeling, and kids are woefully behind developmentally.
The pandemic was complex and in many ways unprecedented, and scapegoating is the mark of a lazy constitution, but it’s simply irrefutable that Fauci’s fingerprints are all over the draconian ukases imposed without legislative approval and judicial review, risk assessment, and scientific citation.
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Consider mask mandates, which Fauci knew ran contrary to overwhelming research. As you read, keep in mind the consequences of masking children.2
During a January 28 speech to HHS regulators, Fauci himself explained the futility of masking asymptomatic people.
“The one thing historically people need to realize, that even if there is some asymptomatic transmission, in all the history of respiratory borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person. Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit, an epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers.”
Similarly, in a February 5, 2020 email, he advised President Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary, Sylvia Burwell, on the pointlessness of masking the healthy. Less than two weeks later, Fauci invoked the same rationale in an interview with USA Today:
“A mask is much more appropriate for someone who is infected and you’re trying to prevent them from infecting other people than it is in protecting you against infection. If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn’t really do much to protect you. Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask.”
Some 52 studies — all available on NIH’s website, mind you — find that ordinary masking (using less than an N95 respirator) doesn’t reduce viral infection rates, even in institutional settings like hospitals and surgical theaters. Moreover, retrospective studies on mask mandates confirm they were fruitless.3
Most irksome is what Fauci observed in March 2020, which is that a mask’s only real efficacy may be in “making people feel a little better.”
Note the takeaways here: Namely, that while mask mandates were based on falsehoods, masks themselves served as powerful psychological tools that reinforced, by way of visual reminder, the idea that everyone was a vector of disease and unique threat, encouraging public compliance with other oppressive mitigation measures by amplifying fear. Antithetical to critical thinking, a fearful state of mind lays the groundwork for authoritarianism in all its many forms. Manipulating and stimulating this human instinct ensures submission to undeserving authority. What I’ll always remember about the pandemic is how a religious obedience to authoritative pronouncements supplanted common sense and disciplined observation both, with profound consequences. Historically, the obedient always see themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly. It is a costly misperception.
Noble Lies
Fauci’s talent for fact-free rhetoric was superseded only by his knack for manipulating data and facts in service to a political agenda. His “noble lies” extended well beyond mask mandates, revealing a taste for deceit unbecoming of any public official, let alone one in charge of a pandemic response.
Recall when Fauci explained to the New York Times that he had revised his estimate of the vaccine coverage needed to insure “herd immunity” from 70% to 80–90% not based on science, but rather in response to polling that indicated rising rates of vaccine acceptance.
Despite stating on multiple occasions his belief that post-infection immunity was highly likely, he took the public position that natural immunity4 did not contribute to protecting the population and demanded that even those previously infected by covid be vaccinated in spite of overwhelming scientific evidence that such post-covid inoculations were both unnecessary and dangerous. On September 9, 2021, while under questioning by Congress, Fauci conceded there was no scientific justification for this policy. As recounted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (nephew of President John F. Kennedy) in The Real Anthony Fauci, just a few days later, in a statement justifying covid vaccine mandates to school children, Fauci reminisced on his own grade school measles and mumps vaccines—an unlikely memory, since those vaccines weren’t available until 1963 and 1967, and Fauci attended grade school in the 1940s.
For Kennedy, it was the “blatant and relentless manipulation of data to serve the vaccine agenda” that was the most infuriating part of our pandemic response.
“High-quality and transparent data, clearly documented, timely rendered, and publicly available are the sine qua non of competent public health management. During a pandemic, reliable and comprehensive data are critical for determining the behavior of the pathogen, identifying vulnerable populations, rapidly measuring the effectiveness of interventions, mobilizing the medical community around cutting-edge disease management, and inspiring cooperation from the public. The shockingly low quality of virtually all relevant data pertinent to COVID-19, and the quackery, the obfuscation, the cherrypicking and blatant perversion would have scandalized, offended, and humiliated every prior generation of American public health officials.”
Unsurprisingly, Fauci was often at the center of these deceptions, and they were always made with one goal in mind: Inflating covid risks and the safety and efficacy of vaccines in order to stoke public fear and encourage mass compliance. Arguably the most damning example, which has been discussed in previous Euphoric Recall posts, occurred at the outset of the pandemic when Fauci used wildly inaccurate modeling by “master of disaster” Neal Ferguson of Imperial College London — who received $148.8 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — to convince Trump to impose lockdowns. This doomsday model overestimated American deaths by 525%.5
Fauci was also the one to green-light the CDC’s selective protocol changes for completing death certificates in a way that inflated covid’s infection mortality rate. Later, the CDC was forced to admit that only 6% (!) of covid deaths occurred in entirely healthy individuals, while the remaining 94% suffered from an average of four potentially fatal comorbidities. In August 2021, the CDC belatedly admitted that regulators had misused PCR tests incapable of distinguishing covid from other viral illnesses. Fauci tolerated their use at unreasonably high amplitudes of 37 to 45, even though he stated that tests employing cycle thresholds of 35 and above were very unlikely to indicate the presence of live virus that could replicate. Indeed, in July 2020, Fauci remarked that at these levels, a positive result is “just dead nucleotides, period,” yet did nothing to modify testing so it might be more accurate. Another fraud that Fauci winked at and which contributed to grossly distorted statistics concerned the rich incentives hospitals were given to classify every patient as covid-afflicted: Medicare paid $39,000 per ventilator used for treating covid, and only $13,000 for other respiratory infections.
Thanks to the mainstream media’s utter subservience to Fauci and the Democratic Regime, the public never received anything even remotely close to factual information about infection fatality rates or age-stratified risks, depriving Americans of the kind of clarity that would’ve allowed them and their physicians to make evidence-based personal risk assessments. Yours truly will never forget the extent to which federal officials allied with media elites wielded flagrant half-truths and mendacities to recklessly overestimate the dangers from covid in every age group. The full impact of this deception was illustrated by successive Gallup polling that revealed the average Democrat believed 50% of covid infections resulted in hospitalizations, when the real number was less than 1%.
Blood on His Hands
It’s no exaggeration to say that Fauci has a tremendous amount of blood on his hands. Can you recall a single instance when he or any of his medical cartel henchmen advised Americans on how to protect themselves using health buffers against severe illness (“wash your hands” does not count)? He never took time during his daily White House briefings to instruct Americans to avoid tobacco (smoking doubles death rates from covid); to get plenty of sunlight and maintain adequate vitamin D levels (nearly 60% of patients hospitalized for covid were vitamin D deficient); or to diet well, exercise, and lose weight (78% of Americans hospitalized for covid were overweight or obese).6 Fauci even failed to mention the importance of zinc in impeding viral infection, the only remedy to coronaviruses that’s proven its efficacy in peer-reviewed studies throughout history.
His dereliction goes beyond mere omissions, however. Fauci’s pandemic playbook of “flattening the curve” in support of a long-term bet on unproven vaccines represented an unprecedented departure from accepted public health practice. He not only ignored early treatment options, he outright suppressed them and deliberately derailed America’s access to lifesaving drugs and medicines that might’ve saved hundreds of thousands of lives and dramatically shortened the pandemic.
Says the much-maligned Dr. Peter McCullough,
“Once a highly transmissible virus like COVID has a beachhead in a population, it is inevitable that it will spread to every individual who lacks immunity. You can slow the spread, but you cannot prevent it—any more than you can prevent the tide from rising. . . We could have dramatically reduced COVID fatalities and hospitalizations using early treatment protocols and repurposed drugs including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and many, many others.”
“[Fauci] kept the medical treatment on hold globally for an entire year as a readily treatable respiratory virus ravaged populations,” agreed pulmonary and critical care specialist Dr. Pierre Kory. “It is absolutely shocking that he recommended no outpatient care, not even Vitamin D despite the fact he takes it himself and much of the country is Vitamin D deficient. . . His treatment strategies all began once all these under-medicated patients were hospitalized. By that time, it was too late for many of them. It was insane. It was perverse. It was unethical.”
Like any other form of pneumonia or infectious illness in the human body, starting treatment early makes covid more manageable. It was quickly learned that it takes about two weeks for someone infected with the virus to get sick enough at home to require hospitalization. By autumn 2020, McCullough and his global partners had assembled a pharmacopeia of repurposed drugs, all of which were effective against covid.
And yet rather than supporting McCullough’s work, the NIH and other federal regulators, under the direction of Fauci, began actively suppressing information on this range of effective remedies,7 pressuring academic and medical journals to stop publishing “problematic” work. Doctors who attempted to merely open discussion about the potential benefits of early treatment methods found themselves censored. Fauci’s power stems from his $6 billion annual budget, which allows him to make or break careers, enrich or punish university research centers, and manipulate science journals. He also worked with Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and other social media sites to muzzle discussion about the benefits of early treatments, propping up all official propaganda while silencing dissent as “misinformation.”
In addition to developing early treatment protocols, public health officials should’ve ensured that elderly patients remained in quarantine hospitals until no longer contagious. Instead, infected patients were sent back to crowded nursing homes with disastrous consequences. Taxpayers spent $660 million building field hospitals across the country; this was money that could have been repurposed in accordance with the Great Barrington Declaration’s call for focused protection of the vulnerable. Instead, field hospitals and quarantine facilities were kept empty by Democratic governors (chief among them, NY’s Andrew Cuomo) to maintain bed inventories in anticipation of the flood of patients predicted by the Gates-funded doomsday model mentioned earlier. Those governors sent infected elderly folks back to crowded nursing homes, where fully one-third of covid deaths occurred during the first year of the pandemic.
Fauci made another inexplicable policy choice of not supplying nursing homes with monoclonal antibodies, where they might have saved thousands of lives. As part of Operation Warp Speed, the government invested $750k in this treatment option (fully FDA approved), only for it to also go largely to waste. Antibodies aren’t suitable for outpatients because they’re administered by IV, which means there’s no excuse as to why they weren’t committed to nursing homes. Instead, Fauci obstructed these institutions from administering that medicine.
“It was a kind of staggering savage act of malpractice and negligence to deny this remedy to elder care facilities at a time when the elderly were dying at a rate of 10,000 per week,” said Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale University’s esteemed Professor of Epidemiology.
The Truth
Thanks to the media’s absolute deference to Fauci, inconvenient facts about our pandemic response have been quietly swept under the rug. Exempli gratia: Fauci’s disastrous mismanagement during the pandemic’s first year resulted in the U.S., which has 4% of the world’s population, suffering 14.5% of total covid deaths. By September 30, 2021, mortality rates in America had climbed to 2,107/1,000,000, compared to 139/1,000,000 in Japan. These inordinate numbers resulted in a 1.9 year decrease in average life expectancy at birth among Americans—roughly 8.5 times the average decrease in 16 comparable countries, which was about 2.5 months.
Let’s not be so foolish as to think the disproportionate American numbers were due to negligence and selfishness on the part of the citizenry rather than Fauci’s elevation of Pharma profits and bureaucratic power over waning public health. There are many leading doctors and scientists, including some of the nation’s most highly published and experienced physicians, who believe the deliberate malpractice of withholding early treatments led to upwards of 80% of all deaths attributed to covid. Indeed, five renowned front-line covid specialists — Drs. Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Ryan Cole, David Brownstein, and Harvey Risch — independently told Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as much.
Why would Fauci do such a thing? It’s simple: Corruption.
From the very get-go, early treatments and therapeutics posed an existential threat to Fauci and Bill Gates’ $48 billion vaccine project and their vanity drug, remdesivir, in which Gates has a large stake, and which Fauci’s NIAID spent $79 million on.
Under federal law, new vaccines and medicines cannot qualify for Emergency Use Authorization if any existing FDA-approved drug proves effective against the same malady:
“For FDA to issue an EUA (emergency use authorization), there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition. . .”
Ergo, if any FDA-approved drug like hydroxychloroquine8 (or ivermectin) proved effective against covid, pharmaceutical companies would no longer be legally allowed to fast-track their zero-liability billion-dollar vaccines to market under Emergency Use Authorization. Instead, vaccines would have to go through the methodical, years-long process that all new vaccines undergo to ensure safety and efficacy,9 and that would mean less profits, more doubts, increased impediments to market, and potentially missing out on the unprecedented windfall that Big Pharma is currently enjoying.
Hydroxychloroquine critics were largely funded by Gates and Fauci. They “intentionally misinterpreted, misstated, and misreported negative results by employing faulty protocols.” The possibility that an existing therapeutic drug might outperform any covid vaccine was the stuff of nightmares for the pharmaceutical cartel. And if there’s one thing Big Pharma hates, it’s low cost alternatives. Hydroxychloroquine is about $10 per course. Fauci’s remdesivir, on the other hand, is more than $3000 per course.
Fauci invested $6 billion in taxpayer money in the Moderna vaccine alone. His agency is co-owner of the patent and stands to collect a fortune in royalties. At least four of his hand-picked deputies are in line to collect royalties of $150,000/year based on Moderna’s success, and that’s on top of the salaries already paid courtesy of the American people. Here’s a little secret about Moderna: Until the FDA authorized its covid vaccine, the company had never brought a product to market before. They’d failed in every attempt. In fact, Moderna’s repeated failures and its safety issues nearly pushed the company to the brink of financial ruin but it was saved at the last minute when Fauci infused it with $6 billion to fund the vaccine development.
Moreover, Gates and Fauci put billions of dollars into developing an mRNA platform for vaccines that would allow them to quickly produce new “boosters” to combat each new “escape variant.” Consider the implications here. It has long been known that Big Pharma perversely benefits when its own products fail. Curing people is never the goal; that would dry up a revenue stream. These leaky covid vaccines are among the rare commercial products that multiply profits by failing. Theoretically, each new booster doubles the revenues from the initial jab. Ergo, the production of each successive booster for every new variant pads the pockets of Gates and Fauci, and the never-ending treadmill of boosters basically guarantees that Big Pharma will continue to see record profits. Kennedy Jr. describes this scheme as “Big Pharma's holy grail.”
It’s hard to overstate the degree of regulatory capture we’re dealing with when it comes to America’s government health agencies and the pharmaceutical industry. The CDC, for example, owns 57 vaccine patents and spends $4.9 of its $12.0 billion-dollar annual budget buying and distributing vaccines. The NIH also owns hundreds of vaccine patents and often profits from the sale of products it supposedly regulates, with high level officials, including Fauci, receiving massive yearly emoluments in royalty payments on the very products they ostensibly regulate, which they help develop and then usher through the approval process. The FDA, meanwhile, receives 45% of its budget from the pharmaceutical industry. It is because of this regulatory capture that Fauci, who’s been at the helm since 1984, has turned the NIH, the FDA, and the CDC into little more than Big Pharma subsidiaries.
As Harvard physician John Abramson once said:
“The first step is to give up the illusion that the primary purpose of modern medical research is to improve Americans’ health most effectively and efficiently. In our opinion, the primary purpose of commercially funded clinical research is to maximize financial return on investment, not health.”
Remdesivir is a toxic, intravenous anti-viral with a catastrophic safety profile that never should’ve been administered. The FDA held no advisory meeting on the drug. Per Science: “The World Health Organization's (WHO's) Solidarity trial showed that remdesivir does not reduce mortality or the time COVID-19 patients take to recover.” It was no different than giving poison to people with severe covid.
Some 25 studies attribute to masking a long list of harms, including respiratory and immune system illnesses, as well as dermatological, dental, gastrointestinal, and psychological injuries. Fourteen of these studies are randomized, peer-reviewed placebo studies—the gold standard.
As noted by writer Alex Gutentag, according to CDC data, 85% of people who contracted covid reported wearing a mask.
A little tidbit that was swept under the rug by the get-rich-via-vaccines crowd and their loyal media vassals: Throughout 2020, before vaccines were available, some 99% of people’s natural immune systems protected their owners from severe illness and death from covid. The CDC and World Health Organization, indeed all global health authorities, have recognized that healthy people with uncompromised immune systems bear minimal risk from covid, and this is so true that most folks who have covid don't even know they have covid.
The model predicted 2.2 million deaths. 352,000 deaths were reported in 2020. The difference was 1.848 million deaths or a 525% overestimation of deaths.
Fauci’s lockdowns caused Americans to gain an average of two pounds per month and to reduce their daily steps by 27%. He also didn’t recommend avoiding sugar and soda, processed foods, and chemical residues, all of which amplify inflammation, compromise immune response, and disrupt the gut biome which governs the immune system.
Just a few months into the pandemic, there were more than 200 studies supporting treatment with hydroxychloroquine, and 60 studies supporting ivermectin. HCQ was used not only against the coronavirus MERS in 2004, but against SARS (also a coronavirus) in 2014. Common sense would suggest HCQ be used to treat covid, at least before the arrival of vaccines, but with the help of the media, Fauci waged an all-out war on the drug. (Q.v. — “Dr. Fauci says all the ‘valid’ scientific data shows hydroxychloroquine isn’t effective in treating coronavirus.” This is a flat-out lie.
The FDA ultimately took the unprecedented step of revoking HCQ’s emergency authorization. After widespread use of the drug for 65 years, without warning, the FDA sent out an alert on June 15, 2020 that HCQ is dangerous, and that it required a level of monitoring only available at hospitals. And yet, federal officials continued to encourage doctors to use this “dangerous” drug without restriction for lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme and malaria. Just not for covid. It was 100% due to pressure from Fauci.
Per the College of Physicians of Philadelphia: “Vaccine development is a long, complex process, often lasting 10-15 years, and involves a combination of public and private involvement.”
The absolute best approach to this respiratory illness would have been to move patients outdoors, where vapor clouds can be dissipated by a light breeze, and where sunlight damages viruses. Failing that, ensure cross-ventilation indoors. We did the opposite.
The age-cohort relationship between risk and outcome was evident fairly quickly. Of all comorbidities that increased risk of serious disease, obesity was the most common and the most deadly. So, devote resources to the old and the fat and ignore everyone else pending more information. Instead, we treated everyone as having the same risk profile.
Our best response would have been to ignore the disease. The temptation to DO SOMETHING is near-irresistible. Still, if we had just ignored the disease, we'd have saved the global economy; the disruption killed more than the disease.
In the early days of the Great Panic-demic of 2020, my dad volunteered to go up to NYC (he's a Nurse Practitioner). I remember I called him and asked how it was: "Son, this shit is a joke."
A month later, the same people who told us that, for God's sake, you must wear a mask and stay in isolation were also claiming that racism is a public health emergency... so large crowds in the street were fine (they were "mostly peaceful" anyways).
I think, however, that we really dodged a bullet. Imagine what the governmental reaction would have been if a Democratic administration had been in power when Covid-19 hit. It's scary to think about.