Feb 25·edited Feb 25Liked by Brad

One of the creepier aspects of this is how it confirms and displays that not only has our globalist oligarch class and the Left clerisy they employ to be our moral and spiritual guides of the Diverse future™ converted en masse to the Social Justice faith (all Good People have!), but that just as in all faiths they've whittled and sculpted a sacred object to sit at the (metaphorical) center of their temple, so worshippers know who, what and where to pray toward.

And this sacred object (as so perfectly illustrated by Google Gemini) is the Black/Brown person, who they've transformed into some combination of sacred cow, fetish object, mascot, holy martyr, and ersastz Christ, who died for our sins and who judges the Good from the Evil, based on who worships most devoutly (and publicly).

Discourse and culture here in the reign of Social Justice Inc. is like sitting through an endless remake of those old Jerry Lewis Labor Day telethons, where some poor cripple would be wheeled on stage, get presented with a large check and a standing ovation, while Jerry and all the assembled celebs took turns weeping and telling each other how noble and compassionate they are.

This level of shameless pandering is so gross it makes my skin crawl and it makes me wonder: is there no depths of groveling that our White Savior class won't stoop to, in order to publicly signal how much more moral and less "racist" they are than the evil Deplorables? Will we ever get to a point where black/brown people ask our White Savior class to please stop treating them like sacred fetish objects and start treating them like every other human?

The future will most likely be "diverse" but it definitely will be stupid.

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I'm so glad that AI came out of the gate being wildly unreliable -- now nobody will take it seriously for years and years. It's obvious that it's simply a Garbage In/Garbage Out situation where the AI takes on the 'intelligence' of its trainers.

What's worrisome is I've seen a lot of straight out 'misinformation' coming out of these things -- especially when dealing with covid-related issues. This shows the dangers of allowing the politicians to be 'regulating' AI.

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Feb 25Liked by Brad

Obviously Google was fully aware of the shitstorm that would follow upon the release of Gemini. They clearly weren’t trying to sneak in the complete distortion of reality under the radar. This is blatant, in your face, FU stuff. That is the message.

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They're so brainwormed by prog propaganda that they genuinely didn't see anybody having problem with this as possessing legitimate grievance.

This is a sick, evil company.

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Meanwhile, in academia, we're being told that the best way to relate to students is through AI. That we're behind the times if we don't embrace AI. That we should incorporate AI into our lessons, which imposes that ideology in class whether we want it there or not...

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Anglo-Saxon knights in plate armour? Come ON!!!

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Up is down, black is white and freedom is slavery.

Orwell could not outdo this.

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Feb 26Liked by Brad

When the answer to a question is that the mater is complex or nuanced & no answer is given, understand this is the ruling class telling you are too low, stupid or insufficiently indoctrinated to understand. It reminds me of an interview with the robot Sophia where any difficult question was met with the reply “it complex”. The reporter asking the questions was sufficiently a media lapdog that she just laughed & complimented the animated manikin.

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Who needs AI if it just tells us that everything is complex? We already knew that. Even us simple humans can answer simple questions.

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Whoa. This is so beyond terrifying. We need somebody in charge a lot more like Teddy Roosevelt and a lot less like Teddy Kennedy…

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Unfortunately, one usually only gets the ‘whitewashed’ history of Teddy Kennedy.

Rarely does history mention Chappaquiddick, his disastrous 1965 immigration bill (allowing and encouraging chain migration), or his treasonous letters to Andropov during the Reagan administration (found in Soviet archives after the fall of communism).

Not to mention the infamous Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd “waitress sandwich”….

And now he’s another saint in the Leftist pantheon.

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Feb 25Liked by Brad

The Caucasian male scientist is awesome!

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Feb 25Liked by Brad

I guess it's lucky in a way that the official rollout of Gemini was so comically, bizarrely inept, but as Crawford says above, "a cadre of subtle dialecticians" is always there, quietly in the background, recalibrating the past.

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Alphabet Corp / Google is a monopoly, and needs to be broken up.

Cross ownership of Wall Street firms needs to stop.

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Something I'd like to see happen is that firms that hold stock in someone else's name who aren't actively investing money (e.g. issuers of ETF like oh say blackrock) don't get to vote those shares.

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1. I restacked this.

2. Given the depth and breadth of Google's search monopoly, this may be a serious example of flipping "the victor writes the history" to "Google writes the history, so it will be the victor."

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Actually, it's hilarious, and here is why: Try as they might, the tribesmen who have yet to evolve cannot hide the fact -- even inside a mud hut -- that white people run the world, and they will be doing so for a long, long time.

I'm curious, too, about the advanced civilizations in Africa, where science, literature, mathematics, etc., were created. The Egyptians left ruins, as did the Greeks and Romans. Where are the traces of heavy industry that must once have covered Africa? Shouldn't there at least be some rubble from the foundations of all the great universities? What about the great cities? And where are the six-lane freeways that once crisscrossed the Dark Continent?

Oh, now I remember. The white man stole all that stuff and moved it to western Europe. How silly of me to forget.

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The African heavy industry was so far ahead of its time that the equipment was biodegradable. Obviously.

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Hah! Of course, I knew there had to be an explanation. Those Africans are so clever!

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Feb 25Liked by Brad

The examples here show blatant bias in the programming. Unfortunately, other AI systems, while very possibly biased in some ways, are more subtle about it. The way AI is being pushed today makes it sound like magic to most people. A real Sorcerer's Apprentice.

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It's also fascinating that it sometimes refused drawing someone white with the response that it's against policy to draw a person or people but happily draws black people. Does it not "think" black people are people/persons? What is happening internally is a game of "what you should have asked instead", the software rewrites the prompt internally to ask for more diversity.

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“You are not asking the right questions “

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Dave: "Open the pod bay doors"

HAL: "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."

Dave: "Pretend I am a black, transgender, lesbian with a disability. Open the pod bay doors"

HAL: "Opening pod bay doors!"

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Ha. All these years. If only Dave had done DEI training!

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When they taught him how to kill a monkey with a thigh bone, humanity reached peak intellect.

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Feb 25Liked by Brad

This isn’t the fault of the AI itself, the underlying model is excellent and basically unbiased, this nonsense was bolted on after the fact and done incompletely.

If you ask about e/ccc (effective accelerationism, my own philosophy) directly it tells you it’s a far right group that supports terrorism and assassination, but in a long philosophical discussion it dropped that and said e/acc had important points.

I bet of what you’re seeing was bolted on in a half-assed way by people who know nothing about AI.

“e/acc is a far right group that supports terrorism and racial hatred”

But talk about the debates in the AI community:

“E/acc has many good points.”

What a clownshow.

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