Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023Liked by Brad

2000: Don't be evil.

2023: Everyone who disagrees with us is evil.

2000: We just want to give people all the information they could use to improve their lives.

2023: We just want to give people all the information they could use to share all our proper beliefs, be more like us, and do as they're told (but gently and quietly).

Is amazing how kind, caring and compassionate everyone is when they have limited power and crave more or when they have something to sell, and then how different they become after all their power dreams have been fulfilled.

About a decade ago America faced a fork in the road: either govern Big Tech or be governed by it. But that was an easy problem to solve (for the Silicon Valley billionaire class): just buy off every politician, make sure to invite them on your private jet on the way to your private island, give their kids fancy jobs and titles, and instead of battling as corporations vs government turn the government into one corporation (and vice versa) and rule together as a single united ruling class. And if there's any speed bumps down the road, just fiddle with the algorithms until most people either see you as benevolent or don't see the issue at all.

Google et al and their convergence with the globalist ruling class and our governments to create an omniscient omnipotent epistemic dictatorship makes HAL from Kubrick's "2001" look like a caveman playing with bones.

Thanks again, Brad, great job!

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I read most of this, but got so pissed off reading it,I had to quit. Great stuff. We need server locations for the future.

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My husband and I met Eric Schmidt when he was CEO of Novell, when that business was being clobbered by the gangster marketing tactics of Steve Ballmer and his Microsoft thugs. We always felt warm good feelings about his move and success at Google. Now I realize that company is just more digitally sophisticated applying the same kind of tactics.

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023Liked by Brad

“I actually think most people don’t want Google to answer their questions,” he said. “They want Google to tell them what they should be doing next.”

Eric Schmidt seems a good German name. We have copious history of Germans thinking they were doing the good things telling people what they should be doing next. I wonder how often Heir Schmidt talks to Heir Klaus?

Republicans better start revving up the anti-trust knifes. It might already be too late.

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I'm about to detach. I'm pretty sure its probably too late,the feds probably have a file on me three inches thick. But yeah, servers.

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Of late, newsletters I look at such as Kitchn for recipes want me to sign in using Google, which I find obnoxious. How naive of me. I am going to unsubscribe and dump Google maps right now.

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We forget that google *is* the ether.

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O-GOOGLE. BAM. how is your cellphone?

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Hello, Brad. Just sending a note to let you know I quoted you in my last episode here: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/ponerology-the-question-of-evil. Thanks for the good info from your 32 Ideas on 32.

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Thanks so much!

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Well written and informative as always, thank you! Fun fact: In Philip K. Dick's 1981 novel The Divine Invasion, the AI information system that both supports, and is supported by, the repressive world government, is called Big Noodle. People consult it on their portable "slates," which sound like today's tablets, and believe everything it says. The few remaining skeptics are of course persecuted by the government. I've always got a kick out of the similarity in sound between "Noodle" and "Google," especially since the former is one of the embodiments of evil in the novel.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Brad

I despise google. My spouse added it to my desktop in 2009/10 without my permission. 🤬 I deleted it. Then they were upset. Too bad.

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Minor correction, you write: "but consider that in the 2004 election, a whopping 98% of Google’s employees gave money to the Democratic Party". Out of the employee donations, 98% went to the Democrats, looking at the numbers most employees didn't donate (or it wasn't possible to track it back to the corporation). Of course it's also very likely that conservative employees at Google keep their political values hidden.

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Conservatives at Google probably HAVE to keep their political values hidden if they wish to remain employed.

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Yes, this was mentioned in a paper (some called it a "manifesto") circulated by James Damore for which he was shitcanned.

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Brad

Just read another wonderful article by N.S. Lyons, "The China Convergence", in which one of your articles is hyperlinked, and in which Google is prominently featured......looking forward to Part II.

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Oh wow, had no idea I was hyperlinked. I've barely put a dent in that monster. And though I'm still kind of bewildered by it (and honored), N.S. Lyons does indeed subscribe to Euphoric Recall.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Brad

Your hyperlink is in Part 3 of the 'monster' a link to your article "The Rewriting of Roald Dahl".....cheers!

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Your usual well-researched and excellently-, no, elegantly written article.

I do admire Microsoft for one thing. In the early 2000s, South Korea watched the EU take on Microsoft and demand that certain features be unbundled from the basic package. Microsoft folded. South Kora then demanded the same accommodation. Microsoft folded once more, just slightly differently. What South Korea failed to appreciate was the difference in the size of the markets. Microsoft announced that henceforth it would no longer sell nor license its products in South Korea.

SK immediately withdrew its demands. A lesson in how to win a war by surrendering.

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