I think I've mentioned this here before, but as a Lit major at a private college in the 80s I saw the beast that would one day swallow the globe up close (I think back then it was called Critical Studies), and I have to say: Lord, these people have succeeded beyond even their wildest dreams! If you had told even the dourest Gender/Race commissar back then that in 40 years med school profs would be spouting their jargon and denouncing all who refused to do so, they wouldn't have believed it possible.

Who could have guessed that in a span of one or 2 generations Americans could become a race of such addled and demoralized eunuchs that they not only applaud the castration of children and the awarding of MDs based on race, they demand it! As their right and as their conception of Justice!

Another sad part here, besides the simultaneous ideological takeover of all our institutions by some weird blend of Calvinism and Maoism (and the collapse of all their authority), is what this means for black doctors—I have an excellent black doctor who I love and respect, but in the future how could I possibly trust any black professional knowing that the standards were lowered for them?

Soc Justice once again harms those it claims to most want to help.

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Like everything else the elites have no intention of paying the bill they have run up. “Their” hospitals will be staffed by the best. It will tak an October 7 type catastrophe, happening to them!, to wake up the woke

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it will, but even then it will be blamed on Trump and the Deplorables (even if he's dead or in jail for our 10/7) or maybe Putin—for the present generation of brains there is simply no other way they could process any fact.

A more rational assessment will have to wait for sometime in the future, if at all.

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True. In fact the 10/7 analogy barely holds. The sheep are wandering back into the fold

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keep in mind that the little mindless sheep of snowflakes and flurries praised Bin Ladin just a few months ago

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Exactly. After this, how can you look at a doctor "of color" and feel confident that, they'll not only be good doctors, but try to do a good job for you, period?

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it makes me sick to think that i would choose to avoid a professional (or anyone) based on their skin color, but alas, here we are.

the Soc Just racialization of everything and everyone replicates all the hatred and stupidity it claims to want to eradicate.

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I think them wanting to "eradicate" the hatred and stupidity is just a talking point. I truly think that it's meant to cause more racism, hatred, and division, to give them more to complain about. A self feeding hatred of all things not them.

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oh hatred, envy and resentment are definitely the fuel that feeds this beast.

but the goals are pretty simple (they'd have to be for so many people to buy in): just think of the most rigid pre-1960s social hierarchy you can think of, w of course the healthy rich European man at top and I guess a brown-skinned gay female crippled Muslim on the bottom.

The project here is to just take that hierarchy and flip it, and voila! there is vengeance, er, I mean Justice.

The last shall be first etc etc...both Marxism and Social Justice are branches on the tree of Christianity (but that's a whole different subject)

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Uh, no they aren't. Sorry.

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Sure is. And then they blame it on Trump and the rest of us patriots.

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Honestly, how do you look at any non-white person (we are all "of color" - last I checked I didn't look like a ghost) in ANY job with any level of confidence knowing that in all probability they got their job because of their skin color?

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That does sound plausible.

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When you put so much power in the hands of loony leftists that is what you get! Conservatives did not fight back hard enough. They accepted 2nd rate status in all things (academia, journalism and other media, etc.). Concentrated power and big gov’t caused this. Now how do we fix it?

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Problem is people won't wake up to that fact that so many leading "conservatives" have sold their souls or been threaten by the global elites. Best example: John Roberts. We don't have two political parties in this country. This is only one party - those sinking the US so the new world order can be implemented and the people enslaved globally.

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"Calvinism?" What has taken over our institutions is socialism from a plan hatch in the 1910's.

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Look, if people need to die to save the feelings of the doctor, that's a small price to pay.


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Feb 28Liked by Brad

The end result will be further racism as whites will with this information shun non-white doctors, regardless of their competence. But the lawsuits that will follow for malpractice will only see one color; green.

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You can bet your last dollar that if it had been a MAGA doctor sticking an LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ person that she would have been immediately charged with assault immediately after being fired. Time to storm the AG’s office

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Sure, violence is the answer. Ask those still in jail for falling into the 1/6 trap.

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Feb 29Liked by Brad

The same thing is happening in the airline industry. It is only a matter of time until DEI hiring practices cause a plane to crash. There have already been a few close calls.

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Feb 28Liked by Brad

Then when sane people prefer Asian or white doctors, that will prove the point of these complainers that "racism is everywhere." The further decay of western society continues. How much lower can we go?

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the ideology that kills

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We now have another COD to explore at M&M Conferences: DEI

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I'm not sure that story Liu told on Twitter actually happened or if it's just a made-up story for her Twitter audience, still shows poor judgement.

The ACS definition of racism in the second sentence, "discrimination through the institutional policies and practices" fits everything they are doing to white people perfectly. The difference is that past, white racists kept that thing quiet.

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Re Del Rosario celebrating an extra stick for the patient who laughed at her gender pin.

I embrace the sentiment of your narrative here, but I think calling it an "injury" is kind of an exaggeration. Multiple sticks are not unusual at all. Laughing about them later, that's a different story.

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