Apr 3, 2023Liked by Brad

Yuck,  and I live in NY. I agree and think this will motivate Trump's base to get out and vote for him in 2024, and I intend to do the same. Always a democrat, but 4 years of Trump lies and the democrat's illegal authoritarian shenanigans made me vote for him in 2020. I didn't agree with a number of his policies, but that also goes for the democrats I helped vote into office. After their multiple autocratic attacks during his presidency which tried to oust him from office, as well as their not knowing the difference between an insurrection and a riot followed by an unconstitutional  Jan 6 comm left me with nothing but distain for the lot of them. Taibbi's encounter with them on the twitter files reflected just how disgusting they have become. I want to wait and see what that self serving neck less ass has before I comment on the legality of what he is doing, but I know if Trump was just another politician, one that didn't want to get along with Russia, and  implemented another war during his presidency, and had adopted a hegemonic mindset for America he wouldn't be in all this trouble. I always thought that motivated their hatred for him and of course that doesn't mean only  from politicians, but their keepers as well. 

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“Criminals with us will be arrested at the first, more or less, well-grounded suspicion: it cannot be allowed that out of fear of a possible mistake an opportunity should be given of escape to persons suspected of a political lapse of crime, for in these matters we shall be literally merciless.”


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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

Did you forget about Libya, and it's destruction, the slave markets it has now? Never under Gaddafi, the one  sodomized by a sword, and whose death was ordered by Clinton and when she heard about his death she laughed, maybe Obama did too. It's a mess, and was doing just fine. A war based on nothing but a lie. Obama loved droning, everyone said he did, and  I hear he killed thousands of innocents. Then his secretary of state, Clinton, supports the military coup in Honduras, and no doubt a thumbs up from Obama. Now the country is once again in the hands of the elites, a mess of poverty, violence and corruption, but people still call Obama a liberal. What about that coup Obama supported in Ukraine using neo-nazis to carry it off, which now has us on the brink of a nuclear war? His party bad mouthed Trump for four long years for wanting to get along with Russia, and bad mouthed his trip over there. Got to keep that  mistrust and hate alive, because the democrats had plans when they supported those neo-nazi's that were intent on bringing down a pro-Russia Yanokovich in Ukraine. Think it's odd, that his vice president comes in and we are now on the brink of a possible nuclear war? Coincidence? He was no liberal and don't let anyone kid you he was. True, lots of things Trump did I didn't approve like those sanctions and the overthrow of the Iran deal, or providing arms to Saudi Arabia to carry out their genocide, but Obama certainly supported Saudi Arabia's air war in Yemen and gave them weapons too. We could go into what happened in Syria during Obama's reign in office, but too complicated. Chomsky who hated Trump, wrote an article that he thought the only one who could stop a war in Ukraine was Trump. Well, that's a thump's up, and he didn't name Obama.

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Chomsky also hated JFK.

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Naom Chomsky belongs in an oven with Bernie Sanders . . .

The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committe . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israel operative, and the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . .

ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF


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The American Israeli Political Action Committee has become the official religion of the United States government . . .

Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞


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I laughed when I saw Qaddafi die…fuck him. I don’t give a shit about Muslims killing each other…I just don’t support sacrificing 7000 of our best and brightest to kill Muslims. Putin is as big a dumbass as George W Bush…and I thank Putin every day for making us energy dominant!

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

First of all Gaddfi was not killed by Muslims, and your prejudice against a group of people, men, women, and children reflects someone who is soulless. If I knew you felt this way I would never would have addressed your commentary. I never will again.

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Like with the nonsense in Syria, the U.S. State Department armed terrorist rebels to get rid of Gaddafi, the same ones that killed Ambassador Stevens and stole weapons from that secret armory in the basement…

The EUSSR needed Libya’s oil, but Muammar Gaddafi decided he wanted gold instead of worthless fiat currency from the EU… What was the first thing NATO did when Gaddafi was deposed besides stealing all of Libya’s gold? Form a new government?

NOPE, they formed a new Libyan national bank. Now, why would they do that? Because even if Muammar was deposed, he and his heirs would still be the sole proprietors!

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Good, you are a Muslim lover and are worthless.

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Well, I loathe Trump and didn't vote for him ever, but this is gonna be 2016 Groundhog Day as I can see myself up real late on the next Election Day, sick again with relief that the wretched Democrat lost.

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I loathe Trump, but I loathe the Democrats more. Ever since Obama said "the bankers did nothing illegal only immoral," I thought well, well, well. Obama failed to indict the crooks that committed the CRIMES OF THE CENTURY. And that's when I decided I am no longer a Democrat and will NEVER vote for another one.

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I've never been a member of any party except for the momentary fiction required when I voted twice in the primaries for Bernie. Another two added to the sum total of every vote I ever took, all of which I regretted afterwards. Except for the affirmative "none of the above" in 2016.

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So, in 2020 you found better candidates then?

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I did not vote.

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I voted for Trump because the opponent was the long-standing Senator from Delaware, which is the U.S. equivalent of the Cayman Islands. And BTW, no one can prove to me that Biden received 81 million votes. NO WAY.

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I despise both of them. Biden has been a loathsome mediocrity all his life.

It's on the micro-local level that we must all focus now and henceforth. School boards, library boards, zoning boards, village/city councils--every feeder institution from which the ambitious begin to craft their resumes. If the independent citizen can break the stranglehold of parties this is the only way to do it.

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“Criminals with us will be arrested at the first, more or less, well-grounded suspicion: it cannot be allowed that out of fear of a possible mistake an opportunity should be given of escape to persons suspected of a political lapse of crime, for in these matters we shall be literally merciless.”


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Trump is like a hand grenade…so far it’s worked out with him beating the Bushes, Cheneys, Clintons…and himself.

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His tragedy includes not being a guided missile instead.

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Donald Trump was ousted in a coup, like Imran Kahn in Pakistan and Viktor Yanukovich in Ukraine . . .

They are doing the same thing to Imran Kahn that they are doing to Trump at home in the USA.

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I accept whatever he is—so far it has worked out but I agree at any point it could get out of hand. Remember that Republicans in Congress voted Lizard Cheney into leadership in January 2021!?!! Republicans were set to return to Bush/Cheney policies prior to January 6th!?! Wtf??

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Spot on, man.

This isn't good. It grieves me to no end to see how history repeats itself. What do these people think will happen? My God, the way they act, you would think they wanted to start a civil war. Maybe they do. Above all else, it's just sad. We don't have to be like this. We really could be a shining city on the hill for all the world to look up to, but instead we're getting mired down in petty politics and idiotic domestic/foreign policy ideas that have ruined us on the global stage and economically.

God help us.

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Superbly written Brad Neaton.

Cry the beloved country. From the outside looking in, this the leader of the free world going nuts. If the rule of law in the US is politicised, god help us all.

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This is the post I've been writing; I'll cross-post and add a small amount. If this stands, we've lost the republic.

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Im not one to throw in my cards yet but we are at the edge for sure.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Brad

Another excellent article, Mr. Neaton.

"… the credibility of two of the star witnesses—fraudster Michael Cohen and a porn star" who waited ten years until Trump ran for president to extort money from him.

"People will rally to Trump; they will vote for the man because they identify with his persecution."

His persecution is why I voted for him in 2016 and my loyalty to him got even stronger as a result of the Russiagate persecution. I admire his character, in particular his extraordinary resilience and his perseverence in the face of irrational hostility. His enemies are mine, and they must be defeated!

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RussiaGate was a Bush Republican orchestrated coup to install Pence as president…Democrats talked about it but it was Bush Republicans actually pushing it.

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The only thing you have said here that makes any sense at all . . .

The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israel operative, and the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF


Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞


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He has no character. He's a failed human being.

But he's as worthy as any other citizen to be treated under the demands of the rule of law, and as much as I despise him, I hope he gets the last laugh here.

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“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush.” — Donald Trump

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Brad

I think the point about Bragg is that he is among the crop of attorneys that follow the Lenin castroist (funny how its finally OK not to like the Russians after all these years) idea that the the criminals are the victim of the system and the real criminals are the white collar types. This is not entirely wrong as the violent felons are the product of their society and the behavior of Wall street has often been down right criminal. But that only goes too far and you are not allowed to ask about the policies that have produced these hellscapes. On the other side the Blackstones and GS have purchased indulgences through the adoption of ESG and DEI. This leaves the Trumps of the world as the only worthy target for their philosophy as he is the only threat to them.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023Liked by Brad

Remember in 2018 the Chief Justice of the United States reminded us of our judiciary's independence:

"[T]he United States does not have 'Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges. What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.'"


We might give Justice Roberts the benefit of the doubt and say his comments were restricted to federal judges, but how many people think Lady Justice will be wearing a blindfold in this case?

And the prior Manhattan D.A.'s interview is telling for its unstated central message, namely that "blind justice" is not appropriate when a political opponent has it coming. Their moto with clear conscience is "by any means necessary." https://www.npr.org/2023/04/02/1167665437/former-manhattan-da-cyrus-vance-calls-trump-indictment-extraordinary-event

Banana Republic indeed.

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Nope. Over-the-top rhetoric is to be rejected. We respect the rule of law and equal justice, not equality of outcome. That's exactly the kind of comment a "fed" would post. Whether that's an honest sentiment, or something else, I disagree.

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I agree with 2A Solution. The left does not compromise. Their beliefs are not rational. Their goal is to gain more and more control, and the outcome will be totalitarianism.

The left are indeed consequentialists. The only thing that matters to them is getting the outcome they want. To the left, the "rule of law" is only an obstacle.

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The only “solutions” Republicans have is to whine about stolen elections…they’ve been doing it since 1992.

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I cross-posted this as my initial reaction to the NYC clown fiasco.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Brad

Lavrentiy Beria would give Bragg a useful idiot attaboy.

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"...it will polarize the country even more."

I for one hope so. Centrism is our enemy IMO. Leftists never really compromise, but the RINOs do nothing else. Hence, the Overton Window moves relentlessly Left. We need to find a way to stop losing ground and start winning back our freedoms.

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“The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected.” — G.K. Chesterton

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This is addressed to the owner of the site. I cannot, and will not be on a site where respondents are so lacking in any sense of humanity. Wow.

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Are you talking about Pangolin?

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Yeah, really. I've come across people who have ideas who are offensive but not on that level, not hateful, and to attack me because I don't harbor those prejudicial feeling is really not okay.

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I'll ban him. Don't even think he's a subscriber.

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Great. Thanks.

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can you make it so non-subscribers cant post? I thjink you can.. the trolls have arrived

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I think I can only change it so that only paid subscribers can comment unfortunately.

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ok - some nasty ( and crazy) stuff popping up.

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More than one politician’s career has been ruined by sex scandal, Clinton was impeached for it (and let’s not get into the witch-hunt Whitewater case that dug the sexual misconduct up in the first place), and Trump seems to have paid someone off with over 100k to avoid it becoming known prior to the election, or maybe just to keep his wife, with newborn at her side, from finding out. All this fuss about Trump being persecuted is baloney. If ever a politician asked for legal by his own behavior, it is Trump. Let us count the ways. So let’s see what the 30 some charges are before we shed any more tears for this character. If this case doesn’t convict him, so be it. The Georgia will, or the Mara Lago debacle... This is hardly banana Republic stuff. The riot on Jan 6 sure was. I wish he’d get out of the way and let the GOP run a serious politician that runs on serious issues...not his/her own victimhood.

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I never approved of going after Clinton,  nor do I approve of going after Trump on this issue, and in both cases it's politically motivated. Ann, no matter what you think of Trump the most important issue is that for 4 years the democrats tried to remove an elected president from office on the lie of Russia-gate.That should be of concern to every American. Schiff , and others also dictated on sites like Twitter what is acceptable to print and what isn't. If you saw Taibbi interrogated by democrats in the House Subcommittee on this issue one was rather taken aback not only by their sheer rudeness,  or pretended indifference, but also by their authoritarian stance as they undermined his motives.  

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Jewish U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D), great grandson of Jacob Schiff (who funded Bolshevism, Leon Trotsky, and the October Revolution from Wall Street) is following in his great grandfather’s footsteps by illegally trafficking weapons with Igor Pasternak, funding foreign conflicts abroad . . . and trying to get Syria for the oil pipelines by blaming the Russians for another false flag . . .

Schiff employed as his IT, a member of the Awan clan . . . Prosecutors contend in court filings that the Pakistani Awan clan committed bank fraud at a Congressional bank as the way to finance their absconding to Pakistan. Brothers Abid and Imran handled congressional data— sensitive top-secret data. For months at a time Imran ran House IT — in Pakistan — an active terrorist country, handling US intel without supervision . . . Yet Schiff never said a word. Congressional House Democrats who also employed the clan said nothing . . .

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Alvin Bragg ran his entire election campaign on a promise to prosecute Trump, without any specifics of evidence which he did not have prior to winning office. That alone makes it a political persecution. All of your points are irrelevant.

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Clinton threatened a witness in a federal trial, the feckless Republicans should have made that the single impeachment charge, but they let the media run with the 'salacious' sex, sex, sex, and blowjob narrative.

Clinton didn't really lie, he equivocated. Clinton was the 'great equivocator' as opposed to the Reagan designation as the 'great communicator' . . . Do realize, I am splitting hairs here, but the greatest fault of the Republicans is their inability to call things what they really are.

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Nope, Clinton didn’t say exactly what opposing lawyers wanted him to say in a civil deposition. Clinton did nothing wrong as it is the job of lawyers to prove their case because we have an adversarial civil litigation system and you can’t call the sheriff to force someone involved in civil litigation to say exactly what you want them to say.

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No, this is about one man. Half my family voted for Trump, but this is not about them. A grand jury agreed on an indictment of Trump. All presidents are picked, or as you call it…persecuted. Trump is the only one to have personally provided enough legal fodder that even his own AG and personal lawyers have thrown up their hands. This is not an attack on half the country, because not all conservatives or independents support Trump. Many just want a Rep in White House, and the way our primaries are set up…Trump will win the primary. The personal investment in the one man by so many scares me. In their eyes he can do no wrong.

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I beg to differ. This is an attack on most Republicans, save the Mitch McConnell supporters in the uniparty wing. Even I, who has no love for Trump, find this a weponization of the law to target one (Trump) who represents the foes of Democratic policies (Republicans). I agree that Trumps hold on his base is disturbing, maybe frightening. The Dems are counting on this blind support, and the rest of the party's disgust with justice as politics, to lead to Trumps ultimate nomination, and then defeat by Biden. It's brilliant, but disgusting.

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It's not brilliant. It's just an obvious thing to do.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

the brilliant and the obvious have a way of backfiring on "the brilliant"." we pay the consequences though.

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RemovedApr 3, 2023Liked by Brad
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Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.


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Володымыр Зеленский, израильский оперативник, скоро сбежит в дом своей матери в Израиле . . . В украинском парламенте полно еврейских аппаратчиков. Украина должна забыть о Крыме и НАТО. Власть на Украине в сговоре с олигархами, им никто не противостоит.

Ожесточенные марксисты ненавидят кавказцев . . . Еврейские банкиры заполнили Европу мусульманами, а Америку мусором из стран третьего мира . . . Евреи - нечистые демоны, как и турки . . . Гитлер был прав.

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Хиллари Клинтон пыталась украсть выборы в России с некоммерческими организациями, как дома в Америке, но Владимир Путин победил ей, поэтому она вызвали все трудности с глупой панк-рок-группой и гомосексуалистами на Олимпиаде в Сочи.

Маммонизм и большевизм являются еврейские сводные сестры . . . Сатанизм является еврейского культ.

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