Jun 16, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023Liked by Brad

Stephen Friend's book TRUE BLUE is an indictment of the FBI. Special Agent Friend was part of the SWAT Team tasked with protecting Governor Whitmer and the FBI whistleblower is frank in conceding that the #2 leader of the Wolverine Watchmen was an FBI agent who goaded and led those foolish "militia men" in their so-called plot. Friend also explains how the FBI has manipulated statistics to pretend there is a movement by white supremacists to take over the country.

How many Rubicons must the Biden Crime Syndicate cross before Merrick Garland and the corrupt FBI begin to earn their money?

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If there aren't enough terrorists they just have to make new ones. I think they probably also launder a lot of suspected crime through "informants" that are well-paid but not necessarily well-informed.

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Daniel Penny is the latest "terrorist" identified and singled out by the 4th Reich.

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That just seems like a garden-variety, racially motivated malicious prosecution to me. At least he got bail.

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Nothing short of Trump's public execution following a trial run by marsupials will be enough for Democrats. Even then, I expect they would want to bury him, dig him up and do it all over again.

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Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023Liked by Brad

"....the big problem for Trump is that now there’s a whiff of scandal associated with him."

Brad, you know I love you, but Trump has had scandal associated w him since the 1980s! He's Teflon Don, after all, he sports various scandals like socialites sport their diamonds or witch doctors their necklace of shrunken heads—as a sign of their great power and superhuman abilities.

The interesting psychodrama here is the passionate hate that the Anne Applebaums of our ruling class just can't seem to quit—she and her ilk more or less play the same role in our politics that Margaret Dumont plays in the Marx Bros movies. This outrageous interloper must be banished—Well, I never!—but the show must go on and everything seems so dull once he's offstage.

I don't know if there's a They/Them behind the curtain here plotting strategy, but the Ahab crusade to at last destroy their Great White Whale seems to be in tension with the other wisdom embedded in the bones of Social Justice Inc: keeping Trump around as a candidate in 2024 is by far the best thing they have going for them.

If these people seem demented now, imagine Trump slouching off to Mar-A-Lago and baptizing something like De Santis/Scott as his heirs: then we might see the Marx Bros morph into another remake of "Carrie".

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I was shooting for sarcasm 😆

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my bad! i read right over it like the deranged maniac i am.

was looking fastball and u threw me the curve...bravo

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Sarcasm is one of the easiest literary devices to misinterpret in written form. Emojis can help, but without knowing the writer, or the ability to hear a tone in someone's voice, it's easy to miss. Many misunderstandings are caused by unrecognized sarcasm, especially online. I learned to tolerate and even appreciate sarcasm when I married my husband 25 years ago. 😋

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Sarcasm is the primary form of communication in my household. i have 3 grown boys and the second one never really got it. He had no idea what we were talking about most of the time.

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sounds like we would get along!

i often do find myself sprinkling my texts w various goofy emojis just to try to convey the amount of spin i'm putting on something.

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Then you have attained success.

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Don't you mean Great Orange Whale?

RE: Teflon Don. This is part and parcel to Trump's shtick. Some see it, some don't. He comes across (at least to me) as a results-oriented guy, not a process and pageantry type. Think BHO and all of his self-anointed messiah posturing and outright lies. "I don't see Black America and a White America, I see only One America". So didn't we all, at least until came to realize he had regressed race relations by a half century in less than 24 months. Or his shameless class war pandering against "the rich", yet now lives a shamelessly conspicuous life of undeserved opulence and gluttony while still trashing on White America and its inherent racism which denies "people of color" any chance of advancement.

Trump may shock and awe, but he hardly surprises or veers in terms of tactics. And nothing could be more antithetical to the bought-and-sold political class who run this nation (into the ground) and are masters in the art of pure bullshit. I'll take Trump's sometimes erratic and even occasionally cringeworthy steam of conscious pronouncements any day over the contrived, cultivated, and focus-tested outright lies of Democrats.

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The indictment is a ploy. Nobody really wants a trial. The indictment is a cudgel to beat Trump with by the media, Democrats, and never Trump Republicans for the next year and a half. The trial will be delayed until after the election and then Trump will be pardoned by Biden, hoping to set a precedent for his pending legal problems.

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Biden's handlers would never allow him to pardon President Trump. And the trial will be going on before election day.

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I think you're right. This will be a dragged out circus designed to drum up sympathy for Trump to make sure he's the person running against Biden because Dems think they can beat Trump. The charges will probably be dropped at a later point. As President, Trump had the right to declassify these documents so there really is no case.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Brad

Surreal to watch the leftist media/tech political juggernaut bloviate endlessly about Trump's sinister threats to Democracy while simultaneously, openly, brazenly dismantling and corrupting every last vestige of constitutional republicanism.

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Biden has nothing to be concerned with regarding his corruption. There is a 0% chance Trump is elected in 2024. They have the best voter fraud program there is. Started in 2018, perfected in 2020.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Brad

I think these people are getting very dangerous. I am not confident about the life expectancies of Hunter & RFK Jr right now.

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The Democrat-run FBI is requesting that all documents concerning Seth Rich be hidden from the public for 66 more years.

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I'm wondering if Trump did that whole document circus on purpose to goad them into prosecuting him? It also looked that way with other criminal cases against him.

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I do not think you are far off. I think there are other things going on. I cant figure the guy out but I suppose he felt that at least he could pick the fight he wanted.

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He could have just produced a document saying that the documents are now declassified. I'm sure his lawyers know this, it's also likely going to be the cornerstone of his defence - after of course accusing the Dems of selective prosecution since Biden also took documents (even from a SCIF) without the power to declassify. I think the Dems know they can't win the case but they want this to galvanize support for Trump because they think that even a decrepit mummy like Biden is able to beat him (again).

Basically it's all designed so Americans end up with the choice between two corrupt sexual predators born in the 40ies - again.

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