These three are absolutely appalling, and they deserved to be censured. I think, though, that we sadly now have a Streisand Effect going on here. If Tennessee did not have the law that allows them to reappointed to their same offices, then I would say that it would have been effective to remove them, but since it was already a given that the city council and county councils would just reappoint them, it was not at all punitive and was actually helpful to them. In this case, I think we cut off our nose to spite our face, and we would have been much smarter to have found a different way to punish them, such as pouring money into electing their opposition in the next election.
I realize this isn't a popular opinion amongst us conservatives, but I think that we must start thinking more strategically and in the longer term.
Yes, it was probably a given that the councils would reinstate them--considering they are from the bluest of the blue concentrations within an overwhelmingly red state. Those concentrations have been carefully gerrymandered to ensure those 2 seats stay both blue & black--throwing money at it will not solve the problem of not having "people of principle" either running or voting against the criminals. And as we've seen from the swiftness of reinstatement, these areas don't care if criminals serve in the legislature--they seek only to ensure they don't serve time for their crimes. The biggest misstep, however, was not kicking all three of them out; that single vote which prevented kicking out Gloria Johnson paved the way for a leftist media and the clowns who support criminals in government to scream "racism."
You're spot on, Brad, that this "bigger issue" has morphed all around to the same stale claims of trans-phobia, gun-adoration and finally, racism. NONE of these people give a flip about the victims of the mass shooting--or the mental illness that caused it. Instead, it has given a rare opportunity to pile on, in a 24/7 media cacophony of leftist dog whistles. Bigger picture? It harps on a fake "issue" in order to sway the public's attention away from the leaked papers showing that Ukraine is and has always been an unauthorized war in an effort to lead us to a nuclear WW3; the complete criminal Biden family's involvement in selling state secrets; the surveillance of our military bases/operations by MULTIPLE Chinese spy balloons; and the march toward a centralized digital currency to amass more totalitarian control.
I really didn't follow this story, but I think you made a good point. I think most knew they would seek reelection, so why give them an opportunity to garner that amount of coverage by kicking them out of office in the first place? I think with all these mass school shootings something has to be done, and the most logical thing would be to better protect our schools, since too often they are the chosen target of these crazies, which provide them with a pool of victims, young victims that will get them lots of coverage. What becomes more disturbing is that the democrats are continuously making the point that their party is the party of the people and they care about Blacks, and the poor and the gays, etc, unlike the republicans and have really pushed that lie during the Trump years using him as a source to sow division and redefine themselves since they haven't been a party of the people since the Carter years, the former president who pointed a finger at Trump and said he was illegitimate since it was the Russians who voted him into office. They come across as holier then thou and yet have maneuvered us into a potential nuclear war which I felt got off the ground during the Obama administration with the coup he, and Biden and the neocons orchestrated in Ukraine.
There is a destructive cult and its membership include most of the elite managerial class, the mainstream media, the academic industry, the race hustlers and Democrat establishment. The only troubling thing about it is that the youth vote is also indoctrinated into it. I think AOC is correct. Without a significant effort to break youth out of their trance, they are going to vote the country into the toilet.
I also saw Justin Pearson trying really hard to channel Martin Luther King from the pulpit on Easter Sunday. Now, I’ve been fighting a bad cold that makes sounds particularly tinny in my ears, but believe me, the noise wasn’t as phony as the rhetoric. God help us all.
Precise and concise language is one of the first casualties of authoritarian obfuscation. I believe m’man wrote a book about this. (I note that I routinely violate all of these, especially #6)
Seems that kind of behavior has become acceptable since the BLM marches. The Biden administration seems to be encouraging a lot of people to act up. Odious when you think he was someone who was against the integration of schools. He said he was, but no busing he said, and back then you could not have integration without it and he knew it. He's such a soulless con artist.
There are some very ugly things about this episode, one of which is conflating civil rights for all Americans with an effort to undermine the Constitution through grandstanding.
These three are absolutely appalling, and they deserved to be censured. I think, though, that we sadly now have a Streisand Effect going on here. If Tennessee did not have the law that allows them to reappointed to their same offices, then I would say that it would have been effective to remove them, but since it was already a given that the city council and county councils would just reappoint them, it was not at all punitive and was actually helpful to them. In this case, I think we cut off our nose to spite our face, and we would have been much smarter to have found a different way to punish them, such as pouring money into electing their opposition in the next election.
I realize this isn't a popular opinion amongst us conservatives, but I think that we must start thinking more strategically and in the longer term.
Yes, it was probably a given that the councils would reinstate them--considering they are from the bluest of the blue concentrations within an overwhelmingly red state. Those concentrations have been carefully gerrymandered to ensure those 2 seats stay both blue & black--throwing money at it will not solve the problem of not having "people of principle" either running or voting against the criminals. And as we've seen from the swiftness of reinstatement, these areas don't care if criminals serve in the legislature--they seek only to ensure they don't serve time for their crimes. The biggest misstep, however, was not kicking all three of them out; that single vote which prevented kicking out Gloria Johnson paved the way for a leftist media and the clowns who support criminals in government to scream "racism."
You're spot on, Brad, that this "bigger issue" has morphed all around to the same stale claims of trans-phobia, gun-adoration and finally, racism. NONE of these people give a flip about the victims of the mass shooting--or the mental illness that caused it. Instead, it has given a rare opportunity to pile on, in a 24/7 media cacophony of leftist dog whistles. Bigger picture? It harps on a fake "issue" in order to sway the public's attention away from the leaked papers showing that Ukraine is and has always been an unauthorized war in an effort to lead us to a nuclear WW3; the complete criminal Biden family's involvement in selling state secrets; the surveillance of our military bases/operations by MULTIPLE Chinese spy balloons; and the march toward a centralized digital currency to amass more totalitarian control.
I really didn't follow this story, but I think you made a good point. I think most knew they would seek reelection, so why give them an opportunity to garner that amount of coverage by kicking them out of office in the first place? I think with all these mass school shootings something has to be done, and the most logical thing would be to better protect our schools, since too often they are the chosen target of these crazies, which provide them with a pool of victims, young victims that will get them lots of coverage. What becomes more disturbing is that the democrats are continuously making the point that their party is the party of the people and they care about Blacks, and the poor and the gays, etc, unlike the republicans and have really pushed that lie during the Trump years using him as a source to sow division and redefine themselves since they haven't been a party of the people since the Carter years, the former president who pointed a finger at Trump and said he was illegitimate since it was the Russians who voted him into office. They come across as holier then thou and yet have maneuvered us into a potential nuclear war which I felt got off the ground during the Obama administration with the coup he, and Biden and the neocons orchestrated in Ukraine.
Brad -
You have exceptional work product.
I hope more people get introduced to it.
Thank you, I really appreciate it!
I haven't come across a transcription of the Elon Musk interview, but if I do I'll be sure to let you know!
There is a destructive cult and its membership include most of the elite managerial class, the mainstream media, the academic industry, the race hustlers and Democrat establishment. The only troubling thing about it is that the youth vote is also indoctrinated into it. I think AOC is correct. Without a significant effort to break youth out of their trance, they are going to vote the country into the toilet.
These clowns are about to get hammered by a swinging pendulum. Nothing they say is real. 100% bought and paid for lies.
I also saw Justin Pearson trying really hard to channel Martin Luther King from the pulpit on Easter Sunday. Now, I’ve been fighting a bad cold that makes sounds particularly tinny in my ears, but believe me, the noise wasn’t as phony as the rhetoric. God help us all.
I heard "I am so glad" for like 30 seconds and shut it off. SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY, DUDE.
Precise and concise language is one of the first casualties of authoritarian obfuscation. I believe m’man wrote a book about this. (I note that I routinely violate all of these, especially #6)
Faux-MLK rhetoric rings particularly hollow when it is dredged up in a call for the establishment of an authoritarian police state.
Rules for thee, but not for me.
Kinda surprised there's no video of Jones stopping cars and attacking drivers. I see the link, but the video itself is extremely powerful.
Seems that kind of behavior has become acceptable since the BLM marches. The Biden administration seems to be encouraging a lot of people to act up. Odious when you think he was someone who was against the integration of schools. He said he was, but no busing he said, and back then you could not have integration without it and he knew it. He's such a soulless con artist. insurrection is in the eye of the beholder
i used fewer words.
You hit the same notes, though.
There are some very ugly things about this episode, one of which is conflating civil rights for all Americans with an effort to undermine the Constitution through grandstanding.
“[AOC]: ‘Gen Z don’t play.’ What is this, 4Chan?”
4Chan is more reliably funny than AOC.