The Bigotry Accusation is to our time what Elvis and the Hula Hoop were to the 1950s or what disco and polyester were to the 1970s—the definitive trend/idea/cultural phenomenon that can serve as a condensed symbol of a zeitgeist. But notice the differences: all the prior examples were joyous, mostly creative, and brought people together in various ways; our endless moment of virtual moralism is in all ways opposite: punitive, ugly, designed to paint us all as either Oppressed or Oppressor and to hopefully let the hatred flow from that.

For the modern leftish liberal the Bigotry Accusation is like a Swiss Army knife for sociopolitical discourse: first it works as a way to clear out enemies and control new territory (the Bigotry Accusation was the superweapon the Left used to conquer academia); then of course it works as a cheap form of virtue for upscale whites to preen about how much they love poor oppressed black people, certainly much more than those evil Other Bad Whites; it also works as a new form of social control, because if we live in a permanent state of Amerikkkan emergency, we of course need powerful bureaucrats and overseers to police our words and thoughts to prevent a race war; and lastly it works as a way for the global corporate state and its media arm to gain money and power by selling religious indulgences to guilty white liberals.

The saddest part is that absolutely none of this has done anything to help actually poor and suffering black people because they are only a symbol, their pain appropriated and turned into a trendy amulet for white liberals to flaunt. The Everything is Racist moral mania was never about helping blacks, it was about hurting whites. This is all that matters to the progressive oligarchy and its clickbait Red Guard.

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Amazing comment as always!

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we make a good team ;))

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this comes down to how to achieve equity. The best way is to lift everyone up to the highest level. That of course is impossible so the only way to do it is to pull everyone down to the lowest level.

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Nuclear Grade!

guilty white liberals*....turned slave masters imo.

Is that racist?

I don't think so. Many urban cores have 80+ years of unassailable empirical evidence of this dynamic.

It's really sad. I remember as a little boy knowing that blacks weren't treated the same in the 70's. But by the time I left college GenX had basically healed those wounds.

Then came the Lord of Racism:


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Lord of Racism. I will never again call that evildoer by his given name.

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Like almost everything else that starts out with a good purpose, it gets co-opted and gamed into unrecognizibility. As a classic 60s feminist, I'm appalled at what passes for feminism today.

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When everything is racist, nothing is.

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It is obvious that our society is racist because it is nearly impossible for white men to get into grad schools and the Biden administration has made it clear that straight white men are not wanted for any jobs. A couple years ago, the Chicago Institute of Art decided that it was racist because all of its docents were white. So, of course, they did a search for blacks willing and able to describe classic works of art to the museum's patrons. When none were found, all of the docents were fired and replaced with hand-held recordings.

Clearly, the dumbing down of America has been a complete success.

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I've always suspected birds (and Big Bird is a bird, so .... ). And, strawberries may claim to be BOC ("Berries of Color"), but they are white on the inside. Game over, strawberries. Out here on the Hawaiian islands, many native Hawaiians refer to themselves as kanaka or kanaka maoli. Better not tell them about the ice cream truck song.

"Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race"


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This is still one of the best master classes of the last 2 years


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It’s so emblematic of our topsy-turvy times that the only thing that isn’t racist is actually being racist.

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There was a fortuitous collision of critical theory trained radicals waiting for their chance to pounce, WEF globalists waiting to launch their Great Reset project, and Democrats on the ropes as Trump was attracting attention of minority voters that noted there might be better benefits than what the Democrats had been selling them for decades. The pandemic was their green light. But they needed a big media story to take it to the next level. There comes the George Floyd incident. A single cop encounter with a black suspect that went wrong... a couple of quick meetings with the trifecta cabal and a social networking memo to get their BLM and Antifa thugs on the streets... and the media falls in line to push the racism narrative.

And it continues today. It continues because it is really all they have. If minority voters really wake up to the damage being done by their alliance with the Democrats and their radical left and corporatism connections, the Democrats as a party are over. So the dishonest left-biased media and big tech keep up the lie. And yes, everything is racist. They need content to keep blasting on the airwaves and ether.

And did you know that claiming something isn't racist is racist!?

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Be careful Brad, compiling these examples could become a full-time occupation. There is just no end to the insanity as the leftists are always looking to outdo each other applying racism to anything and everything.

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Also, re Reni Eddo Lodge - she's not interested in dialogue. She's interested in compliance. And, since she's not particularly competent, when things go wrong, it's wypipo's fault.

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Kudos brad on this and your takedown of "cultural marxism" on the racket site. To be fair I think your critics are correct that your understanding of Marxism is in some ways flawed or incomplete. I do say that as a compliment though as it has been demonstrated to be a true Marxist and "really understand" Marxism, one most be completely fucked in the head. and you my friend are not that.

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You missed out that in the UK, the countryside is racist lol.


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Classical music is racist>

Just as Kathleen Battle and Denyce Graves

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Thank your for compiling this list. It should be shared far and wide to show all how ridiculous this has become.

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I'm almost afraid to look up the bird one. I try to keep in mind that generally the writer doesn't write the headline, the editor does, and their goal is clickbait. Still, the few of the stories I followed up on, the writing was also pretty egregious.

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I had to google a few of those headlines to figure out what the actual fuck. The chocolate duckling, for example. "Possibly" inspired by the classic tale of The Ugly Duckling? Really? Only "possibly"? I'm only surprised that the Crunchy and Fluffy self-identifiers didn't complain also.

People are jumping on the woke bandwagon because that almost guarantees your work will get published. Strain to make the most tenuous of connections…bingo, a sale.

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Reality is the new comedy. I read this with tears in my eyes, and not from sadness, but from laughing so hard! That, despite the fact that the “Scientific” American article ( the only one i managed to read in its entirety) was both so profoundly illogical and unscientific, and one of the best examples yet of how this pretend anti- racism hurts the very people it proposes to help.

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